
Birth of the Nature Tower (1)

"Perfect Alchemist my ass!" Rafal growled through gritted teeth. "Fire, Water and life affinity. You tricked me."

"Do you really think I would let you hurt my little boy?" Hilda's words cut through Rafals face as if they were knives.

"YOUR BOY??? HE is just another parentless runt that I fed for years. I am the only reason you are even alive, show some gratitude. Slut. If you kneel down and beg me to forgive you, while swearing on your soul that you will be my eternal slave, I might be magnanimous enough to let him live." Rafal screamed.

Rafal's words must have struck some nerve inside Hilda. Her body began to blaze in mana, which burned into Rafal's skin. Rafal pulled his hand away from Hilda and the magic circle on the back of his hand broke.

The next few moments are not really clear in my memories. I saw multiple shiny magic circles appear around Hilda. Before everything exploded.

My ears rang and the pieces of the orphanage rained down on the ground. The air was filled with smoke and dust, until powerful shockwaves cleared the air enough for everyone to see what was happening. All around me were the corpses of children and teenagers. Hilda and Jasmine were kneeling beside me. I could see Kermiran how he was trying to help Hanso, who had a wooden stake embedded in his shoulder.

All around me was death and destruction. Lina and Marius were helping the wounded while the lightning brothers Mick and Rocky were protecting everyone from the shockwaves that came from the sky.

The fight that had erupted in the sky was the most important one. The demonic Rafal was fighting the Headmaster of the academy. I had only seen them clearly once, the rest of the time they were so fast that I couldn't follow them with my eyes.

The headmaster was using a sword made of golden lightning bolts. While the demonic Rafal fought with an axe that had formed out of blood.

The only real indication of the fight were the Shockwaves that washed over the surrounding area. If not for the lightning brothers we wouldn't have survived this day.

At least that's what I thought. Now I know that Jasmine would have been able to protect everyone as well with much more ease but she had dedicated her focus to calming down Hilda far enough so she could treat me. Seeing the orphanage she had suffered so long to protect blow up into debris was hard for her.

I am unsure how much time passed before the fight in the sky stopped.

"Don't celebrate too early! I will be back for my revenge!" The shout of the demonic Rafal echoed over the destroyed orphanage as the battle ended and the headmaster became clear to the eyes again.

He was covered in injuries, the ugliest was a deep scar that ran from the shoulder all the way down to his abdomen. He still held the sword made of golden lightning in his hand while the other one held Rafals left arm. Rafal himself had vanished.

Hilda was treating me with her magic, and had calmed down a bit. Jasmine hurried over to the headmaster to help him treat his injuries.

Suddenly several portals opened in the area and heavily armed people rushed out of them. The people that rushed out of the portals wore heavy armor or robes with the Insignia of the sun-temple. A golden sun that burns with golden flames.

After they assessed the situation they rushed to help the wounded as there was no enemy to fight anymore. The Paladin in charge walked over to the headmaster that still held onto Rafals arm, as if he feared it would vanish if he let go of it.

"Greetings, I am Primus Maximilian Herak." The Paladin saluted the Headmaster, "I would like to apologize for arriving late. We assembled as soon as the demonic detectors went wild."

"No need to apologize, Primus Herak, The fight was really short. Intense but short. Fortunately, I don't know if I should have held on much longer. True Knight Aktun Rafal transformed into a demon. To my luck his transformation wasn't fully accomplished yet." The headmaster stopped as more portals opened around the demolished orphanage.

A new group of people walked out, blades drawn and chanting. All of them wore insignia that showed a Dragon fighting with a Phoenix. The AMCP was here.

The woman in Charge looked around to assess the information before she pointed at a random person, a paladin that was currently healing a 8 years old child with a broken leg.

"You, what happened here?" Her tone was arrogant and condescending, she clearly saw the Headmaster and he primus talking to each other yet she asked a random passerby.

The paladin in question didn't even look up before he refuted with enough hostility to start a major war: "Don't bother me while I am working woman, are you blind or dumb?"

The woman was about to reply when the voice of the Headmaster and the Primus sounded in unison with every ounce of authority they had: "Agent Mari Supris!"

The woman flinched visibly, before she turned to the two men that waved her over. She walked over to the two men.

"Gentle-" she couldn't finish her word.

"Don't border my men when they try to clean up your mess!" Primus Herak stood in front of the AMCP Agent, his posture treating and hostile, "Pray tell why a Demon is living amongst us without the AMCP doing anything against them?"

The AMCP agent was visibly shocked, her mouth opened and closed. I didn't hear what or if she said something, but the Headmaster's next words made clear what happened.

"YOU ARE SPEECHLESS?" The Headmaster's anger was interrupted by a coughing, and Primus Herak started to chant Healing spells post haste, "You think you are the only one speechless? I came here today to celebrate the 18th birthday of one of my students. I expected to have some minor trouble with teenagers not to fight a god damned demon." The Headmaster continued after he could speak again.

"Do you even understand what could have happened if the headmaster wasn't here to chase the demon away? Sadly the Headmaster wasn't strong enough to kill the demon without blowing the whole City into pieces. The most ridiculous thing is that the sun-temple has arrived before you." Primus Herak berated the AMCP Agent after he finished casting his latest healing spell. He continued casting without giving the Agent the chance to speak and the Headmaster continued.

"True Knight Aktun Rafal is in the end stage of demonization! How can you not know about this? You are the Kingdoms eyes and ears, the AMCP is supposed to prevent something like that. Get Peterhouse here this instant. Or I swear on the Sun God's name I rip you into pieces." Primus Herak frowned at this threat. He was a man of deep faith and he despised the swearing on the Sun God's name in such a manner.

The woman Mari Supris, was visibly intimidated. She pulled her communication amulet out of her pocket and called her supervisor.

"What is it Agent Supris, I already told you to take every available agent to the explosion site. I am currently preoccupied, I have to visit a baroness today, be quick."

"Sir, the explosion site is the orphanage. A demon appeared and a fight-"

"A DEMON AT THE ORPHANAGE? HOW COULD THERE BE A DEMON IN THE CITY ARE YOU BLOODY SERIOUS!" The woman was once again disrupted by angry yelling, today wasn't her day. "WAIT, Did you say orphanage? STAY WHERE YOU ARE AND DON'T MOVE."

A few moments later another portal opened. A tall and angry man stepped out of the portal. His Red hair stood upwards. He looked around before he ignored everyone and rushed to Hilda's side.

"Mylady are you alright? I am so sorry for what happened today. I should have come here first thing in the morning. Please can you forgive me?"

Everyone, from the Headmaster to the children of the orphanage, stared at the kneeling AMCP Supervisor in shock, this included Hilda and myself. Hilda's mouth stood open as she could not process what was happening at all. Jasmine, who had the highest social status in regards to nobility stood there slightly bent forward with her jaw so far apart that a book would have fit inside without a problem.

"What?" Hilda asked, confused.

"Aren't you Baroness Hilda Maxima?" Supervisor Peterson asked.

"My name is Hilda, Yes but that is the only part that is correct." Hilda's reply made the supervisor's hair catch flames. Orange flames erupted from his head. Important side note here. AMCP Supervisor Peterson is not human. He is a magical beast. I don't know exactly what kind.


If the worst part of my day just passed hers was about to go into hell. She just got a one way ticket for the highway to hell.