

I stayed lying on the concrete, my head spinning as I processed what had just happened. A small crowd of people rushed to my aid as they believed a young girl had just gotten seriously injured. I sat up and rubbed my forehead to ease the burning headache I got from the rushed movement. My eyes fluttered open to see the group of bystanders staring in shock and fright. I then heard rushed footsteps as the man who hit me ran towards me—a look of worry painted on his face. 

"Oh my goodness," The man said, uttered under his breath. "I'm so sorry—are you alright?" 

"Someone call 9-1-1!"

Still attempting to process what had just occurred, as everything happened so fast, nothing could come out of my mouth to reply to this man. I simply stood up from the ground and picked up my now bruised and dented moped. 

"Hun, shouldn't you should wait for the ambulance to arrive?" A pedestrian recommended. 

Before I could be approached by anyone else, I quickly made my way out of the scene and continued my route in going back home. Once I made my way into the parking lot of Lux, I lay the scooter onto the wall next to Lucifer's car. Having realized what had just occurred, I  checked my body for any signs of injury. 

Nothing was found, aside from the rips/scuff marks on my clothes and debris on my face, as I predicted (and hoped)—like the car never hit me.

I shook off the jitters before heading upstairs, arriving to Lucifer, Amenadiel, Linda, and two kids (the girl aged around 12 years old and the boy 2-3 years old) chatting on the couch while the adults drank tea. Interrupting their conversation, they all turned to look at me as I walked in and dropped my bag on the floor. 

"Yvi, what took you so long?" Lucifer scolded before getting a good look at me. "My , you look terrible." 

I rolled my eyes, giving a sarcastic "Thanks."

Being the maternal person she was, Linda rushed towards me with a look of worry. "Oh my god, Yvi, what happened? Are you okay? Do I need to call–" 

"It's alright Linda," I giggled, assuring her, "I just got hit by a car on the way home. I'm fine though—perks of being immortal." 

The three adults in the room shushed me as soon as I unknowingly revealed myself to the children, who I'm assuming didn't know my true identity. 

"Oh-Uh, funny joke sweetie," Linda laughed it off, patting my shoulder. 

"Um, anyway," Lucifer shifted the conversation. "There's someone that I'd like you to meet." 

My father introduces the young girl as "Trixie," Chloe's one and only child. 

"Well it's nice to meet you, Trixie. I'm Yvi." 

"I know, Lucifer won't stop talking about you when he's at our house." 

Lucifer's eyes widened at Trixie's confession, and he nearly chucked the girl out of the window. He loved Chloe—therefore, he had to put up with her daughter, but I wouldn't put it past him to do something of the sort. 

I gave my father a shit-eating grin as he rolled his eyes and pretended to dismiss her comment as if it were nothing. 

"And..." Amenadiel began, "This is Charlie, your cousin."

I coo at the sight of the adorable toddler and give him a little wave. 

"Hi Charlie, I'm Yvi!" I said lightly as the little boy gave me a cute smile. 

Linda took a sip of her tea, "So, Lucifer told us you'll be staying in LA for some time."

I looked over at my father, who simply got up from the couch and walked towards the bar. "Um- I'm mean, I guess I will be."

"Well that's wonderful Yvi," Amenadiel spoke. "Are you having any fun so far?"

"Yeah, I would say I am. It's definitely more thrilling than being down there," I gestured to the ground. 

Linda and Amenadiel immediately knew what I was referring to and nodded in understanding. 

Linda turned her head in my father's direction and signaled for his attention. "Um Lucifer, I believe you have something to show Yvi something."

Lucifer gave her a threatening glare before fake laughing. "Yes, of course," He uttered before taking a swig of his drink. 

Linda continued her intense stare directed at my father as if she were waiting for him to say something.  

"Yvi," I looked up at Lucifer as he spoke. "You no longer have to sleep on the couch. We prepared a bedroom for you."

I gave him a confused look before Linda decided to speak for my father, "Your father told us that you were going to be staying here for some time, so he thought that you should room of your own."

My mouth widened, and my eyebrows raised. I looked up at Lucifer to confirm Linda's statement, and he simply nodded. 

We all got up for our seats, and I was led up the spiral staircase. My father stopped in front of the large bookcase that lined the entire wall. I was confused, as there was no door in sight - just books. Then, Lucifer reached for and tilted it slightly, which caused a door-shaped crack to reveal itself. 

The newly discovered door swung back to reveal a nicely decorated bedroom, full of blacks and whites, and a light pink fur throw blanket that perfectly contrasted the achromatic colors. 

"Oh my–" I gasped in shock, taking in the space before me. 

I walked into my new sleeping space and was overjoyed that I not only had a proper place to sleep and have my privacy but that this also meant Lucifer cared about me.

"This used to be my artifact room, but I decided to put them elsewhere so you can have a more comfortable and private place to sleep." 

My eyes began to water at the sight. I quickly ran over to my father and gave him a tight, loving embrace. "Thank you so much."

His body stiffened at my touch, but it didn't matter to me. I knew it would be hard for him to open up to me, but I believed that he'd slowly open up.

I soon let go so I could test out my new bed. I quickly rested my back on the mattress and sighed from how soft and comfortable it was. 

"C'mon Yvi, I'll help you move your things." 

✞  ✞

Yvi and Trixie chatted as they walked out of the room, leaving Amenadiel, Linda, and Charlie in her arms. 

"See, I told you that she'd love it," Linda whispered. 

"This is the first step, Luci. Imagine where your relationship with her can go." 

I sighed, walking over to the bed and taking a seat. "I don't need a relationship with her, brother. This is just a temporary thing, and she'll be gone soon." 

Amenadiel took a seat next to me. "Look, I know your grudge and hatred towards Yvi. I don't completely understand it, but what I do know is that this all comes from a feeling of protection and love. It's been an eternity though, Luci. You need to give her a chance." 

"It seems like you're making progress with her, but whenever you realize you're showing even an ounce of affection, you become cold with her again," Linda stated. 


"No Lucifer," She interrupted. "You need to face the fact that even though you act as though you hate her, you care. You show it in the most peculiar of ways, but we see that you care. You wouldn't have done all of this if you didn't." 

"You are both being non-sensical," I responded, standing up. 

"Whatever Luci, you'll understand someday. Maybe not today, but someday," Amenadiel reassures. 

The two adults and the toddler leave the room, allowing me to ponder alone in my thoughts.

✞  ✞

That's some tea... 

Thank you guys so much for over forty thousand reads! I literally had no intention to post this for fame or views. I wrote this story to just get my ideas out and share them with people who love the show as much as I do. I never thought of this story as "fan fiction," but according to most, I guess it is, and I'm not complaining! Love you guys and have a great day :)

(Also, side note: Many people have been asking about how I came up with the name . It actually came from a Shane Dawson conspiracy video. in Latin is supposedly translated to the daughter of Satin or the Devil. backwardis  and the conspiracy was trying to prove that Beyonce and her family are all a part of the Illuminati. Also,   is pronounced the same way as you would say, )
