
Chapter 16: Camp Pt 2

"Alright guys, who's ready for training?" Luffy asked in his usual cheerful tone but got nothing but grunts in response.

"Rep, Mr. Aizawa. It's way too early in the morning for any kind of training." Kaminari said as a few of his classmates yawned and a few with tears of fear in their eyes. The morning sun engulfed the woods with its cold light "Especially Luffy's training."

"I have to agree." Ojiro said fearfully. It was the second day of their training camp. After Luffy's 'training' from the other day, they had to get multiple health checks with Recovery Girl, the one this morning was the last one. They had no intention to revisit Recovery Girl again for the rest of this trip but something told them that they will visit her again, and that thought depressed them very much.

"I don't want to hear it. You all want to become heroes? Then act like it." Aizawa quickly silenced his students' whining. As much as he didn't like to see them hurt, he would hate it even more if they got hurt because of his soft side. "Luffy, continue."

"Ugh." Multiple students groaned and whined even more after that.

"Yosh! Ok guys, today we'll be learning haki." Luffy said it as if he expected everybody to already know what he was talking about.

*Oh boy, this is going to be rough.* Momo thought with a pained look on her face while also mentally apologizing for not preventing her fellow classmates.

"Half of you! Go pick up a bunch of sticks." Luffy said as he pointed to the woods. "The other half! Go get some blindfolds!"

"...Why?" Kirishima asked, more so confused than anything else. Aizawa was just as confused as the rest of them.

"What do you mean 'Why?'" Luffy asked with a tilt of his head.

"Maybe you should try explaining first what haki even is?" Aizawa said after an exasperated sigh.

"Wait you guys don't–" Luffy said before facepalming himself. "Oh yeah! You guys have no idea what haki is! I totally forgot! Shishishi!"

"Yeah, we don't know. So, why don't you try explaining it?" Jirou said in an annoyed manner.

"Yeah, I thought it was like, a different quirk or something." Mina said, remembering the class's talk with Aizawa.

"Quirk?" Luffy said as he put a hand on his chin and started thinking in an almost sagely manner. "That doesn't make any sense."

"You don't make any sense, you rubber freak!" Bakugou shouted, his patience already long gone. "Just tell us already!"

"Ok! Ok! I get it!" Luffy said with his hands up. "How can I explain this?"

Before any more whining and a murder attempt ensued, Momo stepped forward. "I think that maybe it's best that I explain what haki is."

Aizawa thanked his lucky stars, as did most of the students, he wasn't sure if he was able to go through whatever Luffy considered as an 'explanation'.

"Wait Yaomomo, how do yo–" Uraraka was very quickly interrupted.

"If anybody else interrupts this explanation again, I'll make them come to the supplementary course with Ashido and Kaminari. Am. I. Understood?" Aizawa asked in a threatening manner, a scarf floating around him as did his hair, his red eyes adding to the scary factor. After receiving a terrified 'yes sir!', he let Momo continue.

"From what I understand from my own experience with haki and Luffy's explanation of it, it is fundamentally a technique that is centered around will and lack of doubt." As she started explaining haki, her classmates' previous annoyed attitudes changed to a more curious one. "Going into a fight without any doubt and having the will to withstand the pain. That is what haki boils down to. Am I correct?"

"Yep!" Luffy said with a smile and thumbs up. "Go on."

"There are 3 types of haki: Observation haki, Armament haki, and Conqueror's haki." Momo said as she activated her quirk.

"Conqueror's?" Uraraka muttered quietly to herself before clasping her mouth with her hands in fear of Aizawa. Fortunately for her, Aizawa was too focused on Momo's explanation to even notice.

"Observation haki allows one to predict someone's movement, feelings, and overall presence." Momo said as she threw the newly made baseball bat to Luffy and then proceeded to blindfold herself. "I will now demonstrate it."

"Oh, Okay!" Luffy said as he got close to her and readied himself. With confused looks from everybody around them and bated breaths, they watched as Luffy swung his bat.

"1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 9, 1, 6, 2." Nobody even paid attention to Luffy's inability to count past 5 as they watched Momo gracefully and narrowly dodge Luffy's swings. If you didn't know her from before you would've said she had some sort of danger sense quirk.

"Would you look at that?" Izuku was interrupted from looking in pure amazement by a voice in his head and a shiver that went down his spine. At first, he thought he heard it behind him, so he turned around and asked. "Who said that?"

"Huh?" Momo said in response to Izuku's question. Unfortunately, this broke her focus and before she could even realize it, her ear made contact with Luffy's bat, sending her across the ground all the way into a bush.

"Don't lose focus!" Luffy said loudly to her as she struggled to get out of a bush, Mineta was seen drooling at her unfortunate position.

"That was awesome! Do it again!" "Oh crap, Yaomomo are you okay?" And several other comments like these were made as Momo struggled to get out of the bush. After getting free, she sent a death glare to Izuku even though she was blindfolded.

"I-I'M SO SORRY!" Izuku said as he bowed repeatedly with tears in his eyes.

"It's fine, I'm angrier at myself for not being able to get past 10." Momo said as she got back to the front of everyone, near Luffy and Aizawa. "It takes me weeks to even be able to dodge just one more swing. That's the downside to haki that I have found out myself. It takes a very long time to even learn the basics of it."

"Yeah! It took me about 2 years to learn the basics." Luffy chipped in from behind Momo. Meanwhile with Aizawa.

