
The Perils of the Forgotten Ruins

As the first light of dawn broke through the trees, Madison and her companions packed up their small camp. The air held a chill that made Madison pull her cloak tighter around her shoulders. She caught Wald's eye and felt a flutter in her stomach, remembering their kiss from the night before. There wasn't time to dwell on it now though - they had a long journey ahead.

Roran took the lead, his keen eyes scanning the rocky path ahead. "We should reach the entrance to the Forgotten Ruins by nightfall," he said. "But the real challenge begins once we're inside."

Madison nodded, her hand unconsciously drifting to the crystal Grimbald had given her. Its weight was a constant reminder of the power - and responsibility - she now carried.

As they hiked through the day, the terrain grew steadily more treacherous. Loose rocks skittered under their feet, and more than once Madison had to catch herself to avoid tumbling down the steep mountainside.