
LTU's Diary of Incessant Ramblings

The Diary Of a deity who has long gone insane burdened by the weight of his infinite power he had lost the ability to think rationally whence this dairy is a precursor to the events that transpired before and after his decent into madness. It also holds ideas and half completed worlds and concept the all powerful God was working on before his leash on his sanity slowly eroded so be warned. The contents of this book are not for the light hearted Universe shaking secrets are held within this diary, secrets that threaten the fabric of reality if released to others.

Lieu · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
31 Chs

Rebirth of a Legend-Fallen Eden.

As Jace looked around still trying to process what truly happened. So this is reincarnation feels weird but it's my previous body feels foreign yet familiar

As Jace got up from his bed and looked around the shabby looking apartment, He got up and checked his surroundings and unsurprisingly it was truly his apartment from 6 years ago. Looking around his ramshackled room that did not look like where a human would reside.

Thinking back Jace grabbed his chest tightly looking for wounds but all he could see was a scrawny and lean body with a little bit of muscle but there was still a world of difference from the body he was used to.

Despite the sudden situation Jace still remained calm as it was one of his best traits. Looking around for his cellphone he quickly checked the date and time -8:26 am, 31/12/2499. Despite his calm appearance his mind was shocked that the world's most popular VRMMORPG game Stella Mori was going to be released in about 4 hours.

Shops would begin sales as soon as they got the gaming helmets. His memories which were quite foggy from the sudden reincarnation and all suddenly became crystal clear as they were his memories after all, Although his good memory power was also responsible.

He remembered that this was the year his master took him in and trained him in the way of martial arts all of which he remembered perfectly, But with his scrawny body he would not be able to practice anything but the basic exercises until he increased his muscle mass.

Remembering Stella Mori the game which brought fame and prestige to many people across the world, It wasn't a very well known game until the 4th month of its release when people began to realise it wasn't your everyday VR game ensuring 91.9% fusion with the mind. That was the beginning of its rise to popularity.

Jace quickly gathered all the funds he had saved from the orphanage, He also added his feeding fee for this month as he thought he could get more money from the game. His heart still stung a bit from all the money that's going to be spent; he thought of it as an investment.

Quickly putting on a random shirt and some sweatpants, He got out of his 1 bedroom apartment as he went to the gaming store. It didn't take him that much time as it wasn't really that big of a town, As he saw a huge red banner hanging on the game store. The banner stated get your gaming headsets for the new game Stella Mori.

As I was the first in line and with nothing to do I started to think about what to do when I got into the game, Then a bunch of people started gathering behind me on the line. Then a worker from the store opens the door and says "we are open" . People began to rush in. I also get in and look at the various helmets and packages.

I walk up to the counter while holding the gaming headset for the game and I drop it on the counter. "Is that all sir" I say yes as I already know all the information about the game.

"Add the master package of the game for me" the clerk simply fiddles with her computer and says done.

"Sir that adds your total to $1700" I quickly pay up and I begin to leave the outlet. I quickly reach home and quickly arrange some things here and there as the game isn't available for a few hours. I begin to plan how to dominate the game Stella Mori.

Jace's brain quickly recalled all he could from the game and after compiling the information and seeing there was still some time left, He drank some water and did some basic exercises and he rested.

As Jace gazes upon the gaming helmet he says"I wonder what is in the master package, I never bought it in my past life" seeing it was about time for the game to start. He skillfully set up the device and strapped it on his head as he thought.

"Just you wait you puny Gods I am going to kill you this time watch me." He laughs maliciously as the device starts up.


[Loading brain wave scan, Please wait.....]


[Welcome to the wolf of Stella Mori, This world is governed by an ultra AI that watches over the world]

[Would you like the tutorial Y/N]


[Please create your character]

This was the Rebirth of the Legendary player Lapsus.

Hello it is me the author Lieu, Hope you are enjoying the novel so far, Pease inform me of any problems and have a splendid day.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Thank You!!!!!

Lieucreators' thoughts