
LTU's Diary of Incessant Ramblings

The Diary Of a deity who has long gone insane burdened by the weight of his infinite power he had lost the ability to think rationally whence this dairy is a precursor to the events that transpired before and after his decent into madness. It also holds ideas and half completed worlds and concept the all powerful God was working on before his leash on his sanity slowly eroded so be warned. The contents of this book are not for the light hearted Universe shaking secrets are held within this diary, secrets that threaten the fabric of reality if released to others.

Lieu · perkotaan
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31 Chs

Child Of Sin-Pt7

Chapter 7

In a distant universe within an obscure galaxy hidden away from the rest , Inside that galaxy laid the singular Solar System and therein layed a singular planet. A planet called Earth.

Pov:Algar Watt. Earth

I look down at the Earth or at least what was once it. It all started in the year 2096, The day everything went to hell.

Everyone on the planet felt something the moment it happened it was like a surge that pulsed through everyone's soul. And suddenly everyone got the same message.

[Welcome To The Universal Origin Records]

[We are an entity that does through every plausible universe in order to assimilate it towards the records]

This message was seen by everyone everywhere. It didn't matter who you were rich,poor,disabled or able-bodied we all got it.

Then came the message that changed my life and the lives of people all around the globe.

[New Denizen Discovered]

[Accessing Akashic Records]

[Inputting data... Data Recorded]

[Accessing Universal Origin Records]

[Registering In the Universal Origin Records]

[User Registered]

[Analyzing State Of Being]

[Analysis done]

[New individual recorded]

[Opening records]

[Name: Algar Watt.||Age: 15 (Biological years)||Species:Homo Sapien(Pure)|| Faction:None||Alignment:True Neutral]

State Of Being:[Mortal]

Attributes: [STR:1 || AGI:1 || STA:1 || E:10]

Abilities:Lightning Manipulation(Grade:1): The wielder of this ability has total control of lightning granted they are able to provide the required energy. The user can create lightning while also being able to shape and manipulate existing ones.]

And thus the start of the end, numerous across the world also got the message almost everyone got the same message at the time. But not all were lucky to be blessed with a first grade ability, Somewhere unlucky to be blessed with a grade 9 abilities, putting them at the bottom rung of the newly established society they lived in.

But it was sadly not all rainbows as many had expected, With Earth's universe assimilation into the records that also meant they were likely to meet hostile universes different from theirs and thus began the war.

They were called monsters due to their beastly characteristics and non uniform appearance similar to those of humans. Not long after the appearance of the first group of Monsters was it discovered that their death was able to increase peoples stats.

Something many people wondered about how to increase. Thus began the merciless killing. They would invade earth in hopes of resources and escaping their dying land through these wormholes people called dungeons.

And in short we lost. Well that's the story everyone believes anyway but not me. I've always known I was special, some attributed this to a fantasy while others called me crazy. I began to research what this feeling could mean and thus my fall into the world of Animes, Mangas and the like. I always sunk myself in them comforting myself that not one of them was normal.

And thus that day came, I saw a man floating up in the sky. He looked at me through his pitchblack hair and then I saw his eyes. A sight embedded in my very existence. Eyes so cold they could freeze you with a look, His face contained an apathetic look, A look that showed his lack of care to the world.

A look possessed by one of higher standing.

A look possessed by a truly superior being.

A look reflecting your insignificance.

A look of one who had everything yet nothing.

A look possessed by a God.

At that moment I felt the urge to bow down to him, The urge to submit myself to a higher power, The urge to forfeit. But I kept standing as a feeling welled up within my chest. I had recognized this feeling before. It was anger. I had been angry before but never to this extent. The anger gave me the urge. A very strong urge.

The urge to absolutely annihilate him.

The urge to kill.

The urge to eliminate.

The urge to destroy him.

The urge to destroy everything he held there.

The urge to make him bleed.

I looked at him and I suddenly looked at him and instinctively I muttered his name, A name I could never forget, A name belonging to the person who took it all from me.

"Mahald Emrys"

A name I absolutely abhorred, I felt my soul crying out as a desire threatened to overtake me, the desire to kill this man where he stood and step upon his grave.But I knew I couldn't do that as he was much stronger than me his mere sight made me almost submit.

I stared at him with burning hatred clear within my eyes. Then suddenly he appeared in front of me and he muttered in an apathetic tone.

"I see you have remembered, Wait no you haven't fully recovered your memories yet it seems your soul no matter how weakened can never forget the hatred you bear for me. Old Friend"

I look up at him. Remember what? Memories? Soul? Weakened? Friend? And suddenly I was overtaken by that feeling once more, this time it was more unrelenting.

"Old Friend?! Don't you dare! You took everything from me!! Everything!! I will not stop till I kill you! Till I extinguish all records of your existence from reality!! You stole it all!! I despise you!! I hate you!!

I Want To Kill You!!" I shouted at the being unaware where all this was coming from but it felt a part of me.

"Haha, I guess this is deserved. All will be explained in due time, Old Friend. Time, What a funny concept. I will see you later. I have finished what I came here to do." He said as he disappeared into a flash of lights seemingly never existing in the first place.

"MAHALDDD!!!" I shouted in an almost guttural roar.

I felt the feeling receding deep within me as that was when I got a message. A message that set the world upon a new age.

[Welcome To The Universal Origin Records]

And thus with my ability [Lighting Manipulation] I was a vital force in the war against the monsters.

