
Madara’s EMS in dxd

Caftsman · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
2 Chs

Chapter 1: New world

As I enter the portal, I was instantly blinded and closed my eyes. After a few seconds, I slowly open my eyes to see I'm in a room that's not mine. I see on an desk there's a note on it and it reads

Dear Lance,

This is the home I was talking about. Sadly I couldn't give you a family, so, you'll have to make your own. On the bottom draw, there's a wallet and a credit card in it. It contains 5 billion so don't worry about running out of money. I've prepared your uniform so you'll start in 2 months. Well, enjoy your mansion and I've also set up a training room in the basement and not even great red can destroy it so don't worry about going all out cause once your in there, no one can sense your power. That's all I have for you, enjoy your new life.



Heh, he didn't even write his name down. After finishing the letter, I burned it so no one can find out I was from another world. I went on the internet and started purchasing stuff like crazy. First, I went and bought a console with a shit load of games. They will be coming in next week. Second, I bought a months worth of groceries. They'll be arriving in a few days. I also checked to see what kind of anime's they have and I found out they had a ton of different anime's. I'm soo gonna binge watch these in my free time. After surfing the web for a few hours, i went to look around the house and it was MASSIVE! Heck, it had its own basket ball court. And if I were to count every room, there were at least 50. So, deciding I'm not gonna live in this big ass house myself, I went back on the web and posted a "Hiring maids. No experience needed. I will provide food and shelter. If interested, come to *insert address. Pay is $1200 weekly." After sending that, I went to down the basement to train.

As I was walking down the basement with my gym clothes, I hear the door rang. Wondering who it was, I jogged to the front door and opened it. I was confused to see 3 girls who were smiling. They saw my confused face so the brown hair one spoke quickly

" Hi! My name is Eri, the blue hair one is Mae and the shy one is katsuki. We are here for a job, are you still hiring? "

Huh? I just sent that application 10 minutes ago and there's already people here? Shaking my head, as I look to the girls and said in a emotionless tone

Lance: " Yes, I'm still hiring, all you have to is keep the house clean "

Mae smirks and grabs ahold of my arms and shoves in it her assets while she whispers in a sultry tone in my ear " we can do so much more than cleaning M~A~S~T~E~R~ " *licks ear

I sent her a fierce glare as she lets go of my arm. However, she is still smiling which irritates me.

Eri: Speaks in a nervous tone " sorry about my friend, she always does this to guys who are cute. Please forgive her " she bows her head. I sigh, these girls are gonna be a pain in the ass. So I told them in a cold tone

Lance: " As long as you do your job, I don't care. I will take you to your rooms. Follow me.

As we were walking I hear the girl named katsuki gasp in excitement

Katsuki: " wow! This house I really huge mister! And these statues are very cute! Especially this hors-OMG!, YOU EVEN HAVE YOUR OWN SWEET STORE!!?! "

A minute ago, she was looking down being all nervous and shit, now she's acting like a child who was just asked by their parents they can have any toy they want.

Eri: " Your right, this house is really big. I can see why you were hiring maids " eri tells me while walking to my side.

Mae: " So handsome~ where's your family? On a business trip?

Lance: " They died when I was 4. Been alone every since " I told her immediately.

Mae: " oh.... I'm sorry.... I didn't know " spoke in a sad tone. Hell, even Eri looked at me like some lost puppy.

Lance: " Don't worry, it happened a long time ago " trying to ease the atmosphere.

Lance: " These are your rooms. I'll transfer the payment once I'm done training. If you need me, I'll be in the basement " I smile at them. I don't need your pity. That seem to have done it cause their back to their usual state.

Eri: " Sure! We'll do our best Master Lance! "

Mae: " If you need some stress relief, I'm always free master~ "

Katsuki: " I'll do my best too Master! " spoke in a happy tone. Weird how her shyness went away....

As I enter the training room,the room was REALLY large like, it could fit at lest 1000 people but what disappointed me was that it was empty. I was going to leave when I saw a control panel with words like "Battle Stimulation" or "Gym". Curiosity hit me and I flipped the switch that said gym. The suddenly empty room was filled with gym equipment, boxing bags, basically anything that will up my strength, it's here. I flipped it again and it disappeared. I thought to myself 'this is really cool! I wonder what this one does' I pressed the the "Battle Stimulation" and I was transported in a Forrest? I know I'm still in the room because I don't feel the rain that's falling on me. However, I see a horde of skeletons running towards me. Thinking that it's fake, I just stood still, however, when it's fist hit my stomach, I felt like I was gonna puke!


I didn't have the chance to think when another came slashing his sword towards me. I quickly duck his attack, but that proved to be wrong as it kicked my chest.

I lost my balance and fell to the floor. It went to lunge his sword at me so I rolled out the way.

Lance: ' Damn! This is too hard! Got no choice!' I activated my sharingan. My black eyes turned into a red with 3 coma's on each side. Everything felt slow. I could see the skeletons attack so easily! I sidestepped his overhead attack, he then went for a shoulder charge but I already saw it coming! I rolled to right and then punched its ribs. It exploded on impact.Thank you superhuman strength. However, before I got the chance to celebrate, I was then surrounded by them. They all charged at me but before their swords could impale me, a blue rib cage surrounded me as my eyes turned turned into madara's EMS.