*So that's why Luffy is so good at dodging. Because he mastered observation haki. If everyone can learn haki, then this could either be a massive advantage or disadvantage. Depends if word gets out to the villains. Better to keep it a secret for now, good thing I told Vlad and the Pussycats that we'll be having a private session.* Aizawa thought with his usual stoic expression.

"Wow! That was seriously badass!" Kirishima said, pumped full of energy.

"Yeah! I can't believe you dodged all of his attacks blindfolded!" Ojiro said, matching Kirishima's energy.

"C'est Magnifique!" Aoyama said while spinning.

*No kidding, if this is what Observation can do, I can't wait to hear the rest!* Bakugou thought with a newfound passion for learning.

"Please, I'm not worthy of your praise." Momo said while absolutely relishing the praise and attention she was getting. Having to watch Luffy be a master at haki while she could barely even dodge 10 swings was a bummer, to put it simply. So the fact that she was getting recognized for her haki gave her a confidence boost.

"Remember Momo, you still got a long way to go until you can dodge 100." Luffy said as he was spinning his baseball bat.

"100?!" Almost all of the students said all at once. Even Aizawa thought this number was a bit excessive.

"Well duh, If you can dodge 100 swings then you can pretty much dodge anything." Luffy said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. Momo nodded.

"I guess you're not wrong." Izuku said with a bit of sweat on his forehead. He really didn't feel like getting hit by a bat for who knows how long. "B-but still!"

"Look, if you don't want to learn Observation haki then you don't have to. You can still learn Armament." Luffy said when he noticed everybody's fearful expressions. "Old man Rayleigh did say that most people just choose one type of haki, the one that comes easier to them. I know all 3 though."

"Wait really? Different types of haki come easier to different people?" Momo asked, this was information she did not know.

"Yeah! Why do you think you're learning Observation so fast?" Luffy said with a smile. "You just got an affirmation for it!"

"Don't you mean affinity?" Aizawa asked with a raised eyebrow. Momo was bewildered that this was considered fast, she always thought that she was slower at learning it. *Guess I'll focus on Observation.*

"That's what I said." Luffy said only to receive a sigh in response.

"Hey rep, I got a question." Kirishima said but he was interrupted.

"No. Questions at the end of the explanation. We deviated from the subject at hand too much already." Aizawa said, his curiosity and impatience getting the better of him. "Continue."

"Right. The next type is Armament, this allows you to put a protective shield on different parts of your body." Momo said before turning to Luffy. "Luffy, could you demonstrate it please?"

"Sure!" Luffy said excitedly as he showed everyone how his arm turned from his usual color to a shiny black with a metallic hint to it. He received a bunch of 'wow's in exchange.

"This haki-coated arm now protects Luffy from different dangers, from knives to bullets and all the way to blazing fire." Momo said as she grabbed his hand, showcasing it to the class like a saleswoman.

*So that's how he did it.* Aizawa thought as every student got close and started touching Luffy's arm. *This is truly a terrifying power.*

"This is totally awesome!" Mina said, fully hypnotized by his haki-coated skin.

"Wow, It's so weird! It's like it's metal but it's still rubbery." Kaminari said as he pinched Luffy's skin and tried his best to stretch it.

"Wait what?" Izuku and Momo said at the same time as they also tried to pull on his skin but just barely managed. Weirdly enough, Luffy wasn't all that bothered by this.

"Wow, you're right!" Izuku said as his mind began to race.

"This-This is a big deal!" Momo said, thinking the same thing Izuku was thinking.

"What do you mean?" Tsu asked as the rest of the class was wondering what they were thinking.

"Ugh! I can't believe I didn't realize it sooner!" Momo said as she angrily face-palmed herself. Now even Aizawa was wondering what they were thinking.

"What are you talking about?" Hakagure asked.

"This!" Izuku said as he grabbed Luffy's hand and began stretching it. "It's rubbery but also metallic at the same time!"

"Dude, I still don't get it." Kaminari asked, just as confused as the rest. That's when it dawned on Aizawa.

"You're using your quirk and haki at the same time." Aizawa said, annoyed at himself for taking so long to realize. "In other words, you enhanced your quirk."

"Um, Yeah?" Luffy said confused.

That's when everybody else understood what they meant, and that's also when everybody realized what it meant.

"Oh my god, Imagine if I use my quirk and Armament at the same time." Kirishima said with a happy expression. "I'll be unstoppable!"

*Haki with All for one? Does this mean I'll stop breaking my bones?!* Izuku pretty much shouted in his head with sheer excitement.

*If I use Armament, I wonder how much bigger my explosions will get!* Bakugou thought with a feral grin. Every student seemed to be thinking the same thing and the camp began eerily quiet for a moment.

*Armament with electricity? That would look so cool!* Kaminari thought as he imagined shooting black lighting out of his hands.

*If I coat my arms in haki and shoot acid, how would that acid come out?* Mina thought as she envisioned shooting out a black liquid.

*Could I Make haki-coated items?* Momo thought with a hand on her chin.

*It would probably help me from overheating or overcooling, not that I need any help in that department. …But I do wonder.* Todoroki thought as he imagined shooting out blocks of dark ice.

*How would I even look like with Haki?* Hakagure thought. Every student found themselves using their quirk with Armament, but some of them found that their quirks wouldn't really receive that much of a boost.

*If I coat my earplugs, would that even do anything besides making them more durable?* Jirou thought, after all, she planned on becoming a hero that focuses on information gathering, not battles on the front line.

"So that's why my quirk has been acting strange lately." Momo said out loud, breaking the silence and snapping everyone out of their thoughts.

"What do you mean Yaomomo?" Mina asked.

