
Madame Masquerade

Madame Masquerade—a guardian of secrets and a hunter of unfaithful hearts. Annie, an innocent 23-year-old, is an architect in the morning but at night she is "Madame Masquerade" as an infidelity investigator...

Annie_Reeds · perkotaan
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6 Chs

Chapter 1

The bathroom door groaned as Rheanne stepped in, her nervous energy palpable. Annie, perched on the toilet lid, clutched a pregnancy kit like a lifeline. The atmosphere was thick with unspoken tension.

Annie's heavy sigh filled the room, prompting Rheanne to kneel beside her. Without a word, Annie handed over the pregnancy kit. The result flashed positive, and Annie's tears spilt over. In that vulnerable moment, Rheanne wrapped her arms around her friend, offering silent comfort.

In the quiet aftermath, Annie spoke softly, "What am I going to do, Rheanne?"

Rheanne, her voice steady, replied, "We'll figure it out, Annie. Together."

Rewinding the clock by a year and a half, the scene shifted. Rheanne, holding a pregnancy kit, stood in the familiar bathroom, and Annie leaned against the sink. Relief washed over them as the result turned out negative.

Annie grinned, "Close call, huh?"

Rheanne chuckled, "Yeah, no kidding."

Annie, with a playful glint in her eye, warned, "But that doesn't mean you get a free pass for reckless adventures, my wild child."

Rolling her eyes, Rheanne shot back, "Yes, MOM."


As Rheanne and Annie left the bathroom, the weight of the positive pregnancy test hung in the air. They returned to the living room, where friends were laughing and music filled the space. 

As Rheanne and Annie continued their conversation in the quiet corner, Rheanne's concern for Annie's well-being and the unborn child was evident. The revelation that Annie had decided not to inform the baby's father about the pregnancy added another layer to the complexity of the situation.

Rheanne, with a furrowed brow, asked, "Annie, are you sure about not telling him? It's his child too."

Annie, resolute, shook her head. "Rheanne, you know what he put me through. I can't trust him, and I don't want him in our child's life. This is my decision, and I'm keeping the baby."

Rheanne, sensing the depth of Annie's conviction, nodded in understanding.