
Lustful Evolution System

Pandora, a world of magic dominated by women. Men could not use magic, and they could only grow stronger by having intimate relations with witches, absorbing some of their powers, using it to cultivate their bodies and grow stronger. Aura Masters, as they were called, were skilled men who not only had a witch partner but also had Aura Techniques, cultivation manuals used since ancient times and passed down through generations. A crisis erupted in Pandora. Dimensional gates appeared all over the world, and with them came much more powerful monsters. But the witches still reigned supreme. A particular man, a seer, said, "You will need heroes for the future, or Pandora will perish, forever." No one paid attention to that man. "A man cannot use magic, so you can’t see the future!" Well, things changed when demons started coming out from the dimensional gates, and the witches needed help. They performed a ritual to summon heroes, or rather, heroines. The same ritual done a thousand years prior! A classroom of 10 girls got summoned, all from Earth. Among them, a man, Rick Grey. He soon discovered that men were seen as inferior and got kicked out. "Leave before I kill you!" Those were the words he heard. It hurt him, being betrayed by his own friends, and screwed by the luck of the universe. Just when everything seemed lost, something incredible happened. [Lustful Evolution System Initializing]

Ryongul · Fantasi
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5 Chs


A dark, silent, and humid place. It looked like a dungeon made of pure stone, and in the middle, a strange circle shone brightly with a blue light, symbols adorned around it.

There, around said circle, were a group of white-robed people, members of the Salvation Church. All members were gorgeous women for some reason, and no men were among them. The members could not stand still, walking from side to side as if they were waiting for something.

"Do you think this summoning will work? We need heroes to save Pandora…"

"I can't be certain about it, but legends said a summoning like this worked a thousand years ago, so we must hope for the best."

They had performed an ancient ritual to summon heroes to aid their world, and it did not work. The circle remained the same way as it was before the ritual started, and no hero had appeared there. That fact made all the members of the Salvation Church be at the edge, waiting there for some good news.

Pandora needed help. It was a world of magic, and fighting against magical creatures happened on a daily basis, and humankind always managed to overcome such battles, remaining as the top 'predator' in Pandora. But things started to change ten years ago, just like it did a thousand. Dimensional gates appeared all over Pandora, and powerful creatures emerged from it. At first, they managed to contend against the creatures, but a seer stated that 'You'll need heroes for the future, or Pandora will perish, forever.'

The high-ranking members of the society saw said seer as a crazy man. How could he see the future when men could not use magic? Not that men were weak, but their power came from something else. Since ancient times, talented men mingled with women who had mana, and their intimate relation strengthened not only their bond but the power of the men's body! Add that to their skill in weapons and martial arts, as well as the mysterious aura techniques passed through generations of knights, then men were also equally powerful when compared to women, but they could not use magic. So, women always reigned over men. The average power of women was higher than the average power of men, and because they could use magic, they saw themselves as superior.

"You can only grow stronger through intimate relations with us, so you better obey us!"

Because of that, no one listened to what the seer said, as it was impossible for a man to see the future. They were wrong.

Demons started to come out from the dimensional gates! They weren't high-ranking demons that might pose a threat to Pandora, but they were far stronger than the average magical creature, and that concerned the kingdoms. They needed to act! They needed heroes!

Then, inside the dungeon where the members of the Salvation Church were starting to lose their hopes, something happened. The circle shone brightly, far greater than before, and a group of people appeared! Ten women, a whole classroom from a planet called Earth! The ritual aimed for talented women who could have mana, and because they were from another planet, their growth rate was unprecedented.

"It worked, and we got 10! Pandora might not be doomed after all!"

But, among the classroom of gorgeous women, stood a man. He was quite tall, around 1.91 cm of height, and his hair was dark like the darkest night. The man was handsome, his face similar to a model, and his body muscular due to constant training.

"Where are we?" one of the girls said.

"No idea, Lana, but this place looks creepy…"

The ten girls were all from the same classroom, so they all knew each other. Despite being confused with the whole situation, they calmed down after seeing the group of gorgeous ladies wearing white robes coming toward them.

"We will explain everything, come with us."

The members of the Salvation Church led the classroom upstairs, ready to explain everything to them. Rick was among them.

'What the fuck is happening?'

Rick was a student from the same class as all the girls. He was just as confused as everyone else. From the moment he appeared there, above the circle with the girls, everyone looked at him with strange eyes.

It started to bother Rick, who did not know the reason behind it. At first, he thought he had something on his face, but he found a mirror in one of the hallways right after they exited the dungeon, and his face looked normal.

The members of the Salvation Church led them through a luxurious temple, all the way to a meeting room with a rounded table where multiple women sat. Rick noticed there were only women around, and he was the only man. That was the first red flag to him. But something raised his expectations about the situation.

'This place looks like a magical world, like an Isekai shit! Will I fulfill my dream of becoming the greatest sword master or a powerful wizard?'

A blonde lady who looked like the leader stared at all of them, her gaze stopping on Rick for a second, frowning. Then, she said, "You might be wondering how are you understanding us, considering you probably speak another language before coming here. Well, this is the power of magic!"

"You are now fluent in our tongue, and all of you have a great task ahead. Well, not all of you," the blonde woman said, as she stared once again at Rick, "Now, let me explain what is happening here, so listen carefully, and don't panic."

They stood inside that room, listening to the situation they were in. The girls were shocked at first, but remembered the reason they got teleported to that world: they were about to die! All the girls and Rick were about to die in an explosion back on Earth, but then they got teleported to that world. They could not refuse to help, and even if they could, they would just return to Earth to die, so what was the point?

But Rick, who was happy to be in a magical world, able to fulfill his dreams, soon lost his hope.

'A world where only women can use magic… Fuck, why is my luck so bad?'