
Chapter 7: Che Hae-In!

"Now that everything is here, shall we start our dance too!"

The instant madara declared his so-called dance the boss monster guards jumped at me that were his side the whole time.

In their hands their massive weapons just like their bodies, their armors were different from the other monster, anyone can see and deduce they were stronger from other monsters.

While they were fiercely swinging their weapons on madara, he was just casually dodging them with chakra rods in his both hands.

His clones were fighting other monsters, while some were protecting hunters from monsters that were targeting them.

His clones, though weaker than him, were efficiently killing those monsters pretty easily, they were still not using susanoo yet.

Madara while dodging the four guards faced himself with a fire dragon just a little bit far away from him, it was not an actual dragon but a fire dragon.

The boss monster was casting his magic from his usual place while standing this time, but madara like previously, just absorbed the fire dragon with his hand.

"I don't like fighting mindless beast, I clearly remember that I already told you that this types of attacks won't work on me," madara said this as he was still doing the attacks and was in mid air and while doing this he shot out a chakra rod at terrifying speed toward the boss monster head.

Boss monster seeing this instantly casted his protection magic, "HYHM of protection"

A lump of ice emerged from nothing as it protected the chakra rod madara threw towards him, but it still cracked that ice lump.

"Well it still can protect you though," madara exclaimed, as he turned his attention to the other four monsters that were attacking him, he created another chakra rods from his hands, and threw them towards the four guards under him.

While two of them dodged by seeing it, the other two were not that lucky as their head got pierced with a hit, but others didn't escape that easily, one guard hand and other leg got pierced with it.

And just after a few seconds their stamina or their energy got depleted so fast that they were struggling to even stand up, they got in their kneeling position as they took support from their weapon of their own body.

They weren't even able to take out the chakra rods from their body, and just like that madara created another two chakra rods from hands and instantly pierced their heads.

The four guards died without even scratching madara body, while not even 30 seconds had passed when they entered the fight.

Their bodies fell on the ground, blood leaking from their bodies.

"Now it's your turn, you filthy monster."



Madara now was facing the boss monster himself alone but he was not feeling anything other than just wanting to fight him as soon as possible

"A magician, from what I can tell you are weak physically if you are a magician huh! And now you don't even have your guards with you," madara pointed at the four monster bodies behind him mockingly and taunting him.

"And your guards," he looked around, "well, they will not be alive for too long." Madara clones were finishing those monsters as rapidly as they could without holding back.

Some were just physically fighting them as they explode those monster heads with just a single punch while others plunge their hand in their chest directly crushing their hearts.

Truly a horrible battlefield with blood everywhere, and a grotesque scene.

The boss monster rise up from his seat and gritted his teeth, as he roaringly shooted at madara, "you bastard human, no… you are not human are you? But don't worry… I will be playing with your blood soon as I kill you with my own hand."

"Huh! A threat and to me ha ha ha ha, a petty threat from a weak monster, I don't know how to react to this."

"Rubbish and just rubbish, and me Kargalan, WEAK… don't get too cocky just because i played with you a little bit." The boss monster crushes the ground beneath him as his rage takes over him as he casts many spells at the same time.





A purple magic exploded around him as his body began to change and markings in his body began to glow too. His body gradually changed and got bigger and bigger than the last time every passing moment.

The boss monster body was now that of a size of a giant with his massive body, as he gradually walked towards madara with his giant like body.

And finally reaching madara position, at first he didn't attack as he looked down at madara with his massive body and grinning like a monster which was about to step on a giant.



Cha Hae-In just came running in the dungeon when she thought something was wrong and on top of that someone was in the dungeon she was keeping a very close eye on.

She didn't encounter any monsters in the dungeon where she just came from, she found some but they were all just corpses.

She realised that something was very… wrong in this dungeon, she ran and runn coming across a gate that was destroyed and a few monsters ripped apart as they were on the ground, their blood on the floor.

And then she walked forward to witness a scene that she wouldn't have believed if she did hear it from someone, she would have believed it but not completely.

And then this was not an A or B rank dungeon but all the way up to S rank, she was high orcs fighting against many same looking guy, but what was unbelievable was monsters were not at the advantage despite their number being in the few thousands.

But all the same looking guy was slaughtering the high orcs without even sweating a single sweat or any hesitation. Many of them were using some other skills like where a blue humanoid and skeleton-like substance surrounding them were killing monsters.

Monster tried to fight but either they dodged the strike or they just got their heart pierced before that or their head was blown by the many guys. And in the middle was a same looking guy with a giant high orc, possibly a boss monster looking down on the same person.

And then there were her guild members being protected by the same looking person but ten of those were protecting them, and behind them was she was keeping an eye on, with nothing but a porter bag on his back and observing the situation.

In this grand and slaughterhouse she just utter those words, "What The Hell Is Happening Here?!"