

"Hu hu"I feel a hotness begin to cover my body like nothing I've ever felt. My body is uneasy and no matter, how hard I try to get comfortable I'm unsatisfied.Then I hear my mom calling my name and I wake up." Icarus congratulations you've found your mate", wait what. Did I hear her correctly, my mate? there's no way. " So how's he look", "ma I don't know what your talking about". My mom looks at me with a mixture of confusion and anger."Come on I'm your mother tell me", "ma in serious I don't know". When I say this my mom tells me to get dressed and get ready for school.

I'm so confused as to what just happened. Anyway, I go to school slipping through the hallway to my locker. There I see my friend De, she smiles at me and gives me a hug. "Girl my mom been trippin this morning", I start to spill to De as we walk to class. In class it was the same old boring crap but then it hit me. This really sweet smell that seems to make my legs shiver. Where's it coming from, I want to taste it. As I'm thinking this the principal brings in someone. The closer he gets the stronger then smell.(Its him), i hear my wolf call out with such desire. Then without realizing ,he was in the front of the class introducing himself. I try to look away, my mind is racing, I'm so confused what's happening?. I'm not sure but I have this feeling that I should look away. Then I hear the teacher say"Jason go sit next to icarus". My mind blinks out in panic, now I'm going to have to look at him. He sits down and says"hey", his voice brings shivers down my spine. Then without thinking I look at him and was at a lost for words. It was like the whole world stopped and there was no one but us. I could see his every detail. The structure of his body, the softness of his lips, and so much more.

During the rest of class I was in a daze, I wanted to look at him but I had to focus. By the end of class I was beyond drained. I slip in the hallway trying to, find De because of the obvious I wanted to spell the tea. Soon I find her and tell her everything. In the process I realized that he just imprinted on me. The blush begins to inflame me.How can this be happening I don't even know him. For the rest of school I hope, for us not to run into each other again. It was almost working until lunch, he was there. Uhhhh, me and De walk to our table talking. By taking I mean she was talking and I was trying to look like I was listening. It was so hard I could feel him staring at me with those eyes. Those eyes full of lust that made me feel hot inside and so uneasy. When we sit down I decide to tell De. "Girl your just imagining things, maybe you just like him", great. She doesn't believe me I guess I have to tell her then. "De he imprinted on me", the look of shock on her face was priceless, I almost laughed. "What Really?", "yes, shhhh", De is always reacting like this I should have known. Me and De talk about how it happens and how I felt when it happened. As we speak I begin to smell that sweetness again so strongly. Then I turn around and he's standing right behind me.