
Lucas Grey & The Olympians

A story about a boy who starts his journey at the age of twelve and learns his father is the all-powerful Erebus the God of Darkness and one of the Primordial Gods in Greek Mythology. Forcefully setting out to become a hero to prove his innocence by going on a quest across the United States, finding the entrance to the underworld, and stopping a war between gods. Will he succeed? Is he bounded by fate? Will he be able to break the shackles that bind him?

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Lucas Grey

[Book 1: Lucas Grey and The Olympians: The Lighting Thief]


What is murder?

I know right pretty heavy way to start it off by saying I killed a human being?

That's what your thinking right... well.... it wasn't exactly a human being per se.


It was my Science Teacher...

Look it's not like I wanted to do it.... somewhat...

She was kind of well... a bitch.

But hey I never asked to be a half-blood.

What is a half-blood you say?

It's when a mortal aka, a human being, and a divine being aka, a literal god do the hanky panky together and make a child.

Don't know what hanky pinky is? Go to your parents and scream "Me and (Whatever your female friend's name is), did the hanky panky at the playground!"

Then you'll know the meaning of Hanky Panky.

Anyway if you're reading this and might think your a half-blood... well I have a very specific task for you: Burn this book in the trashcan... or a school. Believe whatever lie your parents told you about your origins and lead the most normal life you can.

Being part human and part god is dangerous, very dangerous; you most likely end up dead and have a very painful death.

And well if you're an actual human being, like a hundred percent then great because you think it's fiction... I have two words for you, fuck off. I envy your entire life for believing all of this is fiction.

But if your read these pages and stop reading because you feel something within you burning inside then you might be one of us.

One of us!

One of us!

One of us!

Haha sorry couldn't help it, but once you know you're one of us then it's only a meter of time before they sence it too and comes for you.

But hey don't listen to the crazy kid, ignore me if you dare... just don't say I didn't warn you.

My name is Lucas Grey.

Actually, it's Lucas Achlys Grey.

I'm a twelve-year-old boy. A few months ago I attended Horizon Academy, a private school for kids like me... troubled kids I mean not the other kind.

Horizon academy was located in New York, Upscale New York.

What am I doing here? Am I a troubled kid as they say?


I could start rumbling about my very short horrible life but decided not to give you the pleasure of my suffering. So let's just fast forward to where things really took a turn for the worst. It all started last April when the school had the genuis idea to take twenty-eight 'problem childs' to an art museum in Manhatten.

Why did they choose that location? To show us Greek and Roman mythology because we can 'relate' to it because as everyone knows greek and roman Mythology is all kinds of messed up.

Of course... some of us related to it more than others...

Though there was a bright side I guess... My Latin teacher, Mr. Oliver was the lead for this trip so maybe it wouldn't be so bad.

Mr. Oliver was a middle-aged man stuck in a motorized wheelchair. He had a rather beautiful set of dirty blonde hair, a sharp jawline, and a cashmire jacket.

He was the student's favorite teacher, as he let us play games in class and told stories and jokes.

He also had a pretty badass collection of greek and roman armor and weapons.

He was also the only teacher that didn't put me to sleep in class.

Of course, I hoped nothing would happen on the trip and everything would go smoothly, and for once I wouldn't get into trouble.

Though who really listens up there...

When it comes to field trips then call me, the unluckiest man alive. For example, during my fifth-grade field trip, we went to some memorable battlefield I can't remember where and I had a run-in with a 'non-functional' war cannon.

Non-functional my ass...

Unfortunately, the school bus was in its line of sight, but it's not like I aimed it at the school bus.

Of course, I ended up getting expelled...

If I knew I was gonna get expelled I would have aimed at something better like my school... or my science teacher...

Though when put out of context they both sound pretty bad...

Then there was another accident on my fourth-grade field trip when we went to Sea World and were given a behind-the-scenes tour of the seal pool and I kind of hit the wrong lever; thus our class took a rather surprising swim.

And let me say this... seals are kind of assholes.

Of course, I have a million more stories but I think you get the point.

Hence this trip, I wanted to be the luckiest man alive and behave.

All the way into the city Clancy Fuller, the freckle, snot-nosed brat, threw a ham sandwich toward my best friend Aleister, hitting him in the back of his head.

I'm not gonna lie, Aleister is an easy target he was very weak, and skinny, somehow for whatever reason cried when he got angry, and on top of that was probably stupid.

Due to the fact that he was a sixth-grader with acne and a very nice stubble type of beard.

And he was a cripple... so yeah there's that.

It was due to some kind of muscular disease in his legs, I mean talk about a perfect excuse to avoid gym class for the rest of his life.

Pro and cons I guess...

Back to, Clancy Fuller who was just bombing sandwiches on Aleisters head which got stuck to his slightly curly black hair. Of course, he was powerless to do anything, and I wanted to do something but... I was kind of on probation.

Don't judge.

Anyway, the Headmaster threatened me with an in-school suspension which was basically a death sentence by boredom, if anything bad, unlucky, or something even mildly fun were to happen on this trip.

"God I hate mustard... I wanna hit her." I mumbled as I really hated the smell of mustard, and of course, I guess you can't have a ham sandwich with a load of mustard.

Aleister tried calming me down, "Dude just ignore her, besides how can you not like mustard."

Of course right after he finished his sentence he dodged another ham sandwich.

Not saying a word, and having enough I stood up, but unfortunately, Aleister pulled me back down.

"You know if anything happens on this trip, they only blame you, and you're already on probation." Aleister reminded me.

