
Lust King: I will Rule the World with my Secret Harem!

Alex Delcus was just a normal college student with a simple life. One evening, his world changed when he was hit by a speeding truck. "... So, my sad and failed life finally ends here." As he lost consciousness, he thought his life was over. But instead of dying, Alex woke up in a strange, luxurious room. "Ugh... what's going on? Where am I? How to heck am I even alive?" He found out that he was no longer in his own body but had become the Demon King of Lust, a tall, muscular and handsome figure with humanoid skin and horns. "Hmm? Why is my body so different?" A voice echoed in his mind, a voice that wasn't his. It was a woman's voice. "Welcome, my lord. You have been chosen to live your daily life as the Demon King of Lust," the voice said. "You are now the ruler of this kingdom, a world where the desire for power and conquest reigns supreme." As Alex tried to understand what was happening, he met Lisa Dilhidia, the Queen of demons of lust, who introduced herself as his wife. "Wait! Wait! What do mean by chosen? When did you became my wife?" He was very confused about his existence and his wife who had suddenly appeared. Before he could ask her more questions, Alex felt a powerful desire. He suddenly felt super horny for Lisa's lips apparently for no reason and kissed her, even though he didn't want to but had no choice. Then, a voice echoed in his head, and a virtual video game screen appeared in front of him. Various messages started popping up on the screen. ... [Ding, Congratulations to the host for completing all the requirements necessary to activate the "Devil System"] "Wait! What Requirements?" [Ding, Devil System has been activated!] "A System?" [Ding, Congratulations to the host for completing all the requirements for the "Devil System" to evolve into the "Lust System."] "Evolve? Already? But what did I even do to make it evolve?" [Ding, Commencing Evolution! Failed!] [Ding, Commencing Evolution multiple times! Failed!] "Urgh, shit, failed, now what?

JetLord004 · Fantasi
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19 Chs


As the giant golem, the Mighty Guardian, started moving and the room shook because of its huge size, I felt really determined.

I knew I had to fight this battle. I looked at our team and spoke confidently.

"Listen, everyone. This is a battle between me and the Sentinel of Strength. No one else should interfere unless I call for your help. I am the Demon King, and I must prove myself in this trial."

Lisa, though visibly concerned, nodded in agreement. "Alex is right. We must trust in his abilities. If he needs assistance, he'll let us know. Stay vigilant and be prepared to act if the situation changes."

Our group shared determined looks, understanding that I was the leader and that this challenge was crucial.

They positioned themselves, ready to help if I needed it but respecting my choice to face the big golem alone for now.

Looking at the powerful Sentinel of Strength, I readied myself for the fight.

It wasn't just a test of how strong I was but also a way to see how well we worked together as a team.

The golem's fiery eyes focused on me, and the battle started.

I knew that whatever happened would shape my journey to get the Eternal Crown.

In front of the enormous Sentinel of Strength, I understood that winning this battle needed more than just being strong.

I raised my hand, my voice unwavering. "System," I commanded, "open my magic skill set."

In response, my system sprang into action.

Before me, a holographic display materialized, showcasing five different types of magic skills, each glowing with special energy.

But there was an unexpected extra:

1. **Pyroblast:** A fierce flame enveloped one of the skill options, promising explosive fire magic.

2. **Cryo Shield:** A crystalline barrier appeared, representing a powerful ice-based defensive skill.

3. **Aero Strike:** The air shimmered with the image of a lightning bolt, symbolizing the devastating power of wind magic.

4. **Terraquake:** The ground trembled beneath the display, signifying the destructive force of earth magic.

5. **Deadra:** An ominous, shadowy skill, radiating dark energy, beckoning to the forbidden arts. (Extra)

The appearance of "Deadra" made me curious and a little scared.

I had used this magic skill before, and it was known for being very powerful but also hard to control.

Choosing it would have a big consequence.

As I thought about it, the big Sentinel of Strength started moving, coming toward me with a loud roar.

I had to make a decision quickly.

My journey to get the Eternal Crown depended on it and the magic I chose would decide what would happen to us.

With the Sentinel of Strength charging toward me, I had little time to decide.

My heart pounded as I surveyed the holographic magic skills before me.

I needed every advantage I could get to defeat this colossal golem and prove myself as the Demon King.

I chose **Pyroblast**. Fire burst out from my hands, making a spinning fire.

I aimed carefully and sent the fire at the giant golem's big legs.

The intense heat caused the stone beneath it to crack and weaken, slowing its advance.

But the Sentinel of Strength was relentless. It swung one of its massive arms, aiming to crush me.

Swiftly, I activated **Cryo Shield**, summoning a crystalline barrier that encased me in a protective cocoon of ice.

The golem's attack struck the shield, sending shards of frozen magic scattering, but I remained unscathed.

Seizing the opportunity, I unleashed **Terraquake**, channelling the power of earth magic.

