
Lunar Ascension

HIATUS. (It will be finished though)

monawrita · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
80 Chs

A Private Detective

Lucian made contact with Alger Artin and secured four performances in just 6 days, amassing an impressive 5 valling notes. This fortunate turn of events, facilitated by Alger's assistance, allowed him to earn a substantial sum in a remarkably short span.

During this period, Lucian's apprehension about the looming execution lessened. He diligently watched over Elizabeth, visiting her regularly to ensure her safety until he could connect with other Believers.

Additionally, he invested in a revolver holster and acquired a new long, black suit jacket. This left him with 4 valling notes and 5 valka notes. The dark jacket served to discreetly conceal the revolver holster at his waist, preventing it from drawing undue attention.

Lucian frequented various bars in search of information about Believers, adopting a cautious approach. Instead of directly inquiring about them, he carefully alluded to witnessing someone perform magic. This tactic, however, was met with skepticism and laughter. Even if there were Believers present, they would have refrained from approaching him too hastily, lacking sufficient cause.

Furthermore, Lucian observed that the item in his pocket, obtained from the shadow, exhibited a slightly brighter glow during his visit to 'Rusts Bar' on 'Lethorn Street'.


Saturday, 14th August (Half-Moon), 12:20.

As Lucian opened the mailbox, he was met with a welcomed sight—a letter from Thomas Price.

"Finally!" he exclaimed, carefully scanning its contents.

"Hello Lucian. I'm writing to provide you with the information you requested. I hired a private detective to learn more about the Bart Family. Unfortunately, she couldn't locate their residence. However, she did discover a bar frequented by some members of the family. It's called Rusts Shab on Lethorn Street. I don't know how you'll handle this, but I strongly advise you to inform the authorities immediately. If you choose otherwise, I'll leave the private detective's address, and you can consider hiring her."

"The private detective resides at House Number 2, Upper Helven-Cross Street."

"Stay safe, Thomas Price."

Rusts Shab? Lethorn Street? I was just there two days ago, and that's where the item started glowing. Perhaps there truly was a Bart present, and it sensed it. I can use this to track them down and identify which one belongs to the Bart Family.

While the private detective couldn't ascertain where any member of the family lives, she did uncover their gathering place. That should suffice for my purposes.

Should I hire her to help with exposing them? I believe I should. I'm no Detective Conan or Sherlock to navigate matters of this sort.

I might not have enough funds to hire Believer bodyguards when I find them, but I can borrow from Thomas and repay him.

Entering the house with the letter in hand, Lucian was lost in thought when he heard Henry's voice.

"You've truly been working tirelessly this week. I see you've received another request to review a composition today," remarked Henry.

"Yes, I'll have to leave soon," Lucian replied, bending the truth.

"Alright then, best of luck with your work," wished Henry.


Helven-Cross Street:

This street stood apart from others as it was divided into four sections, each section was split as upper, right, left, and lower. The upper section was situated closer to the town center.

Lucian had a tough time navigating this street, as it was his first visit despite walking around town since he arrived.

He took a wrong turn and ended up on the right section of the street, where he knocked on the door of house number 2.

Knock Knock

A lady in her forties cautiously opened the door and inquired, "Excuse me, may I help you?"

"Hello, I'm Lucian Wright. I've come to hire your services. I need something to be researched," Lucian explained, his tone urgent and serious.

"I'm sorry, but you've got the wrong house. Lucy lives on the upper street," the lady informed him, exiting the house and pointing in the direction of the upper section.

"Oh, I'm truly sorry for disturbing you," Lucian apologized.

"It's quite alright, haha. This has happened a few times before," the lady reassured him.

Lucian finally made his way to the upper part, arriving at house number 2, and knocked on the door.


Then, the door creaked open, revealing a 24-year-old enchantress wearing a stylish light gray suit tailored for a woman, crowned by an elegant top hat. Her light brown eyes sparkled like captured constellations, lips an alluring hint of mystery, and her hair cascaded in sleek locks, playfully dancing from beneath the brim of her hat.

It was a rarity to behold a woman in such attire; most favored the allure of dresses to accentuate their femininity.

This is the first time I've seen a lady wear a suit and top hat, and she wears it with an enchanting grace, thought Lucian, momentarily captivated.

He was momentarily spellbound by her presence, until she gently spoke, pulling him back to reality. "Are you a client in need of my services?"

"Uhh yes," answered Lucian, finding his voice.

"Come on in," she invited.

They settled into her cozy living room, and she offered, "Coffee, tea, or water?"

"Coffee, please," Lucian replied.

As the lady got to work in the kitchen, she asked, "Can you give me a brief on what you need? Just a heads up, I don't handle cases involving relationship issues. Also, your name?"

"I'm seeking information about a specific family. They've been involved in some wrongdoing, and I aim to gather evidence to report to the police. I'm Lucian Wright, and you are?" he stated.

"Sorry, could you repeat that?" she inquired.

Lucian obliged, raising his volume a bit and thought, Is her hearing a bit off? She's just a few meters away.

She reassured, "I'll fill you in once the coffee's ready. By the way, I'm Lucy Hall."

With two steaming cups of coffee in hand, Lucy approached Lucian, asking, "What's the family's surname?"

"It's Bart," Lucian answered.

The lady accidentally spilled a bit of coffee, quickly recovering and apologizing, "My apologies for that." She then settled at the table, placing both cups down.

"I'm afraid I can't take on this request. I recently handled a similar case, but it was a high-stakes situation," Lucy explained.

