
LTU's Diary of Incessant Ramblings

The Diary Of a deity who has long gone insane burdened by the weight of his infinite power he had lost the ability to think rationally whence this dairy is a precursor to the events that transpired before and after his decent into madness. It also holds ideas and half completed worlds and concept the all powerful God was working on before his leash on his sanity slowly eroded so be warned. The contents of this book are not for the light hearted Universe shaking secrets are held within this diary, secrets that threaten the fabric of reality if released to others.

Lieu · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
31 Chs

Tower Of Despair-Background.

Before our universe itself there existed nothing. Blank empty space, untouched, 'pure' one may say. But there was one who was there. Before the stars, before the earth or planets, before the very seeds of the universe were planted, before anything and everything we know of today. There are little to no records of his existence, but his presence was instinctual. It was there before concepts were even hatched and it has witnessed the dawn and end of various universes.

Primus Vigil, The Maiden, The Witness, It has many names. It is the multiverse's first watcher. The only thing that saw the conception of everything. It saw galaxies form and diverge. It did not create these things however, it only observed. The only thing it created was a tower.

A lonely, desolate tower that was similar to its very creator, unaffected by time. So in its own dimension, separate from our reality, it had its own rules that governed it. The laws that bound our universe didn't bind it; it was separate and completely isolated from ours. The blue-grey grains of its own sand flow in the winds across the unknown reaches of the planet it holds upon.

Throughout the eons, its shape had morphed until it had no coherent form when one looked at it. All one would see is a desolate tower.

It was unknown when it began, but life had begun to sprout all over the universe after its creation. Eventually, this tower and the dimension it rested in was found. Some worshipped it as God, some said it was the palace that holds God, yet only those who found it truly knew what it was. It was a place of dreams, despair, hope and chaos.

The consciousness that governed the tower was an entity that was impartial and emotionless. It had only one desire and that was to entertain itself and those who had succeeded were rewarded with powers not even imaginable to those who never experienced it. And thus a system had been set up within the tower. There were trials it had set up with its sole entertainment in mind. No one had ever fully climbed the seeming everlasting stories of the tower, not for a long time. Then it realizes it had encountered a problem although it could watch all of the tower at once. He needed somebody to act as some sort of guide and gatekeeper so it had created entities alike but yet different at the same time. So it created Regulators beings made of pure Aether.