Lance: 'nice! This really is the ultimate defence! Now, let's try out a jutsu!'

I jumped at least 10 feet and did the hand signs so fast it was blur! I didn't even know I could to that!


A fireball the size of a truck flew out of my mouth and exploded on the horde as a huge cloud of dust covered my vision. As I landed, I was out of breathe and could barely move! My sharingan returned to its normal state as I fell on my ass. As I was catching my breathe, I herd a notification

[ Congratulations, host has completed level 1! Does host wish to go to level 2?]

Lance: *inhale, exhale. " no " *inhale, exhale

[Returning host to starting ground]

The forest I was in returned to its former appearance.

Lance: " that was..... terrifying " I said to my self wiping the sweat of my forehead. I then left the room to take a shower.

Time skip 15 minutes~

As I was done showering,i went to my computer to transfer the money. Once that was done, I put some regular clothes on and headed downstairs. When I went to the kitchen, I saw Eri cooking dinner. When she noticed me, she waved and said to me in a cheery voice

Eri: " Master Lance! I was just about to get you! Come sit, dinners ready! " she then yells


" OK! "


As we were all sat together, we all dug in and WOW! THIS FOOD IS AMAZING!

I told her In a somewhat happy tone

Lance: " This food is really good. I'm impressed. " I couldn't help but smile cause it was just that good!

That seemed to have set her mood cause her smile brightened up. As we were all eating happily, I started to think to myself 'is this what it feels like to have a family? This feeling... it's nice.' I then swore to myself even tho I just met these girls, I will protect them with my life!

Once were all done eating, I helped with the dishes. They tried to send me off but I sent them a glare saying 'im staying'. Once that was done I said goodnight to them and went back to room. I dolphin dived on me bed and grabbed my phone. I put my head phones in and started playing music. I started to think about the events that happened. Me dying, getting powers, I just wish this all wasn't a dream. My eyes started to feel heavy and I then fell asleep.

Next morning~

As the sun started to shine on my face, I yawned and slowly opened my eyes. Once I sat up, I did a long stretch and jumped of my bed. Going in my bathroom, doing the usual, I was then greeted by katsuki out my door.

Katsuki: " Good morning mast-

I held up my hand and said with a smile

Lance: " no need just call me Lance ok. I told you last night. "

Katsuki replied: " of course.... L.....Lance. "

I chuckle at her as I pat her head. I then asked

" So, what are you doing here? "

She was too immersed by my head patting that she didn't hear me. I then karate chop her head. Giving her a bump.

Katsuki: " OW! " she starts to rub her head and mutters 'meanie' " oh sorry! I came to tell you that breakfast is ready! " she says with a smile. I never really got a look at her and I'm stunned. Her face is a cute round race, small nose with thin eyebrows, coupled with purple short hair that reaches to her ears. Her eyes were beautiful, they were like that of the galaxy, purple with a shade of white on the bottom. Her bosom was at least 36D with a slender waist and wide hips. Not to mention her legs were long and pale. She was a beauty. Apparently I was staring too much cause I can see her face blushing like a storm. I coughed

Lance: " shall we go? "

Katsuki: " ye...yes " she was blushing like crazy but she then returned to her normal state making me breath in relief.

As we both enter the kitchen, we greeted with pancakes, sausages, bacon, egg, and waffles.

Eri: " Morning Mast- She sees my glare. " Morning Lance, how'd you sleep? " she smiles. " I slept good thank you. Is breakfast ready? "

Eri: " yes! Come sit. Katsuki, go get Mae "

Katsuki: " Ok! " she starts skipping. Too cute.

When katsuki and Mae arrived, we all started to eat this heaven defying food.

Mae breaks the silence by asking me " so lance, what are gonna do today? "

Lance: " hmmm, I was gonna go check the town since I'm new around here" I said while chewing on a sausage.

Mae: replies happily " well I could take you! I know this place like the back of my hand! " she then scoots closer and tells me in a sexy tone " Maybe after that we could do something fun~ "

Eri: " can't you see you're annoying him you bimbo " she says why sipping her coffee

Mae's eyes start to twitch, then smiles and says " what's this? Jealous because I got boobs and all you have is a chopping board. " As if to prove her statement, she started to message her breast.

Eri is furious and starts pointing at Mae



Before the situation escalated quickly, I raised my voice making them stop


" sorry "

" hehe, sorry "

Once we finish breakfast, I told Mae to get ready. I went in to my room and put on a white shirt with a brown leather jacket. Blue jeans and white vans. It was also sunny so I put on a pair of shades. I was waiting for Mae when she came out with a simple white shirt that hugged her chest, a bracelet on her left hand. Ripped jeans and some white converse's.

Lance: " ready? "

She nods her head and runs to my side.

As we enter the town, I told her I wanted to get a car so she to took me to a dealership.

As we enter we were greeted by a male that looks to be in his 30s with short brown hair.