"You see, before I started learning Observation haki, I would just think of the chemical composition, the different components of the item, and finally the structure before actually activating it and making the item." Momo said with a thoughtful gaze.

*Holy crap!* Mina, along with some of the other students, shouted in their minds at all the steps Momo has to do to even use her quirk.

"But ever since I started dodging Luffy's swings, I started seeing the item in my mind and not just see it, but sort of feel it. Every chemical compound, every little piece, I began seeing how it was made and could even make slight adjustments to it." Momo said as she activated her quirk and closed her eyes. "Even now, as I am making this phone, I can clearly see everything about it. I'm not just following a recipe or a blueprint anymore. It's like I'm helping to make it."

"Wow." Was pretty much everybody's response.

"Usually, I would just make a standard smartphone. But with my haki, I made some adjustments to it. It has different components than the ones I would usually make." Momo said as she snapped her phone in half and began looking inside. Some students whimpered at this. "Fascinating."

*If Yaomomo can do that, I wonder what I can do?* Jirou thought as she looked at her earplugs.

*Can I use my quirk with people I don't even see?* Aizawa thought, slightly taken aback by this revelation. If he could do that, his prowess would expand tenfold.

*Nothing really changes for me.* Uraraka thought, very saddened at the fact that most of her classmates, besides her, will be getting a boost.

"Oh, I get it!" Luffy said. Some of the students didn't believe him. "So you have a special type of Observation haki, that's what you're trying to say, right?"

"Special type?" Aizawa asked, slightly startling some of the students who even forgot he was there.

"Yeah. Like my sniper Usopp! He's a sniper and his Observation haki makes him see veeeeery far way." Luffy said with a hand gesture before turning to Momo. "I have the normal type, I can just feel people's emotion, their auras, their attacks, and see a bit into the future. You must have one of them special types!"

"...The future?" Momo asked, completely bewildered. The rest of her classmates were as flabbergasted as her.

"Yeah!" Luffy said.

"Wait, we'll get back to that." Aizawa said as he massaged his temples. This was too much information to receive at once. "There was one more type, right? Conqueror's I think."

"Yes, although that one is a rare type." Momo said as she got back on track. "From the little that I know of it, It allows somebody to overpower a person, mentally speaking, and make them faint." Momo said, remembering her time at the mall.

"Wow." Everybody said the usual response.

"Wait, so you mean that everybody has this haki thing?" Mineta asked.

"And not everybody has Conqueror's?" Ojiro asked to confirm.

"Yep, From what Rayleigh told me, only like 1 in a billion has it." Luffy said which made almost everybody hit the ground with their jaws. "Or was it million? I don't know, something with an illion.

"The million part sounds more likely." Kaminari said. Even if it was a million, it doesn't really make it any less rare in their eyes.

"Maybe. Rayleigh also said that it's the haki of a king." Luffy said, looking very proud of himself at that moment.

"And you have it?" Bakugou said with a tsk. He didn't buy it for a second that Luffy was that Lucky.

"Yeah watch!" Luffy said with a blast of haki.

"Wa–" Izuku said but his words were caught in his throat. His mind, heck his entire being felt like it was being invaded. As if somebody forcibly invited themselves into his mind. He couldn't feel anything and soon after, he was knocked out, along with every other person there. Safe for Luffy.

"Whoops." Luffy said as he looked at the ground filled with knocked-out students and one teacher. "I guess it was too strong for them."

After about 2 minutes where Luffy just waited near them, bored out of his mind. He began getting excited when he noticed that Momo was the first one to wake, perhaps for her haki training, not 3 seconds later Aizawa began waking up, and then Izuku, and then Bakugou, and then Todoroki, and then the whole class steadily woke up.

"Took you guys long enough!" Luffy said, looking very annoyed.

"You Rubberidiot, I'll kill you." Bakugou's threat didn't seem all that threatening as he had to force himself to even stand up.

"Luffy, never do that again." Momo said as she felt her breakfast get stuck in her throat.

"Ugh, I felt like I had the worst hangover of my life." Kaminari said as he used a nearby rock as a seat.

"You've never had a hangover in your life." Kirishima said, looking just as exhausted as everybody else.

"That's why it's the worst one." Kaminari said with a small chuckle.

"I feel like I just used my quirk for an hour." Uraraka said as she struggled to keep her breakfast in her stomach.

"Next time, a warning might be nice." Aizawa said with a very annoyed expression on his face.

"Oh, I'm sorry! Shishishishi!" Luffy said as he scratched the back of his head.

"Why do I feel like he's lying?" Izuku said as he just chose to sit on the ground, along with many others.

After a couple more minutes, everyone recovered from Luffy's attack. They resumed their lesson.

"Ok so, I have several questions." Aizawa said as he turned to Luffy.

"Shoot." Luffy said.

"Are there any other types of haki or extensions of the ones you mentioned?" Aizawa asked and after about several seconds.

"Oh, You mean like the future thing?"

"Yes, the future thing."

"Wait, you can actually see the future?" "Wait, you can actually see the future?" Mina And Luffy said at the same time.

"Whoa, that's so freaky!" "Whoa, that's so freaky!" Hakagure and Luffy said at the same time.

"Badass!" "Awesome!" "Badsome!" Kaminari, Kirishima, and Luffy said at the same time. Since they both said it, Luffy got confused and kinda mixed them up. This earned a hearty laugh from most of the students in the group.

"Luffy, please explain it." Momo said it in a way that a mother would try to make her toddler do something. Since this is something new about haki that she didn't know, she was very eager to learn it.