Though looking back on it I shouldn't have listened to Aleister and beat the crap out of Clancy Fuller, I would rather have in-school suspension than the situation I was about to get into.

Though I guess everything has a silver lining, and trust me.

Arriving at the destination, Mr. Oliver lead the tour of the museum.

Using his wheelchair he guided us through the marble flooring that echoed with each step, the large echoey walls that further enhanced and soothed the sound, and the marble statues.

A lot of marble...

I was bored to death already but the one thing that did intrigue me was that everything here had survived for three to four thousand years.

He decided to gather us around a thirteen-foot-tall column with a big sphinx on the top and told us it was a grave marker, a stele, for a girl around our age. I tried listening as it was somewhat interesting but everyone around me kept talking and when I told them to shut up the other teacher who was the other chaperone, Mrs. Fields would give me the stink eye.

Mrs. Fields was this petite science teacher from Carolina, who even though being clearly 50 years old still wore a windbreaker.

She was brought in halfway through the school year when our other science teacher suddenly had a mental breakdown.

Of course ever since her first day she hated me and loved Clancy Fuller, I was the devil in her eyes. She would always point her nasty wrinkly finger at me and say, "Sweety,"

I knew I was going to have detention for a month at that point.

One time, after she'd made me erase answers out of old science workbooks until midnight, I told Aleister I didn't think Mrs. Fields was human. He looked at me, real seri-ous, and said, "You're absolutely right."

Mr. Oliver kept going on about greek stuff.

I finally snapped when Clancy Fuller snickered about the guy who was presented naked on the stele, I turned around and subtly raised my leg and struck her foot, "Shut up."

My hands are rated E for everybody, no exceptions.

Though unfortunately, my words echoed through the museum.

Mr. Oliver stopped his story as the whole class erupted in laughter.

"Did you say something Mr. Grey?" He asked

Biting my lip. I said, "No"

Mr. Oliver gave a slight hum, as he pointed to a certain picture on the stele, "Can you tell the class what this picture represents?"

Looking at the picture, I sighed in relief as I actually knew this answer, "It's Kronos eating his kids."

Mr. Oliver was not satisfied with that answer and kept staring at me.

"... And in a certain corner of the picture there exist a place covered in total darkness which represents Erebus watching." I was finally able to mutter as I felt something click in my brain.

"And he ate his kids because..." Mr. Oliver tried fishing out.

"Kronos being a titan, didn't or wasn't able to trust his kids so he simply ate them... though his wife hid Zeus, and fed Kronos a rock instead, and after Zeus grew up he was able to trick his dad into barfing-"

"Ewwww~," one of the girls said.

"Brothers and sisters, then there was this massive fight between gods and titans... the gods won."

"And why was Erebus watching?"

I tried thinking for a reason and only came up with one possible answer, "Because it is said Erebus is omnipotent since darkness is everywhere."

Some of the kids in the group snickered.

Behind me, Clancy Fuller mumbled to his friend, "Are we really going to use this in real life? Like in an interview, they're going to ask us why Kronos ate his kids while some creep watched."

"So Mr. Grey... to paraphrase Clancy Fuller's perfect question, why does this matter in real life?"

"Busted" Aleister snickered.

"Shut it!" Clancy hissed as her face turned as bright as a tomato.

At least Clancy got busted, Mr. Oliver was the only one who ever did anything wrong, it's like he had sonar hearing.

Thinking about his question I couldn't find a logical answer, "I don't know..."

Mr. Oliver had a look of disappointment on his face, "I see... well that's half-credit Mr. Grey. Zeus did succeed in making Kronos barf, as he fed him a mixture of Wine and Mustard which made him... disgorge his five children, who were immortal gods and hence had been living in his stomach completely undigested in the Titan's stomach. The Gods ended up defeating their father, sliced him apart with his own scythe, and scattered his remains in Tartarus the darkest part of the underworld, where it is said that Erebus resides. Anyway, that's enough for now, Mrs. Fields would you lead us outside for lunch?"

The class drifted off as girls held their stomachs, and guys acted like idiots.

Aleister and I were about to follow the rest of the class when Mr. Oliver called out, "Mr. Grey"

I knew it...

I nudged Aleister indicating for him to keep going and turned to Mr. Oliver.

Mr. Oliver had this certain look in his eyes that captivated you, intense hazel eyes that looked like they experienced a thousand years and had seen everything.

"You need to learn the answer to my question." Mr. Oliver told me.

"About what?"

"About real life and the way it applies to your studies."

I didn't answer.

"What you learn from me, is vitally important and I expect you to treat it as such. After all, I only expect the best from you, Lucas Grey."

I wanted to sigh, he always expected the best from me.

I mean, sure, it was kind of cool on tournament days, when he dressed up in a suit of Greek armor and shouted: "What ho!'" and challenged us, sword-point against chalk, to run to the board and name every Greek and Roman per-son who had ever lived, and their mother, and what god they worshipped.

But Mr. Oliver expected me to be as good as everybody else, despite the fact that I have dyslexia and ADHD and I had never made above a C- in my life. No-he didn't expect me to be as good; he expected me to be even better. And I just couldn't learn all those names and facts, much less spell them correctly.

While I was drowned in my self-pity, Mr. Oliver took a long sad look at the stele like he was at the girl's funeral.


Yo! Heaven here, just wanting all to know that I created a Ko-fi account for donation. Anything is appreciated for a broke college student with a caffeine addiction.

Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/heavenscreation