

No one messes with LUCIFERA.... She's a devil.

Xtystar13 · Lainnya
Peringkat tidak cukup
43 Chs

15. Ace I


"Hey Divya, have you seen Alison?" Ryan asked. "S...S...She went that way"Divya pointed at the direction Alison went. "Okay thanks"Ryan patted her on the shoulder and left with his friends.


Alison was munching on a buns she had in her bag while reading a book in front of her. Ryan and his friends entered the library and walked up to Alison "Hey Allie. I was looking all over for you" Ryan said. Alison looked up and meet with Ryan's gaze. Her gaze then shifted to Tyler. Tyler felt a chill down his spine because of Alison but before he knew it Alison retreated her gaze.

"Hmm" Alison looked back at the book she was reading. "Aren't you going to the cafeteria?" Ryan asked. "No, I'm not hungry" Alison said without looking up. "here I got you this. I knew you wouldn't be going to the cafeteria when didn't find you in your class"Ryan place a plastic bag on the table beside her book then left with his friends.

Alison took out the food Ryan got her and ate. She returned back to class when lunchtime was over. Teacher Lu entered the classroom and scanned through the class to see if Alison came to school. "Oh Alison you came today. How is your health?" Teacher Lu asked.

"I'm fine" She nodded. "Alright then" Teacher Lu said then began to teach. Today was Friday so teachers loaded them up with assignment to do during the weekends.

Few weeks later

It was a beautiful Saturday morning, Alison was woken up by the sun pecking in through her slightly opened window. She got up and stopped infront of her calendar. "Huh?" She frowned. She was supposed to have her period the day before yesterday. Her calendar had stated she was having her period two days ago but why wasn't it? Was she going to have a late period this time?

She was confused. She went to the bathroom had her bath then changed into a black trousers and a black top with her black long hair that reached her waist.Her all black screamed a dangerous aura.

"Allie are you going on a morning work?" Ryan asked when he saw her coming out of her room "Hmm" She nodded. "Then let's go together" Ryan said. "No I'm fine going alone"Alison said. " Okay then...be careful on your way"Ryan said. "alright" Alison turned around and left.

She passed her usual spot, but something was amiss the blond haired guy wasn't at the spot she always saw him. She shrugged and left. "It not like I care". She walked through an alley which led to a hidden lake in the forest. " Wow"She exclaimed. "People don't know there's something beautiful as this in the city"A deep voice spoke from behind.

The man walked passed her and sat infront of the lake dipping his bare feet into it. "it's you?" Alison said surprised. "Me? Have we met before?" The guy asked? "No. I know you... Maybe I don't know that much... but you that blond haired guy I always see"Alison stated.

"Do you stare at me while passing by?"The guy looked at her. "Don't answer that question, I know I'm handsome and one in a million" The guy teased. "Come sit here. it's nice dipping your feet into the water"The guy said. Alison said at his back from afar.

" don't be scared, I don't bite" The guy said once again. "Who said I was scared" Alison walked up to him and sat beside him silently.