
Lucifer system: Becoming the Devil in an Apocalypse

An apocalypse that happened in 2024 threatened all of humanity, unifying the Earth to be governed by the same laws and oppressive government. Alien captives from the apocalypse were exploited by humans for their knowledge and power to advance buildings as well as technology. It is the year 2044 and humans don't know is that there is a second apocalypse that I have been dreaming about. Afraid of being classed as an alien for having these dreams, I choose silence. The second apocalypse leaves me prisoner in a land where humans can practice magic. However, learning magic is the least of my concerns for if anyone learns what I am, I will die. I have no idea how it happened or what to do about it. All I know is that I can't trust anyone. [Congratulations, you have unlocked the Lucifer System. You will become the devil. Would you like to accept?] [Yes and live as the devil/ No and die] [You have 48 hours to choose or else you will die] *********** Welcome to the best story ever!! Enjoy it. Cover credit: i.pinimg.com on Pinterest. The cover is not mine.

SoulSnatcher · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
76 Chs

Fuck you, Rufus

Levi was almost home when the first train fell from the sky. Screams of pain and panic as well as the sound of bombs exploding were heard everywhere. 

Everyone was scrambling to get to safety. In the process, Levi was pushed to the ground. He couldn't stand up due to how crowded it was. People were stepping all over him while they ran. Nobody cared about him. 

An invisible screen appeared in the sky. The same woman who had made the previous announcement was the one speaking again like she was reading the news. 

(Public announcement: Make your way to your homes quietly and slowly to avoid stampedes and unnecessary deaths of citizens. )

People were trying to survive. There was no way that people would be calm and quiet.

"Fuck!" Levi cursed. He couldn't believe that he had a whole year to prepare only to be caught in the crossfire. He was no different from those who hadn't known there would be an apocalypse. 

Levi managed to get up from the ground and run home. He was still injured from the stampede and the punches from Xander but he pushed through the pain. He got to the slums where he lived and located his house. 

It was a one-bedroomed space that looked like it was falling apart. In the same city as skyscrapers and modern architecture, there were houses made of rotting wood. That was how large the gap between the rich and the poor was. 

"Where have you been, boy? " His father asked. He was sitting on the couch that Levi usually slept at while drinking a bottle of liquor. It was a miracle that his liver was still functioning. 

Levi ignored him and went to the storage room to pack his items. Rufus, his father, followed behind him. Rufus liked to bully his son. He was ashamed to admit that Levi had come from him. 

He viewed Levi as weak and a pussy. 

"Are those bruises on your face? Don't tell me that someone is bullying you. Can you fight back? Come on, boy. Show me. "

To prove his point, Rufus pushed the boy backward and started laughing. Levi knew how to pick his battles. The one with his father was not worth having. He had vowed long ago not to take the opinions of an old drunk seriously. 

Despite not taking his opinions seriously, he couldn't deny that they were very damaging to his self-esteem. He had an ego after all. It was just that he couldn't afford to let it manifest. 

He packed all his items while his father was watching. He didn't have much since he couldn't afford a lot. Even clothes were a luxury. 

"Where do you think you're going? " Rufus slurred as he ripped Levi's suitcase from his grasp. His drunk state made him unaware of what was going on outside but he still needed Levi around. 

Who would cook for him, clean after him, and keep the house afloat if his scrawny kid left? 

"I am going to a friend's house. I will be back tomorrow. " Levi did not want to lie but he had to get out of there somehow. The house was falling apart. It wouldn't survive an impact from the war going on. 

"Do you think I'm stupid, boy? You aren't going anywhere. " 

Rufus flung Levi's suitcase away and took him by his hand. Levi was dragged to the bedroom and locked inside. Even when drunk, Rufus was still stronger than his son. He pushed a desk to block the door from opening in case Levi managed to unlock the door. 

"Stay there, you little shit. " 

He went back to the couch and went on to drink. Levi banged on the door and begged for his father to open it. 

"Rufus please, open the door. You don't understand. We need to get out of here. "

"I wasn't born yesterday, stupid. You will come out when I decide that it is time. " 

"There is an invasion outside. This house can't provide shelter. None of the houses around can. If we stay here we will die. "

His words fell on deaf ears for Rufus was already passed out on the couch. Levi was getting angry. He had always been able to control his anger before. Not today. He already felt pushed to the limit. 

Everyone always took advantage of him. He punched the door once, twice, and thrice. It was like he couldn't feel pain. He growled and punched the wall next. He lost all control and started throwing things on the ground and breaking them. 

As he stared at the bed, he got angrier. There was only one bed in the house that Rufus never let him sleep on. He had slept on his couch his whole life. Levi had been lucky Rufus had not used him as a punching bag today. 

"I hate you!" He screamed at the top of his lungs and raked his hands through his hair. His hands were bleeding but he couldn't feel any pain. Anger was the only emotion he was feeling. 

An invisible screen appeared in front of him with the same woman from before. It was another announcement from the government that she was delivering. Levi wondered if his father was seeing it too. 

(Public announcement: All men and women above eighteen are being called upon by the government to fight in the war. Humans from another planet have invaded the earth and want to colonize it. It is our duty as citizens to protect it. Guards will be going around in every household looking for anyone refusing to come and fight. )

"Yeah, forcibly send the poor to war while the rich hide in their underground bunkers. " Levi said under his breath. 

He sighed and started to relax. The adrenaline rush had gotten to him for a moment there. He needed to figure out how he was going to leave a room with no windows. He stood and walked to the door. 

He could try and open the door but he knew he was weak and it would be futile. Rufus was passed out and there was no one else in the room. It looked more and more like he had no choice but to pray for the best. 

"Fuck you, Rufus! I wish you were fucking dead! "

Levi could still hear screams of pain and loud explosions. Whichever race had invaded Earth was doing real damage. For a minute, he was glad that he wasn't outside to witness all the chaos. 

Just as he sat on the bed, he heard the roof above him creaking. Dust particles fell into his eyes when he looked up. He stared in fascination wondering what was causing a strain on the roof. 

Before he could react, something fell above him, crushing him and the bed. His head was bleeding and so were other parts of his body. Something had gone through his chest and come out on the other side. 

This was it. This was the end. His eyes started closing on their own accord before he shut them completely and his whole body went still. 

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