

"I don't think it's broken but...just take it easy for the next few weeks."

"Ok." Skylar looked out the window of the police station medic room at the officers trying to get the media out of the building.

"Shit this is a mess."

"Nothing like taking it to the main stage." Lucy chimed in getting up from the chair in the small room.

"Yeah well, you know me...like to make as much noise as I can."

The door opened, and Mae walked in. Skylar looked behind her. "Where's Gabriella?"

"With her folks." Mae stopped in front of her. She rubbed her face a moment still letting the night's events sink in. She looked at her sister. Her hand was bandaged up.


"Nope." Skylar shrugged. Mae looked at Lucy a moment.

"Seriously you two are going to be the death of me." She didn't know if she was angry, sad, or fucken proud.


"No, you are suspended!"

Skylar knitted her eyebrows. "Says who!?"

Mae scratched her head in frustration. "The boss."

"Oh." Skylar looked at Lucy and shrugged her shoulders. It's not like she could fight him on it. A reporter knocked on the window spotting her.

"Oh my god, Skylar you are alive! You gotta give me an exclusive! I'll pay you..." The woman was pulled back by Security.

Mae tutted. "Are you surprised? You've just brought the dead back to life! In front of an audience of millions! Billions!" She stepped closer. "At the moment you are the biggest news on this earth! Of course, he's going to suspend you!"

They heard a ruckus outside the room. Cameras flashing and a lot of yelling.

"Dayna! Dayna!" Two burly officers and bodyguards covered the girl as she hobbled past. Skylar got up and tapped on the window seeing her. Dayna stopped. Her nose was broken and her hand was holding her fractured rib.

"Hey! Make sure you get better." Skylar curled her lip a little. "They'll still be there for you (fans) when you get better."

Dayna nodded. The tears came to her eyes, and Lucy was suddenly at the window.

"Yeah, I'll be waiting for you too!"

Dayna instantly jumped back, the fear of this girl showing on her face.

"Hey!" Skylar smacked her in the guts. She turned back to Dayna. "See you when you get out." She smiled. She waited for Dayna to go.

"What the hell Luc..."

Lucy was laughing to herself. "Yeah, Day and I have a beautiful relationship. She can be my pen pal when she goes inside."

They turned around to Mae rubbing her temples. Skylar sighed, knowing her sister had a lot invested in this case.

"So what's the deal?"

Mae looked up. She let out a breath. "Well... Dayna broke the conditions of her bail. Now a charge of attempted murder as well as breaching the protection order. She's...pretty much fucked herself."

"Damn!" Lucy laughed.

Skylar was thinking about someone else.

"So you could say this case is closed?"

Mae thought about it a moment. She nodded. "Yeah. It's over." They watched Skylar reach over to grab her stuff.

"Where are you going?"

She stopped and looked at them both. "To get my life back."

Gabriella was curled up on the couch with Sofi watching a Disney movie. Her folks were in the kitchen talking about her behind her back. She could hear them. Her eyes were on the TV but she didn't want to be there.

She felt her phone vibrate under her. Lighting the screen, she didn't know the number.

"Wanna get out of here? Grab your coat."

She suddenly jumped back into life. "Sof..." She pushed her sister up so she could climb off the couch.

"You alright, hun?" Her Dad asked, seeing her getting up.

"Yeah..." She looked back at Sofi. "I'm going to go to bed, guys...I need to switch off."

"Ok, love." Mama blew her a kiss. "Call us if you need anything!"

"K." She hid in the darkness at the bottom of the stairs. Slipping her coat and boots under her arm she quietly opened the door and left. Fumbling with her boots she stopped at the end of the driveway seeing the motorbike parked across the street. "Skylar?" She whispered suddenly unsure.

"Ella." She heard behind her. She sighed as those green eyes shone in the gap of the helmet.

"It is you."

"Here." Skylar handed her the spare helmet. "Let's get out of here." She grabbed her hand, and they ran across the road.

In two seconds, they were gone.

It felt like they had been riding for ages. Skylar turned, and they parked up next to the sounds of the beach.

"Where are we?"

"Shh." Skylar grabbed the stuff off the back. Taking her hand, she led them down onto the sand. When they stopped, Gabriella pulled her helmet off. She couldn't see anything.

"I can't see anything?"

"Shh." Skylar tutted her as she flicked the flint on the lantern, lighting up the blanket and pillows in front of them.

"Oh, babe, this..."

"Shoosh." Skylar put her finger on her lips, stopping her. Gabriella looked up at her and smiled; those green eyes caught the moonlight. As Skylar walked around her, Gabriella pursed her lips and thankfully smiled up at the moon. She was with Skylar!

She sat down on the blanket, watching her walk around and sit down with a guitar. She was just about to comment on her playing until she remembered Skylar wanted her to be quiet.

Skylar cleared her throat. Taking a deep breath, she placed her fingers on the strings. She looked at Gabriella a moment, then started to strum the beginning chords to her letter.

Realizing what she was doing, Gabriella turned around to face her. For a moment, she closed her eyes, letting the sound of Skylar's voice be absorbed by her heart. Memories played through her head. The last few weeks, tonight, a few hours ago, with a gun at her face from someone she'd let so close to her.

Skylar heard her cry. As she finished out, Gabriella opened her eyes with tears in them. Skylar quietly put the guitar down and put her hand out. Gabriella took it, moving over to sit between her legs. Skylar wrapped her arms around her and pulled her back into her. Gabriella wrapped her arms around hers, feeling the gentle lips caress her neck. She felt all her fears and loss come to the surface. Skylar knew Gabriella needed to feel somewhere safe to let out her pain, anger, fear, and heartbreak.