"Future Sight haki is like a mastered version of Observation haki. I can see a couple of seconds into the future and it's very hard to learn. I almost died trying to learn it!" Luffy said it in a way that made the others sweatdrop.

"Almost died?" Izuku asked, worried about his friend.

"Yeah, I was fighting Katakuri who already knew future sight, and because of my fight with him, I learned it." Luffy said, that's when Momo piped up.

"I forgot to mention this but haki develops the fastest in a battle. The higher the stakes, the faster you'll learn it." Momo said as she thought of her previous fights.

"Is that so?" Aizawa asked with a raised eyebrow. *Just like quirks.*

"Yes, actually I awakened my Observation haki in my fight at the sports tournament," Momo said as she turned to Tokoyami. "Thanks for that by the way."

"You're welcome?" Tokoyami wasn't sure if he felt used or not.

"And I began dodging Luffy's swings after my final exam with Mr. Aizawa." Momo said as she quickly thanked her teacher. She got a flashback and remembered how happy and proud she felt when she dodged his swing, although that happiness was short lived when she found out that she needed to do 100 in a row.

"So that's why you were so hellbent on fighting Mr. Aizawa then." Todoroki piped up and Momo felt a pang of guilt strike her heart.

"Yeah, sorry about that." Momo quickly apologized.

"Don't worry about it. We still won, so it's fine." Todoroki said.

"Any other haki-related things that we should know about?" Aizawa asked Luffy.

"Um, oh yeah! There's also Ryou!" Luffy said as he got close to a nearby tree.

"Ryou?" Uraraka asked.

"I believe it has the meaning of flow, though I do not see the correlation." Iida asked as he adjusted his glasses.

"Okay, everybody! Watch!" Luffy said as every eye fell on him. After closing his eyes, he began feeling haki run through his veins. The students watched as a golden aura began to envelop his entire forearm.

*That's the same thing he did at the U.S.J!* Kirishima and Todoroki thought, remembering the insane punch that Luffy threw at the Nomu.

Everybody watched as the golden aura entered the tree and as if somebody planted a bomb in the middle of it, it exploded, leaving only a bit of wood and bark where Luffy had hit it. The students watched with gaping mouths as the tree toppled in the opposite direction.

"See! That's Ryou!" Luffy exclaimed proudly as he came back to his bewildered classmates.

"Dude. You're overpowered. Like, In every sense of the word." Kaminari said as he still couldn't take his eyes off the tree.

"Aw Shucks! You're making me blush!" Luffy said with a happy expression. "You guys can become just as strong as me, so it's fine!"

"The scary part is that he's right." Sero said as he still looked in disbelief.

"That was Ryou, You gotta feel the haki flow through you and send it out of your punch." Luffy said. "It's good for guys with tough skin!"

"It's also good at killing people." Jirou muttered.

*Oh My God! I can't even imagine what types of explosions I'll be able to make with that type of haki!* Bakugou thought with a very hungry grin, one that's hungry for power. *Armament has to come easy to me!*

*C-Could that type of punch hurt All-Might in his buffed form?* Izuku thought, All-Might's pedestal and his spot as the strongest person in the world were quickly coming apart in his mind, and Izuku didn't like that.

"Incredible." Momo muttered. She now thought that maybe Armament wasn't as bad as she had thought it was. Not that she ever thought it was bad, she had every intention of learning it, but she wondered which one was better suited for her. Her affinity for Observation haki or Armament's destructive force?

"I can't believe I'm saying this but, is there anything else?" Aizawa asked, after this little lesson on haki is over he'll be needing a drink or several.

"Lemme think." Luffy said as he adopted a thinking expression. "I did say that you can put Armament haki on weapons and other stuff like that right?"

"...No, you certainly did not." Aizawa said as he and the other students widened their eyes at this. *Haki? On my scarf?*

"Yeah, look!" Luffy said as he got a nearby rock, and with a little bit of haki. They were now staring at a haki-infused rock. Cue the 'wows'.

"Does this last forever now?" Iida asked, wondering if he could put haki on his engine.

"Nah, Only for a couple of seconds after I drop it," Luffy said before getting an idea. "But check this out."

Luffy reared his arm back and making sure to not use all of his strength, he threw that rock at a tree, and it firmly embedded itself in the tree, somewhere around the middle of the trunk. Only then the rock lost its black coloring, not that the students would notice it.

"I'm-I'm not even surprised at this point." Sero said as he looked at the tree.

*Armament sounds more and more appealing to me.* Momo said, barely able to hold her excitement in.

*I can't even count the different types of quirks this haki achieves.* Aizawa said as he rubbed his temples. *This is one hell of a technique, that's for sure.*

"Okay, That's pretty much it!" Luffy said as he stretched a bit. "Oh man, I feel like I've been explaining haki for hours!"

"Wait a second Rubberbrain. How do you train Armament?" Bakugou asked a question that slipped most of the students' and Aizawa's mind. "I get Observation, you just have to dodge the damn stick, but what about Armament?"

"I actually want to know as well." Momo asked a bit more sheepishly than she liked.

"It's the same as Observation." Luffy said with a smile.

"The same?" Kirishima asked.

"Yeah, but instead of dodging, you gotta block!" Luffy said and he received a bunch of grunts in response.

"Ugh, I don't know what's worse. Being blindfolded and not knowing where or when you'll get hit…" Kaminari said in a sulk.

"...Or knowing when and where you'll be hit and not being able to do anything about it besides just taking it." Sero said with droopy shoulders.

