

A man who had lost everything.An almighty power, the [Zero Code] held within his hand.“Player Kim Su Hyun, do you truly wish to revert the time of Hall Plain?”“I want to go back 10 years. To that period when I first came here.”

DaoistDpKqyc · Fantasi
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125 Chs

Chapter 89 00089 Laboratory of Ruins

Clear the first floor completely, not through the path directly to the second floor, and then go up. It was also good to speed up the attack, but I changed my mind after reading the ancient record that Shin Yong read. If I could find a pneumatologist, I would never have wasted two or three months, not two or three days.

To be honest, I was also a little skeptical. I just found a chimeric alchemist. Should I come again? Maybe I just want to be greedy. Secrets, rare classes, that's how I like to drink.

Nevertheless, I had a strange expectation because I was on the rise. That's the way it is in a person's life.When they fall even in the first car, they fall indefinitely. In fact, I've fallen to the lowest level of hell.

But when you go down, you go down. When you climb that much, you climb to the top without fail. Right now I've been riding upward. I felt that way. I don't know how long this rise will last. I wanted to make the most of this flow and look forward to it while it lasted.

In the middle of the hall, I reactivated the third eye. It's very useful.

"Leader, which way will you go first? "

Tra ns l a t e d b y jp m t l .co m You want me to decide where to go first? Mix the detection in each direction with the third eye for detection. As Shin Yong said, the hall was in charge of the center of the first floor structure. If so, there were a total of three directions to go, except for the direction of the hallway we walked into.

As a laboratory, there were many things that took place in the middle. However, few of them are admissible rooms, or ones that can be viewed as spaces. Six west, one staircase, four north. And one on the east side and one on the stairs. I could have guessed the stairs were the stairs to the second floor.

"I'll go this way first. "

I turned to the western corridor. You'd better sell it first. I thought it would be better to attack from the west with the most places to visit. If we were in difficult conditions, we would have gone in the east direction first, but our physical strength was restored to rest.

Of course, the current leader of the group is me. The leader was originally standing alone with the commander of the caravan and the ranger, but without the ranger. The next recruit is hoping to be one of the archers, and I lead the group.

The lead plays a very important role. They may raise or destroy caravans depending on which direction they are headed and in preparation for a surprise attack. For those of us without Rangers, it is true that Shin or Jeong Yeon is supposed to stand up, but we cannot put the Wizard in the lead. Also, in the meantime, following my lead far superior to the rangers, they did not have any complaints about making me first.

I walked down the hallway without hesitation. Walking speed is normal. The laboratory seems to have a complex structure, but if you can distinguish between the rooms to enter and the rooms not to enter, it was quite simple. When I first came in, I couldn't feel any movement in the other hallway except for one person in the hallway. That meant you just had to be careful of the room or the space.

Of course, these ideas were limited to the first floor because there was no guarantee that the second and third floors were the same as the first floor. T r a nsla t ed b y jp mt l .c om

After a while, we found the first room. It was the outermost room on the western corridor that I could detect. The room that I could see as I was coming south felt like a general hospital room, but this room felt the opposite.

There are still dim red blood stains on the securely closed iron doors and walls. And inside... something was coming out alive. What the hell is this? What's keeping them alive for so long? I stopped at the gate and turned toward the group.

"Before we get to the center of the hall. When they opened one of their visits, they suddenly came out of nowhere and everyone was embarrassed. "

I stopped and stared at the well. "Huh? What is this?" After saying that, he opened the door and bowed his head. I was a horse after kicking my tongue into my heart.

"There's not a lot of wisdom in this room right now. But maybe it's better to fight for the door first than to just go backwards like before. He seems to know our maneuvers now, so don't be careless even if you open the door. "

The group's faces are tense. After watching each other prepare, I approached the door.

"I'll get the door. The attack may come as soon as the door is opened. The comb will release the restraining spell immediately, and you two wizards can put the spell that restricts his activity. And the string and the well are positioned a little bit further in the current formation. Just in case, we can't ignore the lateral perimeter. "

There is no answer, except that everyone is quietly nodding at my order. After I add a word.

"Whoever it is, we have the advantage of fighting for the door. Then…."

