

Word Count: 1057

Pairings: Lucifer Morningstar x Reader

Warnings: angst, mild language, and fluff

A/N: Request from anonymous, Enjoy!

Summary: You hated to admit it but you faded into the background, you didn't mean to keep so under the radar but it's just how it was. It was probably why he never noticed you and probably never would.


You looked up from your desk when you heard the familiar voice of Chloe Decker's partner, Lucifer Morningstar. Your heart stopped, and you felt your mouth go dry when he smiled at you.


He trailed off waiting for you to give him your name. You mumbled your words a moment before finally being able to answer him.

"Y/N L/N."

He smiled again and you could only imagine how red your face must be.

"Y/N, lovely name."

Well if your face wasn't red before it certainly was now.

"The Detective sent me over to give you this."

You took the file from his hand, opening it to let your eyes glance over the words.

"Thank you, can you-"

You looked up, but he was already heading towards the vending machines. You stood up calling after him.

"Lucifer! You need to sign... oh nevermind." You muttered sitting back down.

"I know that look."

You jumped turning your chair to see Ella leaning against the wall behind your desk.

"What? The look of frustration?" You mumbled turning back around to work on your file.

"No that longing look you had." Ella said.

"Sure longing after some coffee maybe."

Ella shook her head and pushed herself off the wall she grabbed your head, turning it to look at Lucifer. For a moment you felt your heart skip a beat but you tried to push that feeling aside.

"No, longing after ."

You batted her hands away and turned back around to face her.

"I am not after Lucifer, Ella." You scoffed.

"You are totally lying!" She laughed.

You crossed your arms but stole a quick look in Lucifer's direction. He was laughing at something someone had said and it made you smile a little. When you turned your attention back to Ella she was grinning like the Cheshire cat. You leaned back slightly unnerved.

"Ok! Yes, I might like him a little!" You admitted.

Ella raised an eyebrow, crossing her arms.

"That's all you're getting El, I'm not going to be, like 'Hey I'm in love with you!' Do you realize how pathetic I would sound!" You laughed dryly.

Ella's smile dropped a little, and she looked at you like she didn't understand why you would think that.


"Ella look at him, then look at me."

You motioned to Lucifer then yourself.

"Do you honestly think I have any chance with a guy like that?" You asked dryly.

"I do! Why wouldn't you?"

"He barely acknowledges I exist El, I mean I can't blame him. I don't exactly stand out in the precinct, especially not tucked away under the staircase." You shrugged.

"That's not true."

"I've worked here for two years, interacted with him a hand full of times, and today was the first time he asked my name."

She opened her mouth to respond but Chloe was calling for her. You gave her a fake smile, waving her off. She gave you one last look that seemed to pity you. Once she was gone you leaned back in your chair staring up at the stairs above you. You shook your head before burying yourself back in your work. You noticed Lucifer passing by your desk and tried to stop him.

"Lucifer! I really need you to sign-"

"Bit busy love."

You watched him walk away, and ran a hand through your hair.


It was getting late and you had only one file left from your last case, the one Chloe had helped you with. The file Lucifer brought over, with some evidence but never signed. It wasn't for a lack of trying either. All day you had tried to get him to stop for one minute just to sign it. Yet every time you tried, he was either to busy or already rushing out the door.

"I really do need him to sign it though." You mumbled to yourself.

You sighed, taking a deep breath before standing up, and walking over to where he stood with Ella in her lab.

"Hi, Y/N!" Ella greeted.

You smiled at her before turning your attention to Lucifer.

"Lucifer you need to-"

He held up a finger, and you felt annoyance settle into your nerves.

"Just a minute, I've almost finished."

He tapped away at his phone screen and you clenched your jaw. You slammed the file down catching both his and Ella's attention.

"Will you just sign the goddamn chain of evidence, so I don't get in fucking trouble!" You snapped.

The shock on their faces made you wish the ground would open up, and swallow you whole.

"Alright love, no need to shout." Lucifer said as he scribbled his name on the evidence form.

You muttered a thank you before hurrying back to your desk and putting your head face down on it. You were unaware of Lucifer and Ella watching you through the windows of her lab.

"Is she alright?" He asked watching you lightly bang your head against your desk.

Ella bit her lip trying not to let the words tumble out of her mouth. Trying not to spill your secret.

She failed.


You groaned fully intending to stay, like that for the rest of the night. You heard a pair of footsteps stop just by your desk.

"Go away Ella, let me wallow in my misery." You sighed.

"Well I can't say anyone has ever confused me with Ms. Lopez before." A deep voice chuckled.

Your head shot up and you looked at Lucifer, face flushed red with embarrassment.

"Sorry, I just... can I help you?" You forced a nervous smile.

"I was actually hoping you'd accompany me to this lovely little coffee house not to far from here. I hear it's better with some company."

You stared at him blankly, his words  didn't seem to click in your mind yet.

"And you want , to go with " You sounded skeptical.

Lucifer chuckled and nodded, holding his arm out for you to take.

"Shall we?"

You sat there a moment, waiting to wake up, as if this was a dream. When you didn't find yourself waking up in your bed you stood. You smiled as you took his arm, and he led you out of the precinct.