
LTU's Diary of Incessant Ramblings

The Diary Of a deity who has long gone insane burdened by the weight of his infinite power he had lost the ability to think rationally whence this dairy is a precursor to the events that transpired before and after his decent into madness. It also holds ideas and half completed worlds and concept the all powerful God was working on before his leash on his sanity slowly eroded so be warned. The contents of this book are not for the light hearted Universe shaking secrets are held within this diary, secrets that threaten the fabric of reality if released to others.

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31 Chs

Tower of despair-Idea Sheet.

Unattributed Enhancement- This is enhancement using pure aether by using Aether abilities to improve whatever it has come into contact with.

Attributed Enhancement-This is the use of elements to enhance one's self such as earth giving more defence or wind allowing for easier and more free movements.

Unattributed Manipulation This is the usage of Aether to form objects that can be used to attack,defend and many more.

Attributed manipulation-This is the manipulation of an element to attack or defend with

Specialized Manipulation

Aether: This is a sort of energy that improves the state of everything it comes into contact with so all those in the are constantly being improved albeit at a slow rate but enough to render them unable to become sick and immortal.

Regulators so far- Ghitles and Tyhgass,Ut'lah

Regulators-People who invite those who have been deemed worthy or necessary to the tower and monitor those who climb the tower. It is unknown how many Floors there are in the tower but it is estimated to be 659 in total.

Positions- Noble, Dyna, Cardinal, Sooth and Striker.

Noble- They stay behind similar to a mage and attack from long distances as they battle their enemies with long ranged Aether attacks.

Dyna-These are the protectors of the group, they are users of Aether Enhancement and they use their bodies to deal damage or they tank it.

Cardinal-The head of the group they give orders from above and usually have abilities that allow them to see the entire battlefield

Sooth-This is the most flexible position and the sooth can be put in any position if one is missing as a replacement


Striker-This is a position that is a mix of Noble and Dyna as they are proficient in both enhancement and Manipulation and can use them fluidly in battle.

There are also other positions that aren't battle oriented such as weaponsmith and Inscriptionist and others.

Skill types

Special, Aether control,Transcendental, Lethal move,Extreme, Attributed, Pure, Aether Enhancement, Divine, Contracted and Lost.


Insert name I.e Jahad style Aether control.

Attack layout

「Ahaan Style-

Aether Control Skill: Starstorm」

Primus Vigil: The first being, it created the tower. Its names are also The Maiden and The Witness. Its name means The First Watcher.

Vorrun- Top race of the universe born from the regulators Ghitles and Tyhgass