"Please Luf! There's gotta be another way!" Mina caught off guard some of her classmates with this new nickname.

"Sorry, but that's the way I learned. I don't know any other way." Luffy said with his hands in a defensive manner.

"Damn cowards, afraid of getting hit." Bakugou said as he looked at his classmates with disgust on his face. "If you don't have the balls to train for haki, then you don't deserve it."

"And you know all about having balls, right?" Jirou said which made some of her classmates snicker.

"That's ri–" Bakugou, fortunately, stopped himself from embarrassment and proceeded to stomp towards her. "Damn you!"

"Enough!" Aizawa quickly stopped the conflict. "Here's what we're going to do. Everybody pair up with somebody, one person has the bat, the other learns haki."

"That's a nice way of saying 'gets beat.'" Tsu said but Aizawa chose to ignore her comment.

"Whether you decide Armament or Observation it's up to you, I don't really care." Aizawa said as he got his notebook and began going back to the cabin. "We'll train Haki for this time only since it's apparently so hard to learn. After this, you can learn it at the pleasure of your own home."

"Iida!" Aizawa said, immediately making the boy in question straighten even further. "Make sure everybody comes back to the cabin once the sun sets, I'll come to check from time to time but I need a nap."

"Thank you sir for granting me this responsibility!" Iida said loudly which annoyed some of the students next to him. "I will do my best to make sure to meet your standards!"

"Whatever." Aizawa said as everybody began getting large sticks and blindfolds from Momo. "One last thing, This haki thing remains top secret for the time being, it could pose a huge threat to society if somebody learns about it, so until then, I don't want to hear even a rumor about it. Am I Understood?"

"Yessir!" Everybody said all at once and with a nod, Aizawa was gone. Quickly each of the students scattered into pairs of two.

"Hey Kaminari, need any help?" Mineta said to the taller teen who turned to him with a look of surprise.

"Yeah! But, don't you want to learn it?" Kaminari asked with a hand on his hip. "Or do you want to switch after like 10 hits or something?"

"No thanks, The last thing I need is getting tossed into a boulder." Mineta said as they saw Momo soar across the sky straight into the top of a tree. "See what I mean?"

"I guess so." Kaminari said as he prepared himself to block. "Ok! Ready!"

"Kirishima! You're with me!" Bakugou suddenly said to the red-haired student, straddling him slightly in the process. "I don't trust any of these other losers to hit me like they mean it."

"Oh, so in other words… You trust me?" Kirishima said looking flattered while muttering something about manliness.

"In your dreams!" Bakugou said as he bonked Kirishima on the head. "Just do it already!"

*Wow, everybody seems to really be getting into it.* Izuku thought as he looked at several students hitting each other, either too gently or too hard. He watched as Kaminari clutched his shin while jumping on the other one. *Guess I should start too, but who–*

"Hey Deku! I saw you here alone and thought that maybe you needed a partner?" Urarka said, her pink collared cheeks looking a little pinker than usual.

"Oh really! Thanks a lot!" Izuku said as he prepared himself. "I think I'll start with Armament and then move to Observation, I wanna try them both out, see If I have an affinity for one of them. What about you?"

"Oh, Me? Well, I don't really think I'll be training haki, at least for now." Uraraka said which surprised Izuku slightly.


"Yeah, I want to first learn to control my quirk before learning a new one." Uraraka said as she scratched the back of her hand and made tiny circles with her foot. "You know what I mean?"

"Y-Yeah, I guess I forgot about my own quirk." Izuku said as he looked at his hand. "I got so wrapped up in my excitement to learn something new that I totally forgot about learning to control my actual quirk. But I still want to train haki!"

"Ok! And I'll help by beating you to a pulp!" Uraraka said as she practiced swinging her stick.

"Please don't say it like that!" Izuku said fearfully.

"Luffy!" Iida said to Luffy which made him stop his stick just inches away from Momo's nose. "I need your help!"

"Huh? What's up Glasses?" Luffy said as he swung his baseball bat over his shoulder.

"I suppose it is time for a break." Momo muttered to herself as she went and grabbed a bottle of water.

"I want you to show me your shave technique again." Iida said with a small bow. "Of course, I mean to train Haki as per Mr. Aizawa's orders, but I believe that learning your other technique could prove more useful to me."

"Sure, just watch me." Iida heard Luffy say before he ran faster than his eye could even process. "Did ya see it?"

"Unfortunately I did not. No matter how many times I try to do your technique, I fail and I don't know why." Iida said while looking very ashamed of himself.

"Beats me. I learned it pretty fast." Luffy said as Momo got back to them. "Want me to do it again?"

"No, I don't wish to trouble you any further." Iida said before Momo piped in.

"If you want, I can make a slow-motion camera and you can try to learn it by watching Luffy perform it in." Momo said.

"That would be most helpful!" Iida said as he did his best to imitate a robot. "Thank you very much!"

After a quick use of her quirk and capturing it on camera, Iida finally had something that might actually help him.

"I need to thank you again, this would surely prove useful!" Iida said as he placed his camera near the water bottle stash. "I shall watch it in my free time, now I must learn haki!"

"Have fun! You're welcome!" Luffy said as he waved goodbye to him and got back to training Momo.

And just like the first day of camp, evening came around faster than the students even realized it. This time, class 1-A had to make food for themselves, since they weren't in splints and with broken bones. They did get some weird looks from the rest of the camp residents at the bruises everybody had but nobody dared ask any questions out of fear of being dragged into Luffy's training.


