
Blossoming Bonds: Shared Stories and New Friendships

As we enter the class, I see Cedric seated three seats behind us. He is looking outside the window. The teacher soon enters the class and as Adele had said earlier, the class goes smoothly and is actually awesome. We only have two classes and each class is of two hours. The bell rings for lunch hour and Adele and I walk to the cafeteria together.

The cafeteria is situated right behind the main building of FPU, overlooking a large football ground, two basketball courts, a volleyball court and a large swimming pool. As we enter the cafeteria, it is large with hundreds of tables and chairs of different sizes. There are few tables outside the cafeteria as well.

The two of us take our coffee and two sandwiches each and look for a place to sit. The place looks quite crowded.

"How about going and seating out there?" I ask her.

"Yes, I was thinking about the same thing, let's go then" she says smiling and we walk outside. We choose a seat near the pool. A cool breeze is blowing and if feels so pleasant.

"So, where do you live?" I ask her.

"I live in Clovis, what about you?", she asks in return.

"Oh, I live in Madera" I tell her.

"Really, I have a cousin who lives there" she says smiling.

"I have a friend who lives in Clovis" I tell her returning her smile.

"Oh, really but I don't know much people there because I just moved there from San Jose this year" she says.

"Oh, so you live alone in Clovis?" I ask her.

"Yes but I visit my parents whenever I have a free time you know. It is only 2 hour 55 minutes drive from Clovis" she says.

"Do you drive to FPU?" I ask her.

"Yes, though it is just 13 minutes drive, I prefer driving" she says having her sandwich.

I take a bite from my sandwich and a sip of my coffee. We have so many things in common and we can be good friends, I think. I am so glad that I came across her yesterday in the stairs. She looked so nervous yesterday but she seems quite happy today. I look at her as she is having her sandwich. She is really cute and she reminds me of a younger sister I wanted to have.

"Do you drive to FPU?" she asks breaking the silence.

"Yes, I love driving and I have traveled to different places driving my own car" I tell her.

A huge smile appears in her cute face and it reaches her kind brown eyes. "Wow!" she exclaims. "We have so many things in common" she continues and her smile grows.

I simply can't help smiling because I was just thinking about the same thing few minutes ago. By the time we finish our lunch, the bell rings and we head to our class together.

Our next class is French literature and like Adele had said, it is epic. By the end of the class, I can say that I loved French literature more than English literature.

We walk to the parking lot together. As I open my car's door, I see Cedric walking towards the parking lot. As I turn around to avoid him, I see Adele waving at me.

"See you on Sunday" she calls out loudly. I wave her goodbye and get into my car and drive out of the parking lot.
