
Lycans Against The World

Jasmine Hathworne is a Lycan werewolf who just happens to be hunted down along with the rest of her pack members who are also Lycans. They are the last of their kind forced to live underground so they can protect their lives. One morning her worst nightmare comes to pass. Hunters attack the pack. The Moon Goddess has a way of doing things which is why she meets her mate Asher Vixen in an underground dungeon. Asher Vixen just happens to be related to the Alpha of his pack who abducted the Lycans. They try to fight against all odds but do they end up being together with evil Dominic in the picture? Read to find out more

Jayaurora16_16 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
125 Chs

Chapter 22

Dominic's POV

"I want a clean job, you understand?" I spoke into the phone I was cradling in my right palm to my ear.

"I heard you the first ten times" the leader of the Night Watch group scoffed in my ears.

"I'm just looking out for us. What will go down must not be traceable. I hope I make myself clear" I scream into the damn phone.

No response comes from the other person on the line then all of a sudden a loud roar of laughter that causes me to remove the phone from my ears now resonates around my office.

"Don't tell me that the big bad old man is scared" Crazy Jack chuckles into the phone. "You're scared that I will somehow make a mistake and then the cops or whoever arrests werewolves will come get you because they will trace their deaths back to you" he says still clearly amused.

"I'm right aren't I"

"Just do your job well. You don't know the quantity of crime I'm about to commit"

"You're really funny old man. But you should know that I'm perfectly flawless in what I do. I'm not going to make some clumsy mistake" Crazy Jack says, his ego rising. I roll my eyes at the words the young man on the line utters.

"Alright then. You've gone over the details?" I ask

"I have" he replies

"Good" I say


"You will get it as soon as the job is done"

"I'll get back to you in a week."

My eyes widen a bit. I thought it would take him about a month or so "that fast?"

"I don't like to waste time, it is quite precious" he says almost sounding distracted.

"Okay then. I will be expecting your call". At that the line goes dead indicating the end of the call.

It might have been weeks since we had our last meeting but I made sure that I kept in touch with both group of hunters. Everything has been going smoothly and I couldn't be more excited.

I had given them the information for their first job on ratting out the Lycans. Alpha Frederick of the Crescent Moon pack with his Luna Stephanie were well known people in the werewolf world. Their death sure will be devastating I think to myself, one of my smirks painting my face.

They are known to be very generous. One of the best packs in Europe. Unfortunately for them they have the information I need to capture the Lycans. A very reliable source of mine has found out that they donate a large amount of money annually to an anonymous group of people that are no doubt the lycans.

Crazy Jack and the team will strike when this lovely couple will take their vacation. Their Son will take over the pack reliving the couple of their duties. Then they will go on a vacation to have some time to themselves which just give me the perfect time to carry out my plan.

"This is going to be so much easier than I thought" I say to myself taking a sip of scotch.

I picked up my phone from my table to tell the others about the little breakthrough we would soon have. You might have thought that I was doing this all on my own but you were very wrong. I have a few of my buddies who are also on the same page with me about these filthy lycans.

Alpha Billy of the Rising Sun pack is a very good friend of mine. He is on this plan with me. You see we were both masterminds right from childhood so it would only make sense if we both team up now. He was even the one who advised me to get the hunters to do all our dirty work and I must say i didn't think of that at all. It was indeed a brilliant plan and no one could argue about that.

After calling all my partners and informing them about my progress. I then call for my Beta, Zachary Lin a young loyal lad.

"You called for me Alpha?" he said bowing his head a little to show respect.

"Yes I did" I said leaning back on my chair. "I just wanted to let you know on our progress on the lycans." He doesn't reply me instead he just nods as I gesture him to take the seat opposite me.

"My plan is going into motion" I smile unable to keep how ecstatic I am. "As I am talking to you now Crazy Jack and his associates are on their way to Europe to gain the information we will need to ambush those worthless Lycans"

A grin breaks out on his young youthful face "That is very good Alpha" he says.

"Indeed it is" I agree. "Before you know it we will have those poor excuses of wolves within our grasp" I smirk.

"I have a question to ask Alpha" he says looking anywhere but my face.

"Ask away"

"When the Lycans are captured and we bring them into our territory what are we going to do with them?"

I stand to my feet to walk over to the book shelve my hands running over the spines of each book I touch.

"I must say that that is a brilliant question you have asked Zachary"

"Uh....Thank you Alpha" he says not sure of my reaction.

"When we get to that bridge we will cross it."

"Besides I am in contact with a group of scientists that like to probe and poke supernaturals like us. I made a deal with them and they are going to give me a fairly large amount of money when I provide them with a Lycan" I tell him. I have other things planned but now is not the time to reveal those.

He looks taken aback when I turn to look at him.

"You shouldn't be surprised" I say.

"It is a good investment" he says, his hands making contact with the back of his neck. A chuckle leaves my mouth at what the boy said, he is referring to them like a business deal. I can't help but to laugh more which makes the boy to get down from his high of nervousness.

"Why don't you take the day off Zach?"  "Go and do what young men like you like to do".

"Thank you Alpha" he says closing the door behind him.

I move away from the shelf to walk over to my window that is right behind my office chair.

I look around to see people talking happily, pups running around and some mates together.

But I stop my scrutinizing when my eyes land on my adopted son (Asher). He looks carefree amidst his friends. That wouldn't be for long I smirk as my eyes following him till he disappears from my line of vision.