The ground trembled violently as I directed seismic energy toward the golem's feet.

It staggered and stumbled, its colossal form teetering dangerously.

With the golem off balance, I switched to **Aero Strike**, wielding the power of wind magic.

A bolt of lightning formed in my outstretched hand, crackling with electric fury.

I hurled it at the golem's head, and the lightning struck with a deafening explosion.

The Sentinel of Strength roared in pain as electricity coursed through its body.

But the golem wasn't defeated yet.

It fought back with a strong shockwave that shattered my **Cryo Shield**, sending me tumbling to the ground.

Gasping for breath, I knew I had to finish this battle before it could regain its footing.

I glanced at the forbidden magic skill, **Deadra**, with trepidation.

I had avoided using it for this battle, knowing its dark consequences.

'But desperate times called for desperate measures. ' (Alex)

I summoned the dark energy, feeling its malevolent power surge through me.

My eyes lit up with a ghostly light as I released a stream of shadowy tentacles that surrounded the golem.

The Sentinel of Strength let out an agonized howl as the dark magic consumed it, eating away at its stone form.

"Wait! What's happening? " (Alex)

"My heart! " (Alex)

Yet, using **Deadra** had a price. It was dangerous, and it tried to take over me, tried to swallow my soul, heart, and brain entirely.

"Damn it! Stop, stop the fuck! " (Alex)

"Fuck bitchh! Stop it! " (Alex)

Summoning every ounce of willpower, I redirected the dark magic back at the golem's heart.

With a final, explosive burst of energy, the Sentinel of Strength shattered into countless shards of stone, crumbling to the ground in defeat.

Breathing heavily, I stood amidst the rubble, victorious, but drained.

The forbidden magic had taken its toll, leaving me weakened and vulnerable.

The team rushed to my side, their expressions a mix of relief and concern.

Lisa spoke first, her voice filled with worry. "Alex, Alex! Are you okay?"

I nodded, but I knew I had paid a heavy price for victory.

"I'm fine, but I need to be cautious with the use of **Deadra**. It's powerful, but it comes with great risks." (Alex)

As the dust settled, I couldn't help but wonder about the consequences of using such dark magic.

This battle had tested not only my strength but also my resolve, and the journey to claim the Eternal Crown had just become even more dangerous.

With the echoes of the battle still ringing in the chamber, Lisa's gaze swept over our team, a glint of determination in her eyes.

She knew that our journey was far from over.

"My lord has shown incredible strength today,"

she began, her voice steady.

"But this is just the beginning. We can't afford to let our guard down. The path to the Eternal Crown is fraught with challenges, and we need to face them together."

Her words resonated with each member of our team, and there was a collective nod of agreement.

Daniel, the seasoned warrior, spoke up, "Madam is right. We've trained for this, and we can't back down now. The second trial awaits, and we're ready ."

Mia, our mage with expertise in elemental magic, chimed in, "My lord, you've proven yourself as the Demon King. Now, let's harness our combined strength. We have a variety of skills at our disposal, and together, we can overcome any obstacle."

My strength had carried us through the first trial, but I knew that the true power of our team lay in our unity.

I smiled, feeling a renewed sense of purpose.

"Ok, that's all, let's not waste more time and keep advancing." (Alex)

With the renewed decision, we gathered ourselves and moved further into the old chamber, prepared to face the second challenge that lay ahead.

As we walked deeper into the ancient chamber, our torchlight flickered, making strange shadows on the cave walls decorated with mysterious carvings.

The air got colder, and a strong feeling of worry settled over us.

Each step we took felt heavier as if the weight of history itself pressed on our shoulders.

The passage twisted and turned, leading us into a big chamber bathed in a ghostly blue light.

The reason for this strange glow became clear as we reached the centre of the chamber, and our collective gasps filled the air.

'Is that what I think it is? ' (Alex)

Before us, rising from the dark waters of an underground lake, was a creature that I had only heard of in legends—a monstrous, titanic beast known as the Kraken.

Its colossal form emerged from the water, towering above us with tentacles that seemed to stretch on forever.

Each tentacle ended with a bunch of moving, suction-cupped parts that stuck to the old stone columns holding up the room.

Its eyes, deep and evil, stared at our group with a smartness that gave us shivers.

The Kraken's huge body was covered in shiny, colourful scales, shining like a dark pearl in the strange light.

Its giant mouth, full of very sharp teeth, opened in a quiet, scary hiss.

The creature gave off a feeling of very old evil as if it had slept under these depths for a super long time, waiting for people like us.

As the Kraken's ominous presence filled the room, I quickly looked at our very bad situation.

'This is bad, very bad.'

From it's size, I can deduce, it might take long time to defeat him but what if? What if, it can be defeated very easily with my spells.

There is a chance, right?

Let's try it.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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