
love mark

City Lord Mo materialized inside his room, the air crackling faintly with residual energy as he appeared in a swirl of mist. Before he left, he had confirmed that nothing was wrong with Mo Kai; if anything, he was receiving an opportunity. The old man's divine essence was remodeling his body, a process fraught with risks considering the fragility of the life crystals in this world. Mo Kai's life crystals had broken when the old man isolated his spirit, a testament to the delicate balance of cultivation.

Sitting in silence, City Lord Mo surveyed his chamber, which had been restored to its pristine state. Not a single piece of furniture was out of place, yet his brow remained locked in a deep frown. Deep thoughts brewed within him, a cacophony of doubts and unanswered questions threatening to overwhelm him. But amidst it all, one question loomed largest: the surrealism of what had transpired.

Mo Kai, from that future, had killed him and the old man. Why? Was his continued existence a hindrance to Mo Kai's growth? City Lord Mo, Mo Kai's foster father, pondered over the events, trying to decipher their meaning. The old man, seemingly Mo Kai's teacher, had also failed to prevent the attack.

"It makes no sense," City Lord Mo muttered to himself, grappling with the implications. Could Mo Kai's cultivation technique have altered his very essence? The notion seemed absurd, as at the peak of every cultivation, one returned to their origin. Even if a technique induced brutality, it would be tempered or controlled by the cultivator.

"Which path is the best path?" City Lord Mo questioned aloud, seeking clarity in the maelstrom of uncertainty. Restarting the Dao of time at the moment of their deaths would not necessarily favor Mo Kai. The more he pondered, the less sense it all made. Why was Mo Kai being targeted?

Leaving the homeland had been a decision made to spare Mo Kai from suffering due to his false cultivation talent. City Lord Mo had hoped that by forcing him to cultivate, Mo Kai would gain the strength to face the eventual loss of cultivation. Yet, with the risk inherent in the Asura cultivation, leaving Mo Kai in the care of the old man had been a gamble.

As he gazed outside, City Lord Mo observed an eagle approaching the palace, its passengers barely visible. Two figures rode atop it, one of them unmistakably Miss Yu'er, his foster son's betrothal. The sight tugged at his heartstrings; she was more than worthy of Mo Kai, possessing a heavenly yin body that could greatly benefit him if cultivated properly. Yet, it was a selfish desire, one that he harbored without revealing to the young girl.

"She's perfect for Mo Kai," City Lord Mo murmured, a sense of regret coloring his words. "It would have been better if they stayed in this mortal world." But fate had other plans, and the appearance of the old man had altered Mo Kai's destiny irrevocably.

The eagle soon got to his palace and flew down. Before the Eagle could touch the ground, Yu'er jumped. For a girl without cultivation, she lacked nothing in gut. Her jump, however, wasn't graceful; she would have fallen face down if her guard hadn't caught her mid-flight and stabilized her descent. The guard stood nonchalantly beside the eagle while Yu'er raced towards the palace entrance. City Lord Mo watched this without much expression. With a wave of his hand, City Lord Mo obscured Miss Yu'er from the guards' sight as she raced towards his chambers, her urgency palpable. He smiled as she burst into the room unannounced, her concern for Mo Kai evident in her tear-streaked face.

"Father, where is Mo Kai? What happened to him, father?" Miss Yu'er pleaded, clutching at his sleeves as tears streamed down her cheeks. City Lord Mo's heart ached at her distress, his resolve hardening.

"You shouldn't cry, Ka'er is safe and sound," he reassured her, his voice gentle yet firm. "He entered the boundary of the Forbidden Hunts House and is currently receiving his inheritance from the ancient cultivator who left the formation."

Yu'er knew about the Forbidden Hunts House; it was said to be a remnant of an immortal palace. Rumor had it that a very powerful immortal still resides in it, and there was even a time when an emperor at the Heaven Seizing Realm swaggered into the Hunts House after forcing his way through the surrounding formation but never got out. People around said he screamed for days before dying. Such a formidable immortal is passing his inheritance to Mo Kai. Yu'er felt a pinch of jealousy, but it vanished almost immediately. For now, she was happy Mo Kai was alive. Her rapidly beating heart began to slow down.

As Miss Yu'er calmed down in City Lord Mo's presence, his light-hearted banter and gentle reassurance helped soothe her frayed nerves. With a small joke to lighten the mood, he steered the conversation towards more casual topics, inquiring about her elder siblings and her parents. Miss Yu'er, still visibly shaken but grateful for the distraction, shared anecdotes about her family, momentarily forgetting her worries about Mo Kai.

As their conversation flowed, City Lord Mo steered it towards a more serious topic. "Yu'er, if you could cultivate, what would you aspire to do?" he asked, genuinely curious about her dreams and aspirations in a world where cultivation prowess often dictated one's path.

With a wistful smile, Miss Yu'er replied, "If I could cultivate, I would walk the martial world alongside Mo Kai. I would strive to be by his side, supporting him in his journey, and perhaps even adventuring together."

City Lord Mo nodded thoughtfully, his mind already considering the implications of her response. 