Confused, Lucian probed, "Could you at least tell me why it's considered too dangerous?"

Lucy took a moment to consider and finally stated, "The risks involved are just too high."

Lucian's gaze locked onto hers, detecting the fear that lingered within her eyes.

"How about one valling note?" he proposed.

Lucy's response was resolute. "No."

He persisted, putting forth a new offer. "One valling note and 2 valka notes?"

Her stance didn't waver. "No. Please leave. I won't accept this request," she insisted.

"Please. Many lives depend on it. Please," Lucian implored.

Lucy observed him, moved by his plea, and relented, "Alright, tell me about it."

As Lucian weighed his words, he decided not to divulge their extraordinary abilities directly. Instead, he opted to craft a tale that emphasized their combat prowess.

He wove his fabricated account on the spot, recounting,

"Some members of the family are targeting me, my brother, my friend, and potentially her father. One night, I awoke to a disturbance in my home. Armed with a knife, I searched the house. I cornered the intruder, but he moved like a gust of wind, leaping out of my window and shattering it."

Lucy, intrigued, urged him to continue. "Mhm, go on."

Pausing briefly to collect his thoughts, Lucian resumed, "On another occasion, I was returning from a store. I took a shortcut to get home faster and suddenly, I was shot. I spun around to face my assailant, and he warned me that the Bart Family would pursue me relentlessly. Frightened, I screamed, drawing the attention of passersby, who promptly alerted the police. The assailant fled."

Curiosity sparked in Lucy's eyes as she inquired, "And why were they after you?"

Lucian crafted another seamless lie, stating, "Honestly, I'm not entirely sure. I tend to get into drunken altercations at bars. Perhaps I crossed paths with a member of their family."

"Interesting..." Lucy mused, her gaze drifting upward in contemplation.

Then, a moment of quiet settled as she savored her coffee, lost in contemplation. Slowly, she rose and approached Lucian, her hand finding its place on his chest. With a steady gaze, she posed an unexpected question.

"Were you lying?"

Lucian was taken aback by the directness of her question. It caught him off guard.

"No," he asserted, although it was a fabrication.

A swirl of emotions played across Lucy's face, an enigmatic mix that left her expression unreadable. Eventually, she relented, saying, "Hmm... Very well, I'll take you at your word," and withdrew her hand, returning to her seat.

Lucian couldn't help but release a pent-up breath, feeling a surge of relief.


That was a close call. I managed to create a lie from the truth. If she had seen through it, she might have linked me to the murder eventually.

"Alright, I'll take the job. But you'll need to pay me one valling note and five valka notes," Lucy stipulated.

"Deal," Lucian affirmed, sealing the agreement.

This man seems suspicious. The last time I delved into the Bart Family's affairs, I discovered that one member had disappeared, and another turned up dead on the street, neck snapped. Yet, he appears to be sincere. I suppose it must be an odd twist of fate.

Lucian, who had taken only a brief sip during their conversation, now downed the coffee hurriedly, not wanting it to go to waste.

He thought, Should I reveal the brown gooey substance? I'll explain that the man who broke in dropped it when he leaped through the window. She's a private detective; maybe she's encountered cases involving Believers before.

Turning to her, he said, "I have something rather peculiar to show you."

Her head tilted to the left, a glint of interest in her eyes as she replied, "Alright."

Lucian fished in his pocket, retrieved the vine-covered brown substance, and placed it on the table, beginning, "I fo-"

Before he could finish, Lucy shot up from her seat with lightning speed, demanding, "Where did you find this?"

Lucian was taken aback, unsure if showing her was the right move. He explained, "When the intruder leaped through the window, he dropped this. I'm not sure what it is, but I kept it."

Taking the item in her hand, Lucy raised it, analysing it for a good two minutes. The room fell into silence, and Lucian's thoughts raced.

I might have made a mistake. What happens next? Why is she so interested in it? Does she know something I don't? Or... could she be a Believer too?

Having finished her examination, she gently placed it back on the table and resumed her seat, stating, "This is a dangerous item. It's poison. Give it to me, and I'll dispose of it."

Lucian looked at her, aware that she was not being truthful but uncertain of her motives. He responded, "I've had it for quite some time, and nothing bad has happened to me."

Lucy, realizing her initial lie was flimsy, quickly added, "It's a slow-acting poison, designed to be discreet. The intruder likely intended to place it in your room, ensuring a gradual demise. The poison emits fumes that are harmful upon inhalation, and it can also be absorbed through contact."

Lucian's eyes widened, impressed by the elaborate fabrication. Drawing on his google knowledge, he responded, "I'm well-versed in various toxins, and none quite match that description. Additionally, most poisons have distinct odors, and those that don't lack the ability to release harmful fumes."

Lucy's patience wore thin as Lucian astutely dissected her story. She finally admitted, "Alright, let's cut to the chase. That substance is as valuable as gold. If you surrender it, you won't need to spend a single note."

Lucian pondered, So she really is a Believer. Which god granted her these powers?

He hesitated, reluctant to surrender the item. "It holds significance for me. I should also mention, there's more to the story. I had a friend look into the Bart Family, and he ended up hiring you. During my own investigation, I found myself at Rusts Shab, and that's when this item started reacting, glowing. I can't explain it, but I sensed its importance."

Lucy listened intently, taken aback by his candor and the fact that he omitted crucial details. Then, it dawned on her. She looked at Lucian with newfound understanding and blurted out.

"You're a Believer!?"