Gabriella didn't realize that was what she needed until Skylar opened her heart to her a minute ago. Skylar just held her until she dropped her head back and wiped her eyes. She turned a little looking back at the girl who had saved her life once again. They just looked at each other for a moment. So many emotions flowing through their veins. Skylar smiled softly.


Gabriella let out a little laugh. "Hi!"

She wiped her eyes, reacting over to touch her girlfriend's face. Her eye moved up to the short blonde hair. She ran her fingers through it, trying to get a handful.


"Hey!" Skylar smacked her hand away, feeling the pull. "I had just died in a car crash and lost my girlfriend! I wasn't exactly in a good headspace!" She looked up at her. "It will grow back."

Gabriella sat back knowing she wasn't the only one who'd been through a lot in the last few months.

"Are you ok?" She asked softly, taking her fingers in her own. Skylar pursed her lips a moment, glad for her concern. She let out a deep breath.

"They suspended me." She reached back into her bag, finding her tin. "I've exposed myself to one of the biggest television audiences in the world, returned from the dead, and punched out the biggest pop princess live on television! I'm just fine!"

She caught Gabriella's eyes on her as she rolled them a joint. She sighed. "I'm ok." She reached for her lighter.

Gabriella was still watching her.

She put the smoke down a sec. Smiling, she leaned up onto her knees moving closer. Her eye fell to the singer's lips as she whispered. "I just wanted to find you."

Gabriella smiled down at her lips.

"I wanted to see you. Feel you..." Skylar touched her cheek. "Kiss you..." She grinned, raising her eyebrow seductively. Gabriella moved back a moment, pursing her lips.

"Dayna...what's going to happen to her?"

Skylar searched her eyes. She wanted to forget about her.

"Well..." She leaned back, picking up her lighter and joint. "Dayna's breached both conditions of her bail." She lit it up, taking a drag. "She's now charged with attempted murder." She blew it out laughing.

"Her career is sinking in the toilet." She handed it over. "She's going to be singing kumbaya on the spoons for the next twenty years!" She laughed until she saw Gabriella take a big drag.

Skylar dropped her shoulders. "She has the option to take a physic evaluation and see what they can do to help her, or she can plead insanity and do the time for the crime."

Gabriella blew out the smoke. That's what she wanted to hear. She didn't care, but she did. "I hope she..."

"Can we not talk about her! I died trying to protect you from her!" Skylar closed her eyes, realizing she'd just snapped.

"Sorry." She looked up at her. "I've been so confused. I just want my life back."

Gabriella searched her face passing her the smoke.

"Which one?"

Skylar looked up at her taking her drag. Gabriella continued.

"What does the future hold for Officer Skylar Morgado?" Skylar blew out her puff, thinking about the question.

"She's gotta lot of old school boys club bootlicking to do. I don't think I would be able to see you again so easily."

Gabriella nodded, considering that answer. "And singing sensation and rising from the dead superstar, Skylar Jericho?" Skylar handed her the smoke shrugging her shoulders.

"She's gone."

Gabriella took a drag deciding to answer this one.

"Skylar could explain her undercover role and continue to perform. Probably put her album out and have me do a collab which would rack in the millions if she plays her cards right."

Skylar thought about that for a moment with a smile.

"We could still hang out?"

Skylar laughed. "Like this?"

"Sure." Gabriella paused. "Or I can hire you as my bodyguard, and you have to do everything and anything I tell you to do."

Skylar raised her eyebrow. "Oh, hell no!" She sat back. "I'd rather take my chances on my own career."

They laughed.

Skylar smiled. "Thanks, babe."

She hadn't been sure where her life was going.

They looked at each other a moment before they met in a long-awaited kiss.

Mae's car was a couple of minutes down the road.

"You know I don't really wanna be sitting out here with you?" She looked at Lucy beside her in the passenger seat, eating her burger. Lucy raised an eyebrow wiping her mouth.


"Cause you're crazy!"

"I am not crazy! Come on, Mae, we've known each other forever!"

"Yeah." Mae sighed, eating another hot chip.

Getting comfortable, she watched some headlights flick over the bush in front of them.

"Look, we have company."

Lucy sat up, wrapping her burger back up.

"Nobody knows they're here, right?"

"Nope." Mae put her chips back in her McDonald's bag, getting ready to get out.

"Cool." Lucy reached over the back for her jacket. Seeing the car was almost up the track towards them, Mae flicked on her lights.

"What do you want, good cop or bad cop?"

Lucy sighed, seeing Mae click her gun into the pouch on her belt. "Ha, I guess if we're going to be doing this bodyguard thing for Sky and Ella, I can try this nice cop thing just once."

Mae gave her a nod. "Well then, you ready?" She slipped her hand down, flicking her lights a couple of times.

"Let's go scare the shit out of some teenagers."

Lucy laughed, placing a stick of chewing gum in her mouth as Mae opened her door to get out. She smiled.

"I'm gonna love this job!"


"Can we stay at yours tonight?"

"I've just had a smoke, babe. We have to wait for it to wear off." Skylar whispered back. She laughed. "I'm not causing any accidents with you on the bike! I'd never lived that down!"

"Well then..." Gabriella suddenly decided to get up.

"We better sober you up!" She started to strip.

"Babe! What are you doing! It's cold!"

"I know, come on!" She pulled her up, tugging at her clothes. "Last one in buys us dinner!"

Skylar watched her shed her clothes and jump in the water. She smiled to herself, stripping down. Tomorrow she could make the future she wanted. Either way, she wanted Gabriella in her life, and now she could make that a reality.

She nodded to herself.

"Hurry up, Skylar,, You chicken shit! Brooookk brook brook!" Gabriella teased. Skylar laughed.

"Yeah, this is what I want." She took her bra off, running into the water.

"I'll show you whose Chicken Ella Diaz! Come here!"