I took my hand to the handle of the iron door. At the back of the well, he said, "Please be an empty room with no one. You said you have an" An-hyun "brother." I heard a hissing sound, but I didn't mind. The handle is caught in your grip, and I grunt and give you strength. It was originally a heavy iron gate that I could not open alone, but it was nothing compared to my strength stats.


Since the door had been closed for a long time, I was forced to open it, and I heard the sound of the rigid institutions being forced to unravel. The moment I opened the door one more time, an unpleasant smell came over my body with a cracking sound. And at the same time.


A huge fist was aiming for my body. But it was not just us.

T r a n sl a t ed b y jpm tl.c om "Shackle! "

I could see the spell of the sole bursting and the white light passing by me. I came at the right time and screamed into my heart, but the sight that followed was never Naise.

"Khh... Ahh! "

The arm pauses for a moment, then wriggles, ignoring the restraining spell of the sole and punching back at me. Ha. Magic stats resisted a spell over 80? I like it, but once I pick up the sword, I defend his attack.

"Soo-hyun's danger...! "

Wudang Tang. Boom.

"Kerek! Kelek! Kelek!"

You're in good hands? Not all of your strength is in your favor, but I took a half-step back from the attack. However, I retrieved the skill that I had previously demonstrated against the boss monsters in the rite of passage. Quadriceps (Use 4 strokes to manipulate the roots.).

I combined the shock inside my body with my own strength to return it to him. Then I could see his right hand flying backwards as it exploded in shock. The man stumbles, screaming in agony.

"... Giant. "

"Well, I've never seen a giant before. "

The man holding his hand in the room was a giant. He could see more than five meters tall, but it was hard to see him as an intact giant. Several organ devices and artifacts were strung up in the middle of the body. Or should I say transplant?

Once I understood why the sole's spell wasn't working properly. Naturally, the blood flowing through the bodies of Hole Plain giants has a strong magical resistance. Normally, it should have been reflected beyond the resistance, but it doesn't seem to have gone that far because it's weakened enough to see it. Running visible organs or artifacts resulted in a modest increase in life span, but over time, we were able to deduce that Giant traits had weakened.

"Cough... Cough... Cough, cough. "

"Stay with me. He's a Giant, but he's a lot weaker now. But the magic resistance seems to be alive, so please step back with the wizards and the brush. "

"Well... Direct help is hard, but it can be indirect. " Tran sl a t e d by jp m tl .c o m

"I won't stop you. Well, Keeper. An-hyun, Bian, behind me. "

"Bro, support? "


As soon as An-hyun was chosen instead of the well, she ran like a fly. Vivian is an alchemist, but she understood why I called her and came right next to me. I turn my head back to the front as I see the group quickly changing formation again. And the giant stands on the ground with only one arm left.

I look into the eyes of the giant. This giant must also be one of the victims of the residents' experiments. His eyes burn with eagle, an unseen foe. But that was it. There was no guilt or guilt because I didn't test him.

Giants are naturally strong species. In fact, in the first round, the leader of the giants was almost a semi-conscious man. However, they had a good and naive nature, so they were quite reliable when made as colleagues. That said, I had no intention of making him an ally in front of me.

Behind you, you hear Vivian mumbling her spell. The life on the giant's face is getting darker if you can see it.

Huff. I can see his remaining left arm flying in with a sound. The original innate strength was too different from the strikes of the giants I knew where it had gone. Nevertheless, the fist he wields harshly contains power.

A little head back, and his fist cuts through the air. However, it was too bad to let go of his fist. You raise your sword with your left hand and adjust the blade so that it touches his fist. And as soon as my sword and his fist touched me as I intended, I did so. Have a taste.

The scenery that followed was enough to buy everyone elasticity. I researched a single sword to compensate for my strength and magical strength compared to the top users of the first wave. The essence of swordsmanship is based on the terrain. It is based on smoothness and spillage, not on overwhelming power and breakage.

I'm only touching the giant's hand and my blade, but his arm is being dragged around as my sword moves. Of course, he can't get to the center of his body, and he's shaking around. Pull straight to the left, then turn right again. It was like showing thread to a cat and waving it around. It was a moment when a bowl over 5 meters was chosen as a pet. And it wasn't An-hyun who would miss that gap.


