
Shocking Reversal, Completely Unable to Carry On!

Penerjemah: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Cheng Juan had posted a comment link under Dai Ran's Weibo.

Soon, numerous people liked and commented on the post, pushing it all the way to the top spot.

When Dai Ran first posted this Weibo post, some people had really connoted whether Master Wei was using this incident to gain popularity. However, who knew that within a few minutes, a link to the comment would appear, and the people talking were Master Wei and Dai Ran.

Soon, under the Weibo comment section, someone from the Beijing Association broke the news—

[Teacher Dai's original words in the Beijing Association's conference room: If a senior student is involved in plagiarism and is not expelled from the Beijing Association, you're clear of the consequences.]

This sentence ignited many netizens' anger!

When they took another look at Dai Ran's righteous and honorable Weibo post, all onlookers felt ashamed for him!

He was right, he was like a contemptible clown.