
Madara Uchiha Multiverse traveling

What would happen if Madara was to be reincarnated into Highschool dxd with his own powers and more, Vector manipulation, Thunder breathing ( Demon Slayer ) and a with a powerful mother

Uriel_et_teneberis · Komik
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11 Chs

Filler chapter ( Comedy )

Roshi : You will never know the true power of boobs . Anyway I welcome you to my humble abode , make yourself at home.

He said while still drunk. He stood up and went to the toilet.

Izuna : Hey Madara , isn't that a dead decapitated body. " Izuna pointed to a decapitated man still fresh from blood.

Madara : Shut up brother , I want to live.

Izuna : I've got a plan, we dose sleeping pills to the alcohol then get the fuck out of here.

( Three minutes later )

Roshi : So there I was back to back with Jesus.... never have I seen a man throw a Sandal so fast.

Madara : Are you feeling ok Roshi ?

Roshi : Of course I am , what about your brother

* snore

Madara : ( Damn it , I shouldn't have trusted a drug addict to do the job , I mean he was smoking weed a few minutes ago. )

I woke Izuna up.

Roshi : Give some few minutes please.

Roshi got outside.

Madara : The old man doesn't seem so bad , he is just a lonely old man .

( outside )

Vegeta rose from his dug pit still dizzy.

"Vegeta : Where am I ?

Roshi gets out of the house with his staff.

Roshi : You little shit , who told you to get out of your grave.

Roshi started beating the living shit out of Vegeta

( Meanwhile inside )

Madara : The old man doesn't seem so bad , he is just a lonely old man .

( Outside )

Roshi takes a chainsaw and starts tearing poor Vegeta's limbs .

( Inside )

Izuna : Eh your probably right .

A/ N : There's a fucking mirror behind you and you can't see it or hear the old man committing a murder . Am done with this shit ( Jumps from the 30 story building )

RIP Author .