"Yosh! Let's cook!" Luffy said excitedly with a pair of knives in his hands.

"NO!" Momo shouted suddenly, scaring half to death some of the students. They were surprised since Momo was such a soft-spoken and practical girl, and they never did hear her shout. "No way you're cooking mister! Don't you remember almost burning down the mansion?!"

"Eh? That was like forever ago." Luffy said with a wave of his hand. Momo proceeded to grab his hand, force the knives out of his grip and tie him to the bench, using his hand as ropes. "Not again!"

"Oh, that sounds like a fun story." Kaminari said as he hauled over a box of veggies.

"More like a horror story." Momo said with an irritated expression, this gave Mina an idea. She had overheard the whole scuffle.

"Oh My Gosh! Guys, I just got the best Idea!" Mina said as she grabbed every student's attention from class 1-A. "Imagine this. Campfire, S'mores, and scary stories!"

"I'm totally in!" Hakagure expectedly said.

"Yeah!" Kirishima said as he pumped his fist. Soon after, most of the students agreed to participate.

"Sounds fun! What are S'mores though?" Luffy said which genuinely shocked the pink-skinned girl.

"Luf, my pal, my buddy, my friend! How can you possibly not know what S'mores are?!" Mina thought that if there was somebody to know everything about food, then it must be Luffy.

"Is it good?" Luffy asked with a tilt of his head, seemingly forgetting the fact that he is pinned to a bench.

"It's totally delish!" Mina said as she started salivating, imagining the S'more as if it were the last meal on earth. "The best food you could ever want. Marshmallow, chocolate and 2 biscuits, all heated at the campfire."

"Wow!" Luffy said with his tongue out and openly salivating, sharing in Mina's fantasy. "What's a marshmallow?"

"We gotta have it, right Mr. Aizawa?" Mina said, ignoring Luffy's question, as she and Luffy turned to stare pleadingly at their teacher who seemed lost in thought as he overwatched his class along with Recovery Girl.

"No way, this is a training camp, not a field trip." Aizawa said after getting back to his senses. This immediately depressed the 2 students.

"Y-You Monster!" Mina suddenly addressed him with a pointed finger.

"I hate you!" Luffy spat with as much bite as he could while still being tied with his hands.

"I don't care." Aizawa said in his usual stoic impression.

"Ugh, I can't believe it." Mina said between sobs before turning to a crying Luffy and proceeding to pet him in a comforting way. "There. There."

*Why is he even crying? He didn't even know what it was a second ago.* Izuku thought with an amused look as Momo passed by them. She looked used to Luffy's antics by now.

"So, are you going to tell me what you learned today, or do I need to guess?" Recovery Girl said to Aizawa. This whole day Aizawa looked lost in thought after his training with his class in the morning.

"You can read it in the report from Nezu. Until then, I'm not saying anything." Aizawa said in a cold voice. This surprised Recovery Girl somewhat.

"You're acting like you discovered a nuclear bomb and don't know how to deal with it." Recovery Girl said which made Aizawa give a small chuckle.

"I might as well have." Aizawa said and soon they both fell in silence as they watched Class 1-A cook food. Recovery Girl was somewhat taken aback by his answer, but she supposed there was nothing she could do for now except to wait.


"Really? Just us? I thought there'd be way more!" Mina said in a very disappointed manner as she looked at their small little group who were huddled near a campfire at the beginning of the woods. The group consisted of Mina, Momo, Luffy, Kirishima, Kaminari, Hakagure, Izuku, and Uraraka.

"Well sorry, but most of the guys were too tired to even speak to us when we asked them." Kirishima said as he pointed between himself and Kaminari.

"Yeah, I can't blame them though, after today's training and having to visit Recovery Girl, we're all pretty spent." Kaminari added.

"Same thing with the girls." Hakagure said with a small sigh.

"Well then, no time to waste!" Mina said as she turned to Momo. "Hey, I kinda wanna hear about how Luffy almost burned down your giant mansion."

"I didn't!" Luffy exclaimed loudly only to have Momo silence him.

"Oh, me too!" Urarka said with a raised arm.

"Me three!" Kirishima added.

"Sure, but 'burned down' is a bit of an exaggeration, more like 'set fire to the kitchen.'" Momo said but the looks on their faces didn't change any less as she sighed and proceeded to tell her tale. "It all started on a Saturday…"


Yaoyorozu Mansion.

"MOMOOOOOOOOOO!" I immediately winced from Luffy's scream and the article on engineering I was reading. "WHERE ARE YOUUUUU?"

*Why does he have to always scream?* I thought as a chill went down my spine. *Maybe something bad happened.*

"I'M DYYYIIIIING!" I heard Luffy say and I instantly took back my previous thought.

*This better be good.* I sighed and shook my head as I went towards Luffy's voice.


"STOP SHOUTING!" I usually never raise my voice but something about Luffy just makes me want to scream.

I opened the door to the kitchen where Luffy's voice was coming from and what I see is Luffy getting ready to scream at the top of his lungs again like he was the last person on the planet, but when he noticed me he said.

"Oh Momo, what's up?" Luffy said in his usual cheerful tone as if he wasn't just now screaming at the top of his lungs.

"What do you mean 'what's up?'?!" I said in frustration. "You were screaming as if your family died!"

"Oh yeah, Momo I'm hungry! The lady cook isn't here!" Luffy said as he dropped to his knees. "Make some food please!"

*Food?! That's why he was screaming his heart out?* I thought as I shook my head. *Of course, why did I expect anything else?*

"Just make some yourself." I said simply. You would think that somebody obsessed with food would at least know how to make some, right?

