
Madame Masquerade

Madame Masquerade—a guardian of secrets and a hunter of unfaithful hearts. Annie, an innocent 23-year-old, is an architect in the morning but at night she is "Madame Masquerade" as an infidelity investigator...

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6 Chs

Chapter 5

Leo scanned the room, a practised smile on his face, as he announced, "Samantha takes the lead!" The room remained silent, devoid of applause, except for Samantha herself, who rose from her seat, hooting for her success. Annie and Fabian exchanged a knowing glance, sensing the undercurrents at play.

Leo, seemingly unperturbed by the lack of enthusiasm, extended his congratulations to Samantha. Her excitement bubbled over as she went in for an exuberant hug. Leo caught off guard, and stammered, "Samantha, as thrilled as you are, this is highly unprofessional."

Undeterred, Leo continued, revealing the other names. "In the second place, Fabian. And in third place, Annie." The atmosphere remained tense as Leo prepared to dismiss the gathering.

Emi Vargas entered the room, injecting a new energy. He unveiled a surprise—two designs would be proposed to the client. Leo, puzzled, questioned the feasibility of his current team. Emi, with a twinkle in his eye, dropped the bombshell, "There will be a new team, led by Enrique."

At the mention of Enrique's name, Annie's body reacted with a mixture of anticipation and uncertainty. Without understanding why, she expected to see the face she had encountered at the club. At that very moment, Enrique entered the room, and Emi introduced him to the others.

Leo, visibly disappointed, exclaimed, "Dad, Enrique has never taken on such a job. Is it wise to deal with potential clients like this?" Emi remained silent, promising to discuss it later.

Enrique's eyes found Annie and a strange tension hung in the air. Breaking the silence, Enrique began, "Hello everyone! As my father said I am Enrique Vargas. I have finished my Civil Engineering at Cornell, I am 26 years old, and ready to found a confident team..." He turned to Leo, a mocking grin on his face. "My dear brother, I am more capable than you can think."

Annie, uncertain of how to feel, listened as Enrique inquired with Mr Conrad about the other four team members. Anxiety gripped her as she hoped Enrique wouldn't include her. Despite her wish, Enrique chose both Annie and Fabian.

After everyone left Fabian and Annie were called to Enrique's office. 

In Enrique's office, the air was charged with a subtle tension as Fabian and Annie took their seats. The room, spacious yet meticulously organized, reflected Enrique's attention to detail. It was a space that always seemed to have room for Enrique, even if he had never given much thought to his father's business before.

Enrique, leaning against his desk with a confident demeanour, regarded Fabian and Annie. His eyes, though analytical, held a spark of curiosity. "Welcome to the new team," he said, breaking the silence that lingered after everyone else had left.

Fabian, eager and a bit nervous, responded first, "Thanks, Mr Vargas. Excited to be a part of this."

"You guys can call me Enrique, no need for formalities." he flashed his charming smile.

Annie, still uncertain about the unexpected turn of events, nodded in agreement. "Yes, thank you for considering us."

Enrique, with a faint smile, acknowledged their gratitude. "I've chosen both of you for a reason. I see potential, and I believe we can create something remarkable together."

As he spoke, Enrique's eyes seemed to linger on Annie for a moment longer. The unspoken tension from the earlier gaze in the conference room echoed in the quietude of his office. Fabian, sensing the undercurrents, glanced at Annie, exchanging a subtle look that conveyed shared uncertainty.

Enrique leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms. "I know this might be unexpected, but I assure you, I'm here to build a team that can outshine even the most established ones in this business."

Fabian, ever the optimist, chimed in, "We're up for the challenge. Just tell us what needs to be done."

Enrique nodded appreciatively. "Good. I have high expectations, and I believe in pushing boundaries." he looked at Annie, "We'll start by brainstorming ideas tomorrow. Get some rest tonight; it's going to be a demanding journey."

As Annie approached the door, Enrique's voice stopped her in her tracks. "Annie, could you stay for a moment?" he requested, his eyes holding a hint of intrigue. Annie, somewhat surprised, nodded and closed the door behind her.

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