
LTU's Diary of Incessant Ramblings

The Diary Of a deity who has long gone insane burdened by the weight of his infinite power he had lost the ability to think rationally whence this dairy is a precursor to the events that transpired before and after his decent into madness. It also holds ideas and half completed worlds and concept the all powerful God was working on before his leash on his sanity slowly eroded so be warned. The contents of this book are not for the light hearted Universe shaking secrets are held within this diary, secrets that threaten the fabric of reality if released to others.

Lieu · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
31 Chs

The Death of a Legend-Fallen Eden

Standing there grimly surrounded by corpses stood Jace as he looked at the incoming figure of Michael, a lv 950 NPC as he pulled out a golden sword from his sheath and pointed it at Jace.

"Lapsus, you were a worthy adversary. I haven't had this much fun in a while. If you were given a bit more time I probably won't be able to beat you, Lapsus don't be a fool even though you're immortal everything you have worked for until now will go to waste just join us we will give you whatever it is you desire" said Michael while pointing the golden sword toward Jace.

"Michael you were also a worthy foe, But I am never joining that organization" as Jace says while holding a black orb in his hand as it begins to morph into a sword.

"I know what they want is Alsite's heart and I will never give it to them" as Jace gets into a fighting stance as he charges towards Michael as he stands in front of him looking at the tall figure bringing down his broadsword can instill fear in the bravest of men.

As Jace charged forward put his sword in an overhead stance as they both struck out at the same time forming craters where they stood as Jace started to slash towards Michael aiming for his joints and limbs.

Michael roared in pain and fury as he left arm got served intending to end the battle Michael uses his most powerful move

"Lapsus, this is the end!!"

"Heaven Breaker!!!"

Jace knew he could not defend against an attack of that magnitude so he then chose to retreat to a safe position but suddenly a figure obscured by shadows and darkness appears and drives a blood red dagger through his chest.

"Y-You're a you a messenger of those 12 prissy's" Jace asks in a mocking tone while spitting out blood from his mouth.

"Insolence, how dare you address the 12 High Gods Like that, You have been a thorn in our side for way too long it was coming sooner or later" figure shouts at Jace while driving the dagger deeper into him.


Was all Jace could say in his current situation it was his thirst for power that led to his downfall now looking at the 12 mighty statues standing on top of the altar Jace cursed in his mind.

"I was this close to Godhood but because I refused to join your playgroup you decided to kill me huh"

Jace begins to laugh as he continues to spit blood his HP draining at a ridiculous speeds and he shouts

"Hahaha you puny Gods keep those seats warm for me because I will come to collect them one day and watch me. And also you will never get Alsite's heart cause it will also die when I die. How does it feel to be played by a Godling that you looked down on huh"

Laughing madly Jace sees a message pop up in front of him saying

[You have died]

As Jace steps out of his capsule which is shaped as an egg with an intricate golden design on both sides. As he gets out he sees John his butler offering him a bottle of nutrient juice and some drugs he takes them and says.

"So John how are our finance's"

"Young master they mostly good for the most part except the pressuring of the Excel group pushing us to partner with them"

"Those old fogeys won't just lie in the grave and die huh. Any how I am going to go and train don't disturb me"

"Yes Young master"

As Jace makes his way to the Training room in a 12 bedroom building he feels something nagging at him, Then suddenly with his enhanced senses he feels someone try to attack him.

But he is too late as he sees the sword that was driven through him from behind and he sees the crimson-like fluid draining away from his body.

"Seriously what is up with my luck today stabbed from behind and dying twice in one day I think this goes beyond unlucky "

"Just shut up already old man" Jace mutters as he sees his butler rushing towards him with the paramedics closely following behind.

That was the sudden and unfortunate death of the legend.

Jace Stratus or also known as Lapsus the Godslayer.

Surprisingly as Jace opened his eyes and looked around and he did not see any more blood he was surprised. Trying to take in what happened Jace looked at the familiar place which was his shabby looking apartment from 6 years ago.

Although Jace wasn't the brightest student in class it did not take a genius to figure out what had happened.

"Fucking bloody hell, can't a guy die in peace these days tch" he spat

Laughing maliciously as numerous thoughts started to swirl in Jace's mind,

"I have been given a second chance, why though I wasn't exactly the nice guy who helps old ladies down the street well no use thinking about it might as well utilize it to its fullest"

This was the Rebirth of the man known and feared as The Godslayer.

What the world did not know was that a huge storm of unprecedented levels was about to come.

Hello it is me the authour of the novel you are reading Lieu, I really hope you enjoy the novel and be sure to leave comments to help me improve my writing and write better novels for you guys.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Thank You

Lieucreators' thoughts