Along with a strong airborne synthesis, Ahn Hyeon gave a long window. Once the giant's body is shaken, it seems to head towards its torso with the intention of hitting it first. However, even the rotten stature was not only amused that the Giant's instinct remained. The giant slaps the spear with his free right arm's wrist, looking at the exact tip of the spear as his body swings.

"Oops…! "

At that power, Ahn Hyun's body leaned downward. There was a loud noise between the two, whether they were enchanted or not, but Ahn Hyun's attack was too straightforward. I'd rather be blind. T ran s lated by jp m t l .c o m

At the same time, the giant uses the dragon once, and I feel the magic power that my hand and sword were connecting was severed. I've made eye contact. I didn't regret it because I was going to play lightly in the first place. And me and An-hyun's play (?) has already given Vivian enough time to recite the incantation.

As I was satisfied with my expectations, the sound of Vivian's exhilarating spells rang in the room.

"Come! Imprison! The Iron Redeemer who rules the 49th!" "

Now a familiar magic circle emerges, and a faint smoke flows out of the room. Soon, the sorcerer begins to light up, as if answering Vivian's summons. The Giant sprints to us instinctively, feeling a strange aura.

While watching him quietly. I hear Vivian's bold voice calling me from behind.

"Su-hyun. This time, I'll order the Imprison as a backup. You and Hyun give me a critical hit. "

"Are you going to arrest him? Giant's blood won't be enough. "

"Hmph. My horses are self-reinforced chimeric horses. I'll show you whose power is stronger. "

"Looking forward to it."

Vivian and I had a relaxing conversation. In particular, she showed a smile with confidence that seemed to be overwhelming to my words. Imprison. I'm very excited to see what you can do this time. I also got into this pose, watching the string twist at my side since the first attack failed.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Hi, I'm Royujin.

The month of February is out of the middle of the year. Time flies. I'm enjoying reading what my readers have recommended before. I used to love seeing novels, so I felt like there were a lot of them.

Today, I'm going to recommend one of my works. There are some pieces that I must check out once a day in Novelis. (One of them is the beautiful world of Northwood.) But this time, you wrote a new book by Mr. Northwood.

The name of the work is I'm a talented person, and I didn't realize it would take so long to read it. When I left later, I felt bad reading the line by line. If you are looking for a pearl among many works of art, I recommend that you be the talent of the Northwood.:)

And… there are tons of picks, recommendations, comments and coupons today. I would like to express my sincere thanks to the readers who are always cheering for the short work. Knuckles. (__)


1. lDl: Oh. Nice to meet you. First place I've seen you. (Did he call it Jean Royal? Hahaha.) Congratulations on winning first place.:)

2. Annie: Oh. Thank you. I hope you enjoyed reading it again. I hope you have a good night, Annie.

3. Sugar Dragon: Hehe. Thank you. You'll see a rough streak ahead of you.

4. RainBows: The response has been posted 88 comments. Please take a look, and if it still doesn't make sense, please take a look at the previous copy or write to me and I'll respond.

5. Lamude: Huhu. Can we get it? Stay tuned!

6. Corrupt Pigeon: Hahaha. Thank you. I'm off work, so I have a lot of free time these days. If you'll excuse me, I'd like to continue my fellowship.:)

7. Demon Temple: Ah. Thank you. Apparently, the Demon Temple has been commenting on my novel since almost the beginning. Thank you for joining us. Stay tuned for more attention and support!

8. Coya: Hahaha. In some ways, Jung Yeon is right. Su-hyun has the nerve to go out, and it's good enough to be called Su-hyun. It's just that she was so frustrated because she had suffered so much in the first car.

9. Wheel: Hmm. If you do that, you might not be able to control your abilities. Well, I don't know what happens when you train. Su-hyun is not raising her stats right now because she's still thinking about it. Khh.

10. Abominable Weapon: Yes. There will be some content that I think should be good. (Of course, I still think it's a little out. Won Hye-yeon, Lee Ji-young, Stop Yeon, etc.) I'm not free enough for the protagonist to come out right now. Our protagonist is no snitch. Phew.

Your recommendations and comments drive engagement. (This is the truth.)

I always read all the comments over and over again.

I hope you're not too sad you're not in Rifles.

If you have any questions, write to us and we'll get back to you!

So I'm going to step back today.

We hope you'll always feel comfortable reading the article.

You're always welcome to choose, recommend, comment, criticize, and ask questions.