With a gentle smile, City Lord Mo suggested, "Come, Yu'er," as he beckoned her. "Let me check your body. I have never had the chance to examine yours." His true intent was to assess the state of her love mark—a mystical Dao mark that revealed the depth of affection one held for another. In the realm of cultivation, such marks held great significance, especially between potential Dao partners.

Miss Yu'er nodded, trusting City Lord Mo implicitly, the City Lord held her hand with practiced ease as he began the examination, his hands moving with precision as he traced the subtle energies within Miss Yu'er's body. As he delved deeper, his senses honed in on the faint but unmistakable presence of her love mark.

In the depths of her spiritual essence, City Lord Mo discovered something unexpected. Miss Yu'er's love mark was unlike any he had encountered before—it bore not one, but four distinct Dao marks arranged in a triangular formation, with a fifth mark faintly visible at the center. Each mark pulsed with energy, indicative of profound emotions, but it was the central mark that intrigued him the most.

Focusing his attention on the mysterious central mark, City Lord Mo felt a surge of curiosity. The image it projected was hazy, almost ethereal, depicting the outline of a youthful figure that seemed unfamiliar to him. Despite his extensive knowledge and experience, he couldn't place the identity of the person represented by the mark.

Turning his gaze back to Miss Yu'er, City Lord Mo wore a thoughtful expression. "Yu'er, your love mark is quite remarkable," he began but barely managed to stop. City Lord Mo almost blushed in embarrassment, his emotions all over the place at the moment. Typically, humans have a single Dao mark of love, unique men would have two, and some even three. It is rare to find a woman with two Dao marks. It doesn't make sense. Does that mean anyone marrying her would contend for her attention with four others? This wasn't a situation he wanted, not even remotely. Why did he check for her Dao mark again? It wasn't on a whim; he needed a fail-proof assurance. The assurance of one would enable him to boldly stage his death without worry. He had thought the young Miss of the Yang family would be that for him, but everything was now uncertain. Mo Kai wasn't the figure in the focal mark. Someone else is. Even without experience, City Lord Mo was already sure if the boy in the Dao mark were to appear at the moment, the young Miss wouldn't hesitate to choose him.

He frowned before sighing. It was really all for naught. He shouldn't have betrothed Mo Kai to her. This might end up being the greatest challenge on Mo Kai's path.

"Father, is it really that bad? Is my body a waste? The level four alchemist my father brought over from the capital already confirmed it, but I always held onto faith that I might be able to cultivate one day."

City Lord Mo waved at her and smiled, "You can cultivate, no problem."

The excited Yu'er jumped and held onto his sleeve. "Father, you can't be lying to little Yu'er. Can I really cultivate? How is that even possible?"

Lord Mo gently patted her hand. "Your body is unique; it is one of the ten great bodies of the Primal Chaos. You have the heavenly yin body, and your talent is more than that of my son. Unfortunately, it will take at least a level six alchemist or a Heaven Seizing cultivator to notice it." Yu'er's eyes went wild at the implication of the last phrase, but before she could ask, Lord Mo offered an explanation.

"I was able to tell mostly because I have a martial technique for sensing heavenly bodies."

"Oh, but how can I cultivate? I have tried all the techniques I could get my hands on, but none of them worked. If I have a heavenly yin body, why haven't I been able to cultivate?"

City Lord Mo chuckled, "You need not worry. Someone else noticed your martial talent and has sent notification to the immortal world. I'm sure you will soon leave this world. The technique you need is in the immortal world."

Yu'er was badly startled; her eyes were wide in amazement. She looked at the City Lord and wondered if he was the same man she had known all her life. "This... I can really go to the immortal world?" she asked in a low tone. She suddenly seemed to remember something and looked at the City Lord again.

"Father, you said love mark, what is it?"

City Lord Mo shook his head and flatly denied mentioning it. "It doesn't matter anymore." He muttered, his priority now is to prioritize Mo Kai's safety. The betrothal will be annulled for sure. Of course, it wouldn't make sense to discuss it with the girl. He already planned to meet the girl's parents before he leaves the mortal world so he might as well return the betrothal certificate along the way. As for Mo Kai's permission, he didn't care much about it. If everything goes well, he will be dead and blameless to Mo Kai.

"You should go home and prepare. I doubt it will take more than a day before the immortals come for you, and they are not the type to stay long in this world. So start preparing. Tell your father my words have the confirmation of the owner of the Forbidden Hunts House."

Yu'er also felt relieved. She can finally trust the City Lord's words. "I will, father. Take care." She made to leave but turned just right before she got to the door. "Will I be able to see Mo Kai before I leave?" she asked.

"No," City Lord Mo answered, "but if destiny permits, you two will meet in the immortal realm. I will extend your message if you have any for him."

"Okay, tell him I will wait for him."

City Lord Mo nodded, feeling disappointed. She obviously likes someone more than Mo Kai, but she still dared to promise to wait for him. City Lord said nothing but watched her figure as she retreated from his chambers, his gaze followed her until she mounted the eagle with her guard right behind her. They soon flew out, leaving at high speed.

Love is tough, thought City Lord Mo as he closed his eyes in thought. He needs to plan a believable death for himself.