"But, last time I made food I almost torched my whole ship." He said sheepishly. In retrospect, I should've known not to let Luffy do anything that even comes close to the definition of adulthood, but I didn't expect he would be so bad at it. Hindsight is 20/20 as they say.

"Come on, I'm sure you can't be that bad." I said and accentuated the word 'that'. "Either that or you wait for the cook to come back."

"But what if I die until then?!" I rolled my eyes at his antics before a thought popped up in my head.

"Now that I think about it, where is she?" I muttered as Luffy rolled on the ground in front of me. "She usually never leaves for so long, especially since Luffy started living with me."

"Fine then! I'll make the food." I was startled as Luffy quickly picked himself off the ground and rolled his sleeves up. "I'll make the bestest food in the whole world!"

"Sure, just make sure not to burn the house down." I said as I left the kitchen and went back to the living room to continue my studies.

Fast forward about 10 minutes and I saw Luffy as he energetically opened the living room door and walked in with a bowl with what I could only describe as pure poison. *That fast?*

"Hey Momo! You gotta try this!" Luffy said as he took a spoon and immediately tried to force it into my mouth.

"Wait!" I said as I quickly took his hand and put the spoon back in his bowl. I winced as I took a closer look at the 'soup' Luffy made. There were fish, raw fish, raw meat with the bone still intact, unpeeled potatoes, I'm pretty sure I saw a branch in there too, and the color! Pure black like I was staring into the dark abyss, I'm pretty sure I saw death staring back at me. "Y-You made this?" I asked fearfully.

"Yep! It's so good!" He said as he took a big gulp of the soup. I was genuinely surprised that he didn't die right then and there. My hypothesis is that Luffy's soup must've burned his tongue and he couldn't feel the taste anymore. As for why he wasn't affected, medically speaking, I'm not too sure. "You gotta try it!"

"T-Thanks but I think I'll pass for now." I said as I politely turned down his 'food'. Then another thought popped up in my head. "I think I'm going to regret asking this, but how did you make it so fast?"

"Hm. Well, It was taking a long time to cook and I was hungry so I just turned it to the max!" He said in a cheerful tone, I felt a wave of panic flush over me from the kitchen. This was after the final exams. "And then it still took too long so I got some wood from outside and added it to the fire."

"Y-You added wood… to the stove?" I asked and that's when I had to pinch my nose from the strong scent that washed over the living room.

"Yep! Still think it took too long." He said as he began eating the food with a spoon that was starting to rot. "Anyway, you were right Momo, I don't know why I was so scared. Making food is so easy!"

And that's when I saw dark smoke start to enter the living room.

"Luffy! What did you do?!" I shouted as I took him by the hand and started running towards the kitchen, accidentally dropping his 'soup' on the carpet. I'm pretty sure I saw it burn through the carpet.

End flashback.

"...And?! What happened next?!" Mina said after a couple of seconds of silence. She along with the others who were waiting to hear the rest.

"After seeing the kitchen completely engulfed in fire and several panicking maids, I made as many fire extinguishers as I could and gave them to all our surrounding staff members. They quickly got to work putting out the fire while I dialed the firemen." Momo said with a smile on her face. Clearly enjoying retelling this story to her friends, a new concept for her. "The firemen arrived and helped us completely extinguish the fire. I turned to Luffy drenched in sweat from all of my quirk usage and you know what he said?"

"What?" Kirishima, Izuku, and Kaminari asked, clearly enjoying the campfire story.

"He said 'Whoops, guess I made the fire too big huh?'" Everybody gave a hearty chuckle, even Luffy. "I heard my father yell at him and scold him repeatedly over the next couple of days but I doubt anything stuck."

"Wow Luf, You really are an idiot." Mina said as she turned to Luffy.

"Hey!" Luffy said in irritation, everybody laughed at his expense, even Momo laughed but she tried to hide it with her hand.

And so everybody took turns telling some of their favorite stories. From Luffy's crazy and wacky tales that he swore actually happened, to scary stories that nobody, besides Izuku, actually felt any real fear from them. Slowly but surely, most of them went back to the cabin, despite Luffy's best efforts at keeping them there. The only ones that remained were Luffy and Momo. They sat across each other as they stared at the kindling fire embers.

"Brrrr." Luffy shivered from the night's cold air, now devoid of any warmth from the fire, he realized just how cold it's gotten.

Momo rose from her seat and activated her quirk which made a soft blanket for a shivering Luffy. *Isn't it supposed to be the other way around?* She thought in amusement as she sat near Luffy and wrapped the blanket she made across both of them. Their shoulders were touching as they sat in darkness, nothing but the embers from the fire and the moon to light up their surroundings.

"Thanks." Luffy said as he snuggly wrapped his part of the blanket around him, Momo mimicking his action.

"No problem." Momo said as she watched the embers spark from time to time. She wondered many things as they stood in silence. Why was she not blushing? Why was she so content sitting in this cold? Why did she want to sit there even if it was so late at night and they both had a hard day of training ahead of them? Why did she want to sit there? Next to Luffy?

She thought it could be love, not that she even knew how love felt. Shouldn't her heart be pounding in her chest if this was love? She thought as she slid her hand across her chest to feel her heart. She felt her heart beat as if she was taking an afternoon stroll. *I guess not.* She didn't feel anxious or nervous or anything, the only way she could describe how she felt was comfortable. Comfortable, and content. She could do with a better seat, she thought with a tinge of annoyance, but besides that, she was happy.

