
LTU's Diary of Incessant Ramblings

The Diary Of a deity who has long gone insane burdened by the weight of his infinite power he had lost the ability to think rationally whence this dairy is a precursor to the events that transpired before and after his decent into madness. It also holds ideas and half completed worlds and concept the all powerful God was working on before his leash on his sanity slowly eroded so be warned. The contents of this book are not for the light hearted Universe shaking secrets are held within this diary, secrets that threaten the fabric of reality if released to others.

Lieu · perkotaan
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31 Chs

Child Of Sin-Pt8

Chapter 8.

POV:Soren Roth(Algar Watt). Thiastea

I began to look around the forest and question what was going on as the series of events that just occurred were baffling even to a calm and battle hardened mind such as mine.

As I thought of what could have possibly happened to lend me in this foreign scenario. Suddenly I heard a voice, A voice I could never forget as if it was planned. A screen appeared in front of me saying.

[Welcome Traveller you among many others have been chosen to entirely reside within a new universe, You have been brought here from your previous universe abruptly but do not worry granted you survive and have sufficient strength to do so you may return to your previous universe. You have no special missions assigned to you. Do be careful Traveller as this universe works on different rules than you may have been used to at your old universe]

Shock rattled my face as I couldn't seem to comprehend what was currently going on.What is the UOR here?A different Universe?What is going one?Is Mahad behind this?Was this orchestrated by the …..

[New Denizen Discovered]

[Accessing Akashic Records]

[Inputting data... Data Recorded]

[Accessing Universal Origin Records]

[Registering In the Universal Origin Records]

[User Registered]

[Analyzing State Of Being]

[Analysis done]

[New individual recorded]

[Opening records]

[Name:######## ||Age: 17 (Biological years)||Species:Homo Sapien(Unpure)Draconic(Sealed) Elven(Sealed)|| Faction:None||Alignment:True Neutral]

State Of Being:[Mortal]

Attributes: [STR:1 || AGI:1 || STA:1 || E:10]

Abilities:[Authority of Lightning(Grade:???)] [Authority of Ice (Grade:???)]

I was gobsmacked at the slew of information that had appeared in front of me. Something beyond my comprehension is definitely going on here. How was this possible? I repeatedly asked myself this question as everything seemed to be happening at a speed I could not comprehend but one thing was constant. Mahald.

But pushing all those thoughts to the back of my mind I tried to figure a way to get myself out of my current situation considering I was a baby without sufficient power to protect myself at the moment.

As I was pondering what to make of my situation I suddenly heard voices behind me as the voices seemed to be getting closer to me.

"Did you see that light? It must have been something valuable. It looked like a shooting star" Said the first person and from the harshness in his voice I am assuming him to be a man.

"You are right Alec, It does seem that there is something valuable up ahead, We best get there before one of The Noble Clans gets word of this place. They might have already seen this." The other man said

"You are right Beni, Let's find what fell here and be on our way. We cannot and must not incur the wrath of any of The Noble Clans. Lest we seek our own destruction." The man called Alec said.

As they were speaking a thought occurred to me on how I was able to comprehend their language but then I remembered that was a function of the UOR. The UOR through its mysterious source of power made everyone that had been a sentient organism within the assimilated universes speak the same language.

A truly useful ability.

They continued to scour the forest for a long while occasionally missing me as I made no noise as to prevent being spotted as I could definitely tell that these men had no good intentions for me.

They spent a bit more time in the forest going around before they seemed to give up and leave as I did not hear any more noises.

"Well Well Well!! Look what we have here, I never expected that the cause of such a show of dazzling lights would be a child.I need to analyze that familiar aura." A man who seemed to have a sagely voice quite similar to the Ice Dragon I battled uttered.

His sudden appearance scared me a lot as I had not expected anyone to take note of my existence without at least a prior search meaning he had some sort of special ability. He seemed Human too, glad to know my universe wasn't the only one who produced Humans.

As he spoke to me a look of enlightenment suddenly flashed through his face as if he had figured out the answer to a tough problem.

"It all makes sense now,You are their child, I had my suspicions at first but you seemed to humanlike to be an offspring of theirs, Turned out they suppressed your two other lineages. A shame but one you must live with in order to live. By now they have probably been captured or have been killed. Do not worry my friend, your child is in safe hands. And being the son of the {Lightning Dragon Moirdi} he is truly a great addition to our clan even with his suppressed lineage" The man uttered in a seemingly solemn tone that seemed to mourn the loss of his long time friend and brother.

The man approached me as he looked within the basket that held me and we both locked eyes. A pair of pale blue eyes were gazed at by a pair of sparkling yellow eyes which were as energetic as lightning.

"Brat at your tender age you already show signs of intelligence. What do I expect from the offspring of my sworn brother and lifetime friend and the Famed Scholar Iethynth. You hold a lot of potential young one. Alot want to kill you because of the power you will possess in the future, My job is to make sure you reach there without dying. This is an oath I swear upon my Noble Household." The man said in a reassuring and domineering tone as he eyes glazed with a burning determination and passion.

While within my head only one word was permeated



A/N:Short chapter stuff has been going on in my life. I said I was gonna stock up on chapter And tbh I haven't even done that. I just wrote this not long ago. The chapter was as well written as the last few ones because I was making up the story as I wrote. I usually think of what I want to write before I start. That wasn't the case here. Give me a week or 2. I promise to get back to the regular release rate 3-4 a week.

Lieu The Undying.