
Luna of the woodland

The fate of Kourtney's Pack lies on her young shoulders. After her whole family has been executed and she narrowly escapes execution. Kourtney must embark on a journey to navigate the human world and find her wolf again, so she can go back and rescue her pack as she is the only surviving heir of the former Alpha of the Woodland Werewolf Pack in Denver. Kourtney is adopted by a human family and must learn to become as human as possible, she lost her wolf as a result of a memory loss but she has a hunch that something is waiting for her to discover it as she is meant for a great mission. This is a story of a thrilling and intriguing take of coming of age and identity crisis between a Werewolf's human and wolf side, only love can help her find true balance and yet even that brings along a dilemma. A werewolf and a human are both in love with her and want to help her on her journey, does she forsake her human family and go on her quest to save her pack or does she forsake her pack and embrace her new life in human society.

Scarlet_Fang · Fantasi
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5 Chs

Chapter 5

The woodland Luna takes more and more blood drawing punches to the face and neck as she is distracted, only caring about finding a way to break out of the circle of taunters and charge towards her cabin to help her distressed pup, who might be dead in the next minute or five.

Alpha Klaudius beat several silverback wolves trying to to get intbheirneay to stop them from getting to the cabin time. One punch to the chest, claws to the face, blood and fur in the air, the stench is foul, the sun bangs in the sky taking he moon's place as spectator to the genocide of the woodland werewolves of Colorado a thr battle of Woodland clearing.

More silverback wolves hit the ground dead or whimpering from pain, one loses an eye, the other trembles in fear after having one of his hind limbs broken from the hip joint, laying on the floor as if detached from him, looking like a strand of overly cooked spaghetti.

Alpha Klaudius' sons charge into the Luna's cabin to meet Vladius the terrible and his company of silverback wolves. One of the silverback wolves catches Alpha Klaudius'eldest son in the throat, Alpha Klaudius' bigger and stronger son breaks his grip and lands the silverback wolf's back in the cabin floor leaving a crack in the floor.

Another silverback wolf hits Alpha Klaudius' first son on the shoulders from behind, holds on to his tail and yanks hum away from his companion left in a hole in the cabin floor, as the Alpha Klaudius'son was about to finish him off.

The big, strong Woodland wolf growls in anger, throws a sporadic punch at his sneeky attacker wholeaves his tail immediately the punch lands on his chest and staggers to stand his ground.

The other two sons of Alpha Klaudius charges in front of Vladius the terrible and growl to assert dominance and mark territory, nobody was touching their sister. Vladius scoffs and commands his minions to attack the two woodland wolves, "take to their grave, send them to their weakling of a father, may the moon goddess light your path to the skies, filth," Vladius the terrible says with disgust in his voice and face, ending with a sarcastic prayer and spitting on the cabin floor where Alpha Klaudius' sons stood, ready to fight.

Vladius the terrible's minions charge at the two woodland wolves and stick a fang into their necks, they capitalize on their speed.and agility and their strength in mumbers to bring the woodland wolves on their back, struggling to land a single punch.

Their paws clenched in fury, they struggle under the silverback wolves who taunt them while clawing and biting them all over the body sporadically.

Alpha Klaudius' tow younger sons wrrathe in pain, claw at their attackers but heir paws a re now weak, barely able to answer to the commands of the nervous system, a claw from nowhere hits them from the sides, from the back, at the head, they have no clue twhere to defend from. They growl at their eldest brother to help them but he is being held down by two silverback wolves sitting on top him, while he lays on his abdomen, the silverback wolves are not trying to hurt him, hey just sit on him as if they want him to be alive and well to witneds the demise of half his family; his brothers and sister— as if it was an Olympic tournament or a gladiator fight at the Coliseum in ancient Rome.

Alpha Klaudius'first son watched helplessly— he can't even Avery his eyes from the hideous scene as his neck is on the cabin floor and there's no way to move it away from the direction of the cabin where his brothers were being massacred for sport. He eat he's the massacre and whimpers in helplessness.

The Luna peers her head into the cabin, sees her first offspring on the floor of the cabin, struggling to get up from underneath two silverback wolves sitting on his back, his tail wagging restlessly.

Her other two sons fighting about half a dozen Silverback wolves taunting and slashing at them with their sharp claws, sticking fangs into different parts of their body, ripping away fur and flesh.

The Luna knows there's no way she can help her sons, her only hope is to find a way to protect her little female pup from Vladius the terrible and his minions. The little pup stares at Vladius the terrible, undaunted and unafraid.

Vladius seems to be impressed by Kourtney's fearlessness, her mother's eyes are clouded in fear, the cabin becomes hotter but one can't tell if it was because the sun was rising to the center of the sky or because of the tension in the cabin as the Luna watches her sons die right in front of her.

Kourtney releases a soft growl at Vladius the terrible, his minions are thrown into a dirt of laughter at the little pup's pathetic attempt at showing bravery.

"Let me finish her my liege," one of Vladius the terrible's Silverback minions begs his master.

"No, let me, finish her off my liege," begs another one of Vladius the terrible's silverback minions.

The noise of battle can no longer be heard from the outi8, just silence, terrible, daunting silence... pregnant silence. The woodland wolves who were not killed are either lying helpless, terribly injured around the clearing, or watching the injured and not having the courage to help them, while the dead die without help or any awareness of the fate of their loved ones every two steps the living take.

Even the early morning birds do not chirp away like they usually do from the forest when the sun is making her slow journey across the sky. The only fowls of the air that can be found are vultures, bald headed menaces hovering over the clearing, waiting for their appointed time to come down and feast on the fresh carcases of a whole pack of werewolves.

They hang in the sky, making sounds to each other as if they know that some members of the pack are still yet to die and they are just waiting patiently for that to happen so their banquet can be complete.

With the cabin walls gone now, the Silverback wolves outside make their way into what used to be the Luna's cabin savouring the smell of blood oozing from the injuries of the woodland Luna and her sons' injuries.