"So I heard Mina call you 'Luf'." Momo said in an attempt to fill the silence with some sort of small talk.

"Yeah, I guess she did." Luffy responded with a grin on his face.

"Maybe I should find you a nickname?"

"Sure! And I'll find one for you!"

"Hm… How does 'Lu' sound?"

"Lu?" Luffy repeated his nickname, and an image of Ace flashed in his mind. "That's what Ace used to call me."

"Oh, Sorry." Momo said with an apologetic look on her face, not that Luffy could see it. She didn't mean to bring up Luffy's dead brother.

"Don't worry, I like it!" Luffy said with a wide grin on his face. "You can call me that, and I'll call you Mom!"

"...I don't know about that one." Momo said with a small chuckle. "Just call me Momo, I like my name so I don't mind."

"Oh, okay Momo."

"You… What was Ace like?" Momo said after a moment of hesitation, she didn't want to open an old wound by any means but her curiosity got the better of her.

"Ace? He was the best big brother ever!" Luffy said as his face adopted a permanent grin as he reminisced. "At the beginning, he was very mean, but after I met Sabo and they saved me from a bunch of bad pirates, he started being nicer!"

"Sabo? Who's that?"

"Ah, That's my other brother! Me, Ace, and Sabo!"

"Oh, And is he… also deceased?"

"What? No. I thought he was but it turned out that he was actually working with my dad or something. I heard he sailed with a ship one day and got attacked, that's why I thought he was dead, but he's alive so it's all good."

"I'm glad then."

"Thanks! There was this one time with a big crocodile…" And so, Luffy began rambling about his childhood with his brothers. Momo listened to Luffy tell his story and felt kinda bad for Luffy, he didn't seem to have the happiest of childhoods growing up, but the way he reminisced, in a cheerful way, tells her that at the very least he was happy. And that thought made her happy.

"...After that, we gathered near a trunk and Ace pulled up 3 cups and a bottle of sake–"

*Sake? That young and they were drinking alcohol?*

"-We each drank from our cups and from that point on we became brothers, not just friends but real brothers!"

"Wait a second, I thought Ace and Sabo were your blood relatives?"

"I wish that were true, but they're not. But It's fine, in my eyes, they are my brothers."

"Because you three drank sake?"

"Yep! Don't you know? If you exchange sake cups with someone, you become family!"

"Really?" Momo said it in a way that wasn't disbelief, but more like someone learning an important fact.

"Yeah! And then–" Luffy was interrupted by a voice in the dark.

"What the hell did I say?" The voice revealed to be Aizawa when the two students turned to see who it was. Luffy, too immersed in his storytelling, didn't pick up on Aizawa's presence.

"M-Mr. Aizawa?!" "Sunglasses?!" They both exclaimed startled as they hugged each other out of fear.

"Get back to sleep before I send the both of you home." Aizawa said as he activated his quirk.

"We're s-sorry!" Momo tried to apologize. She didn't even realize how late it had got.

"Right. Now!" Aizawa said in an annoyed/angry tone.

"Of course! Let's go Lu!" Momo said as she grabbed his hand and bolted to the cabin.

"Eh?! But I Still had more stories to tell!" Luffy said in annoyance as he was dragged by Momo.

"You'll tell them later!" Momo said as Aizawa watched them disappear into the woods.

"Damn trouble children, making me wake up in the middle of the night to put the to sleep.* Aizawa thought annoyed. *I should've just stuck to hero work, but noooo. I just had to become a teacher.*

On a Cliff Facing the Cabin.

"I do not like this!" Himiko Toga said, annoyed as she tried to take off her intricate gas mask. She was a 16 year old, ex-high schooler villainess with dirty blonde hair. "It's so not cute!"

"They were engineered from the black market from what I hear." Mustard said annoyed at Toga. He was also an ex-high schooler, wearing a more traditional gas mask. "You should be worried that they work, not that they look pretty."

"Hi darlings, sorry to keep you waiting." Magne said as she strolled to the group of villains. She was carrying a big, square, object that was covered in a white cloth.

"Get to work, Get to work." Moonfish said creepily, walking side by side with Magne. He was a villain who escaped death row, he was wearing a tight, black straitjacket that only showed his mouth and nothing else.

"That makes seven of us." Dabi said as he stood at the forefront of the small group of villains. He was a villain with black hair and a massive amount of scarred tissue on his body.

"I don't care, just let me loose." Muscular said as he barely contained himself from all of the excitement. He was a 6 foot 6 villain, (200 CM.) With a black robe and a mask covering his whole face. "I'm too pumped up just to stand by!"

"Shut your mouth, you crazy bastard." Dabi said as he glanced at Muscular over his shoulder. "We wait, we still expect 3 more people to join our little party. The league of villains made a mistake going after them with just a bunch of random thugs, better to do it with a small group of elites."

"What about that straw hat kid? Luffy I think his name was." Spinner said as he adjusted his red scarf. He was a 20 year-old villain with gecko-like skin and a lot of blades strapped on his back, all of them combining to make one. "He supposedly defeated Nomu."

"You know the plan, just like the rest of us." Dabi said as he overlooked the forest. "If he's as dumb as Shigaraki says, then we shouldn't have a problem with him."

"I doubt anyone is that dumb." Spinner said as he remembered the plan.

"Oh, I just can't wait to fight him!" Muscular said as several muscles popped on his forearm. "Finally, somebody who can match me!"

"Just stick to the plan and don't do anything stupid." Dabi said. "Now all of you, shut up and wait in silence, tomorrow's going to be a big day."