
Madness For Love

Emma, the only heiress of the Torress clan, had been confined to her palace since her mother's murder. She blamed herself for that, and her father also held her responsible. Her brother unknowingly chooses just to watch. Had no reason to live, just as Emma considered ending it all, a mysterious hand pulled her back from the brink with a kiss in the dark. Years later, Emma began sneaking out while keeping her true identity hidden. Among her classmates, for disguise she lets them believe she is an idiotic mask girl. Everything was well hidden until she met Xavier, the university's popular boy who took an interest in her from 1st day. Knowing her true identity Xavier desired to make Emma his minion. Soon, Emma found herself being bullied by Xavier's demands. However, who would have thought, that a single tear from Emma would turn Master into servant instead? Later Xavier saw the extent of Emma's suffering and regretted his harsh treatment towards the woman he loved. He realized that in the moments when she needed him most, he had only been amplifying her suffering. Her silent tears and weary eyes now screamed at him, a haunting reminder of his failures. --- In a dim, dusty room, Xavier gently held Emma's face, their foreheads touching as his blue eyes met her brown ones. "Let me go!" Emma trembled. "Believe me, love, you wouldn't want that," he smirked. "Xavier, you shouldn't doubt my resolve. Don't test me," she warned. Xavier chuckled softly. "Nowhere am I mistaken about you, baby. I know very well what you are capable of. But you still have to cooperate with me. And you know that too." Before Emma could respond, their lips met a fierce collision of desperation and defiance, sealing their fates in a kiss that tasted of tears and unspoken fears. ---- Hiding herself every day, she believed everything would eventually return to normal. But who could have predicted that she would be struck by her nemesis when she least expected it?

P8_A2_S9 · Masa Muda
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29 Chs

We Met-2

"Excuse me, can you please shift your stuff to your side? I need a seat over here," Emma said politely.

Xavier unhurriedly looked up at the girl. That strange girl had skin as fair as snow, a pleasantly small face, and a pair of big, expressive eyes. Her eyelashes fluttered like a deer in headlights but strangely she was glaring at him too.

She had a pair of extremely gorgeous almond eyes where the inner corners were pointy and the outer corners were slightly lifted upwards. Her eyes looked clean and clear. Her pupils were dark and deep like the night, adding a touch of coldness to them.

More than half of her face was covered with her black cap and black mask. She was wearing big baggy clothes that looked like a rug on her body.

Although he wasn't able to see her face or any expression, he somehow knew that she was different from the other girls in the room. Those eyes that were staring at him were anything but vulgar or materialistic. And not to forget, very familiar.

He smoothly took his file from the couch and shifted it to the coffee table in front of them. Looking in front of the glass, Xavier vividly followed Emma's reflection as she took her seat before going back to play with his mobile.

As soon as others saw that action of his, they all got annoyed and started throwing imaginary daggers at Emma. However, Emma was ignorant of such jealousy behind her.

She easily took her seat beside him. It was a big couch for two people, both very much comfortable in their own spaces. However, apart from them, all the other girls in the room were very much uncomfortable with that picture.

Time passed eventually. Turn by turn, the room got emptied. Only one or two people were left apart from Emma and Xavier. After ten minutes of her arrival, Emma was drinking her coffee when she got a call from Kai.

The sound of her ring unconsciously attracted Xavier's attention. Giving one unbothered look at her cell phone, he looked away.

Placing her file on the table, Emma connected the call. From the other side, Kai bombarded her with questions and comments, but Emma responded with a simple hum to each inquiry.

In the end, Kai conceded defeat and impatiently pressed about her whereabouts, prompting Emma to finally speak up.

Though reluctant, she provided him with the necessary information before ending the call. As she looked up, the glass before her seemed nothing special until she sensed the cold, lazy gaze that followed her every move.

Their eyes met briefly. In that fleeting moment, Xavier quickly averted his gaze.

Emma cast a sidelong glance at the man beside her before ignoring their millisecond interaction.

All this time, Xavier was unknowingly displaying a heightened level of interest in Emma. Although he rarely cared about others, Emma's eyes unknowingly intrigued him. He had encountered many girls in the past—some interested in looks, others seeking fame or money. Every gaze conveyed their desires, but Emma's eyes revealed nothing but emptiness. Those eyes not only looked strange but also felt oddly familiar to his heart.

With a grunt, Xavier decided to ignore her and not waste his time on a stranger.

Within a few minutes, Kai entered the room. Walking directly towards Emma, he immediately asked, "What are you doing here?"

As soon as Kai walked in, he captured the attention of the other two students and Xavier as well. Xavier glanced up in confusion, wondering why the man was approaching him until he realized Kai was speaking to the girl seated beside him.

Meanwhile, Emma scanned the room, finding no familiar faces among her classmates she replied to Kai. "You know things are getting serious; I wanted to see if they could give me an open admission instead,"

"Have you lost your mind? You worked hard for this day," Kai retorted aggressively.

Xavier glanced sideways at the girl. He didn't understand what was happening, but he sensed the gravity of the situation between them. Observing how unfazed the girl was by his presence, Xavier grew more curious. Not only did the girl ignore him, but even the newly arrived boy seemed to disregard his existence.

However, understanding that their conversation might be private, Xavier stood up to give the couple some space.

Emma slouched back on the couch. She didn't know what she was doing either, but she was scared of worrying her family too much. She didn't want to hurt her father by risking her life again. However, she couldn't bear to be confined in that palace any longer. It was way too tough for her to breathe in there.

Looking down at her fingers, she refused to answer Kai's question because not even the gods would know the right answer to her problems.

Observing her behavior, Kai discerned what was going on inside her head. Ignoring her reluctance, he commanded, "Get up."

Emma remained silent, not lifting her gaze.

"I said get up, Emma," Kai repeated firmly.


Taking one deep breath in annoyance, Kai bent down and retrieved the brown envelope from the table before leaving. Emma watched him walk away. Normally, she would have called out to him and stopped him, but today she desired something different. From the very start, she had wished for Kai to intervene instead. She wasn't ready to give up now, not after coming this far with her facade.

Rising from the couch, she sighed deeply before trailing after Kai outside the room.

Once they had departed, Xavier returned to his couch. Shortly after, it was his turn. Gathering his files and the brown envelope from the top, he exited the room.

Heading to the administrative block, Xavier handed over the documents of Albie and Mason to the worker. Since his secretary had already completed most of the work, Xavier only needed to submit the final documents.

After completing his tasks, Xavier handed over his brown envelope containing his college forms and documents to obtain his ID card.

But when the man at the administration window checked the envelope, he became confused.

"Whose documents does this belong to?" he asked.

"To me. Xavier Adkins," Xavier replied.

"I think there's a problem here. These papers belong to Emma Torres, not Xavier Quinn," the man said, passing the documents back to Xavier for a recheck.

Xavier's brows furrowed in confusion. Slowly, he took the envelope back and checked inside. As he removed the papers, he read the name on the document: "Emma Torres."

[Emma Torres]

'Emma Torres? Who is that?' Xavier speechlessly looked at the documents. 'How did I get her form? No, wait! Where is my form!!??'