Max: " Hello sir, my name is max, what can I help you with? " I shake his hand and replied with an emotionless tone

" My name is Lance and I want something fast. Don't worry about how money it is. I can pay "

Once I said that, stars started to shine in his eyes as he dragged me to the sports car section.

He was telling me all these cars but I wasn't interested in any. That's when I saw her. It was orange and I could just imagine my self in it. Max saw my gaze and told me

" Ah, the Mclaren 600LT it can-

I cut him off mid sentence. " I'll take it "

Max hesitated cause this car cost at least 500k, he didn't think this guy could afford it judging by his clothing so he replied

" sir, I don't think you know how much this cost " I just glare at him making sweat. I pull out my black credit card make his eyes bludge.


" Are you gonna take it or what? " I said in a bored tone.

Max: " R...Right away sir " he bows and runs to his office.

A few minutes later, he comes out with slightly overweight male who looks to be in his 50s.

Jack: " haha, greetings sir and madam. My name is jack lores and I'm the owner of this place. I heard from max that you wish to purchase the Mclaren correct? "

I just nod my head.

Jack: " Well sir, here's my business card. " I put in my pocket. " since this is your first time buying here, where offering 20% discount to you? Is sir ok with that? "

I reply " Un, I'll be purchasing a few cars in the near future. Will it be possible to get a driver to drive it my house " I ask with one eyebrow raised.

Jack: " Of course! Of course! Anything for you! Anyways, I'll best be on my way, have a good day sir, madam. " I place my card back in my wallet as max hands me my keys.

Max " drive safe sir " he shows his goofy


I ask Mae who is the passenger seat smiling happily

Lance: " oi Mae, can you take me to Kuoh academy? "

Mae: " yeah I'll take you. "

I follow Mae direction and we finally made it. It looks exactly like the in the anime. I couldn't help but whistle

Lance: " this impressive "

Mae just rolls her eyes and says " oh please, your house is bigger than this. Not to mention better. " I chuckle " hehe, your not wrong on that one "

Mae asks me " so, this your new school or something? "

Lance: " yeah, My third year. Anyways, let's go get something to eat " she hummed in excitement as I drove off to get a meal.

Time skip 2 hours~

After bringing Mae home in a car, the two girls swarmed me asking when can they get a turn. I told them I'll take them out when I'm free. They nodded in excitement as Mae told them about our "date". I just change into my gym clothes and proceed to walk to my training room. Oh, I forgot to mention we went to the movies and watched a martial arts movie. I used my sharingan to copy all its techniques, and I shouldn't be a rookie like last time. I press the "Battle Stimulation" the system or A.I started talking.

[Welcome back, would you like to continue to level 2]

I simply replied with " Yes " as my surroundings started to change. This time, it wasn't a forest but a village. And I see my enemies are zombies. Ok, sounds easy enough. This time, I'm not gonna use sharingan, so it's gonna be a lil difficult. I race to the zombie and roundhouse kick it's head off. Man I love this super strength. I hear a moan from behind and 3 zombies are running towards me. The zombie tries to slash me but I duck and did a sweep kick, dropping him on the floor. I then stomp on its head crushing its skull. The second zombie lunges at me but I lean my body backwards, making it miss me. I then raise my left leg and kicked its head when it was still in mid air killing it in the process. I then ran towards the zombie and super man punched him. Once he died, the ground started to rumble as 100s of zombies started to rush me. A cold smile forms on my face as I activated my sharingan. 'Hehe, my martial arts improved big time thanks to my sharingan! Now, let test this baby out! I ran at the horde, I started to use one bans ability "Hunter fest" once I said those words, the zombies that were charging at me were slowing down. I was gained a huge power bonus as I pulled my fist back and punched the ground as I hard as I could " AHHHHH! "

*BOOM cracks started to form in the ground till It started to break as the zombies fell. I instantly jumped back. A few seconds of seeing no other zombies coming, i form a bunch of hands signs. I took a huge breath


As the name implies, I burned down the zombies until they turned to ashes. I then hear a notification

[ Congratulations! Host has completed level 2! Proceed to next level?]

I answer yes

[ Host is now entering next level. Please stand by ] My surroundings are then change to a desert and giant scorpions charge at me. I activate my sharingan charging at the scorpions.

Time skip 6 hours~

*Pant *Pant *Pant 'finally! It's over!' As the last Minotaur falls to ground, I hear the A.I

[ Congratulations! Host has completed level 45! Does host wish to enter next level? ]

I finally catch my breath as I answer no

[ Returning to starting area ]

The area changes to the empty room as I exit the building to have a shower. I hear a knock on my and it's katsuki telling me dinner is ready. I told her I'll be there in a sec. drying my self off, I put on a tank top and some shorts as I race down stairs.

I see them waiting patiently.

Lance: " sorry for the wait guys "

Girls: " it's ok "

As we finish our dinner, it's the same as last time. I wash, Eri drys, katsuki packs it away while Mae cleans the table. Once where done, I tell them good night as I return to my room.

Just 5 months.... then I'll finally start this story. But until then, i smile at the 3 girls that are slowly opening my heart. I sleep peaceful.