
Mafia's enemy lover (18+)

Ashley_Acetan · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
34 Chs

chapter 12 :-

4 days later :-

It was Friday night.

Jimin was once again going through his father's stuff. He was reading each and everything with details which made him a bit tired .

When he grabbed a file , a letter fell down . He grabbed that letter.

'3,9,2018. To Boss , From :- YOUR ENEMY.'

At first he didn't take it serious but suddenly his mind clicks on that date which made him shocked to death. It was the same date as he find it in his laptop.He opened that letter.

It was written as:-

' hey my dear boy ! I don't know what made you mess with us. What you did , was not so good . But I am sliding this. Now I am giving you a chance. If you dare to mess with us again, I don't harm you because I know you're not afraid of hurting yourself. That's why I will make your favorite left hand subordinate's(Jimin's dad)life , a hell. It's because you always send him to us. So I chose your favorite underling Mr.pil .It's up to you now !'

My regards !

After reading this letter,he realize that this letter is not for his dad but it is actually sent to his husband.

A Warning Letter.

May be his dad didn't gave it to his boss.

Reading his father's name, made him realize that what if his husband is responsible for his father's death ? He was reading this letter again and again untill a strange sound caught his attention.

At first he ignored it but then he picked up everything and put them in his personal locker for safety and went towards the glass door which lead him to the balcony.

From here he can easily Hear the voice of someone's yelling, kicking and thudding.

Finding someone in danger, Jimin hurriedly went to the stairs and he runs towards the glass door.

As he knows that going outside is inhibited as for the outsider going inside is also inhibited but he decided to make a move. Then he open the glass door of hallway in front of the kitchen and went towards the poolside from where he walks towards the area under his balcony.

Little by little, he was moving towards the garage area.

It was all dark.

At first jimin was quite scared but then he got a little courage and he moved forward little by little until he took a step into the garage.

He was quite surprised by seeing his husband hitting another person who is binded with the chair. His mouth was almost covered with blood but his husband was hitting that person non stop. There were two subordinate standing beside Suga.

"Tell me , who sent you ? Although I know about that fucker but I want to confirm it. BARK!" Suga was yelling at him.

" N....no , I w.....on't tell .... You... J.. just.. ki.. lll .. m .... Me ...! "

Broken words came from his mouth. It was a middle aged man with fair complexion. He was wearing a black tuxedo like he is a subordinate or a bodyguard of a big shot.

"I won't kill you that easily. First I make your family suffer, just like your boss did to Mr. Pil . Then I'll cut both of your hands and fingers of your feet and set you free. So you'll become miserable. And then I'll see , which boss of you will help you . " Suga answered that man with kinda revengefull tone.

Then he turn around to Jackson and ask him " did you find something?"

At first, Jimin didn't understand what's going on but when he saw towards the direction where Jackson is sitting , his mouth almost dropped because a boy around 28 years , named as Jackson, was sitting there with Jimin's laptop. And searching something in it.

"Noo.." only these words come from his mouth. Listening this voice, Suga look behind. There he find his darling standing and looking frightenly at him.

Jimin takes a step back. Slowly, he took some more step back and runs toward the door from where he just came .

Seeing this, suga ordered his subordinate to continue the work and let them handle this mess.

" Jiminaa...Hey .....stop ....at least listen to my words first!!!"

Suga was running behind jimin, shouting his name , in order to stop him but jimin was running too fast that he reaches the room first and locked himself .

He was crying badly. So what if his thoughts were right??

So, did his husband sent his men to stole his belongings?

Jimin's mind click on something.

'oh that's why he borrowed my laptop. But when I took it back, he stole it. Cheapster. ' thoughts are thoughts . No one can control that.

Suga captured someone and beat the crap out of him. Jimin knows that there must be a reason behind it but why he couldn't help himself and stop crying.

Yet he find out that Jimin sees everything. what if he also do something like that with him just to shut his mouth?

Jimin's thoughts were messing with him.

Outside Suga was waiting for Jimin to open the door. He knocked twice but Jimin couldn't respond.

So Suga make a room for himself on the couch , had a mug of coffee and wait for his dear little husband inside the room to fell asleep. He was chilling like he knows what to do.

Meanwhile Jimin become over sensitive . He couldn't help himself . He started crying out of fear he was afread that what if his husband beat him as well just like he was beating the other guy from the garage?

His thoughts were messing with him. There was several things that were come to his mind. The fear of losing someone is again covering him up.

He don't want to lose someone who is close to him after his father.

what should he do?

Should he just let it slide or should he ask Suga to clear everything?

He was afraid for a moment he was sitting right beside the door on the floor.

Due to crying, he did not realize that he fell asleep on the floor.

When he woke up , he found his husband sleeping in a sitting position right beside him. Which made his heart race .

Jimin doesn't know why but he felt warmth of someone's existence.

That's the feeling, he had always waiting for.

He wants to enjoy that feeling so much .

So he stared at Suga without any hesitation.

He stared at him almost for 20 minutes when Suga slightly move and opened his eyes.

Jimin quickly close his eyes but Suga already saw that.

"Stop staring at me, or else you'll get pregnant!" Suga said in a deep sleepy voice.

" What nonsense..... If I am staring at you then you should get pregnant... Why me ?"

At first Jimin didn't think before speaking. But afterwards he realized what he said .

On the other hand, Jimin's words, made Suga's eyes wide open. He sit in a shocked position and looked at Jimin with full attention.

"So if you're this much upto being pregnant, why don't we try it out . Hnn .... ?" Suga bend towards Jimin and teased him with full sexy seductive tone which make Jimin's body shivers head to toe.

"What the fuck ..... " Jimin stopped him by putting both his hands on Suga's chest .

" Ok exactly. I know you don't know about Fuck and so you're asking me. Ok! I'll define it ... but practically. Ok ? "

Suga with a Savage reply.

It was hard for Suga to back of now .

At first, he was teasing Jimin but now he was in need. So he tried to make a move.

He slightly bend towards Jimin's face and catch his hairs in his own hand.

When he saw that Jimin didn't resist him so he slowly move his narrow lips towards Jimin's fluffy lips and slightly peck them. The slight and gentle peck is now turning into a deep kiss .

Both were almost lost into each other's warmth of intimacy.

When Suga suddenly felt Jimin's face is wet .

He slightly opened his eyes.

He saw that Jimin's face was covered with tears. He hardly controlled himself and back off. While Jimin couldn't get out of the feel yet. Suga gave him some time and then say "I am sorry.!"

He was looking in the air while Jimin was looking at his face .

Saying this Suga got up from the bed and went to his office room.

While Jimin didn't even understand the situation.