
Chapter 29

Axel and Clarynn began to slowly walk outside the store, while she was carrying on about the sexy lingerie she found and how her husband will be so pleased. During her rant, Axel was on full alert and making direct eye contact with me. I nodded and step beside them as the woman on the right slowly began to walk towards us and the other two suspects began making their approach. That is when all hell broke loose in the middle of the mall.

I wound up pushing Clarynn really hard to get her out of the way and into safety. She landed hard on the floor, and quite possibly will wind up with a great big bruise on her face that will trail down the left side of her body as well. Of course the princess was a ditz and never noticed the shift in atmosphere.

Completely unaware of the imminent threat Clarynn sat up a little and hollered out, "What the hell? Why did u push me, you…!"