Desiring not fame nor money I desired to gain the power to kill him. But no matter how much I grew I instinctively knew I was still weaker than him. And thus I killed more and more bathing in the blood of my enemies and thus I gained numerous monikers such as{Lightning Emperor},{Ghost of the battle field} and {Red Reaper.

I took the lives of all those who opposed earth as to protect what I held dear as to stop what happened last time from happening again and thus I knew I had to get stronger as to kill Mahald and live in peace with everything I held dear.

I knew he was the cause of the dungeons and the monsters and the assimilation process, So his death was the only way to stop the entire thing was to kill him but I wasn't strong enough yet and I felt my strength reaching a cap as my stats never seemed to increase anymore no matter how many I killed.

I had decided to go into a dungeon far above my current level as it was deemed unclearable as the being inside never bothered to come out. I walked in and I was met with a towering dragon and I looked around and saw the frozen landscape around me. I had discovered it was an Ice dragon.

"You have finally come, Lightning Emperor, I was beginning to grow tired of waiting." The dragon said in a sagely voice.

"Why have you been waiting, Not that it matters anyway, for the sake of my goal you shall perish here" I responded as I conjured up numerous lightning projectiles behind me. They glowed in remiscent blue.

Suddenly the Ice Dragon was seemingly replaced with a 20 year old youth with snow white hair and glowing blue eyes.

"I have found it more acceptable to fight you in this human form, Lightning Emperor" he said as he showed his razor sharp teeth as he charged at me at unnatural speeds.

*Whoosh Whoosh*

I sent out my projectiles which travelled at speeds rivalling that of actual lightning all of which he seemed to dodge with relative ease. Quickly deciding he wasn't an opponent I could kill without going out I conjured more projectiles and a sword.

"You are finally getting serious, I see Lightning Emperor. I shall oblige with taking you as a worthy foe too" He said as he too conjured an ice sword and began to charge at me.

*Boom!! Boom!!*

The projectiles which were sent to damage him were hit with an ice wall which soon melted due to the amount of heat that was being transmitted the resulting reaction caused a mass of steam to appear as the white haired Dragon charged out of the steam with the ice sword in his arm as he was relatively unharmed as he clashed with the incoming lighting sword coming his way.

*Clang Clang*

I started trading blows via swords with the dragon as it seemed to be a decent sword wielder. I decided to change my approach as I dissipated my sword and quickly reformed it into a Spear. As I got sufficient space from my opponent I drew back my arm and gripped the unstable spear after being overloaded with a lot of energy.

[Thunder God's Wrath]

As I threw the spear which seemed to disappear the moment it was released from my grasp as a loud sound was heard all over the dungeon as an area of land seemed to be obliterated from existence due to that attack and suddenly the large wave of steam was suddenly cleared out as an Ice Spear charged at me as I ducked my head to the side. I was a bit surprised at the speed it travelled. Then I hear the Dragon call out.

"Lightning Emperor, You truly are a spectacle to fight with. In all my days wandering I have never met a human such as yourself. But sadly I must end this exchange at this moment. So I am giving you a chance to conjure up your strongest attack while I conjure mine. We shall see who is superior." THe dragon said as he grinned with a smug smile planted across his face.

Suddenly!! All my senses began to warn me. They told me to run as I would die if I met the next attack head on. I grinned as I accepted his challenge. I suddenly felt all the water in the surrounding atmosphere begin to surround him as it began to morph into the shape of a Spear.

I suddenly realized what he was trying to do. I gasped in shock as I was unable to believe what was currently happening in front of me.

"Thanks for the move. I liked it so much I made my own version. This is how you do it right" As I see him tighten his grip on the spear and throw it in my direction as he called out.

[Ice God's Wrath]

Soon I was met with the dazzling sight of the spear coming at me at speeds I couldn't react to I watched as the spear impaled my chest and I felt it to begin to freeze my insides I tried to use my lightning to and defrost the ice that was quickly spreading within my system but I was unsuccessful as it just kept freezing no matter what I did as I quickly accepted my fate.

"I lost to you Ice Dragon" I said in a solemn tone as I had failed in my quest to defeat Mahald

"It was a worthy fight, You have shown me a new path and for that I shall give you a gift" He said as he dug his scaly arm into chest and removed what seemed to be a glowing mass of blue as he threw it towards my body.

I was expecting to feel a bit of pain but none of that happened as the mass seemingly entered my body as I still felt the ice within me shut down all my organs.

"I look forward to fighting you next time, Lightning Emperor. You were a delightful opponent" The dragon said as he looked at me with expectant eyes.

"I'm sorry I don't think I will be able to meet that expectation considering my current scenario" I said as I looked towards him expecting a reaction out of him.

"Dont worry about it, Master will make it so that we meet again" He said as he smiled towards me.

And then it suddenly clicked the dragon's master was Mahald, Thus why it was expecting me it was all orchestrated by him after all.

I realized this as I could barely keep my eyes open and soon I let myself fall into the sweet embrace of death.

I was meet with black for miles as surprisingly I felt the ability to open my eyes once more and I couldn't feel the frost invading my system anymore. I wondered what was going on as I soon saw a giant woman who looked like an elf and a man who looked like the dragon I was previously facing.

In an attempt to communicate I realize I can't talk. That's when the woman spoke to me.

"My child, although your heritage has been sealed, never forget your royal blood. You are destined to stand above all others and rule them. Soren Roth that is your name. Never forget it and embed it deep into your soul my child." She said on the verge of tears as I soon began to see blurs of light and the next thing I knew I was within a forest.


A/N:Longest chapter I've ever written. To be honest I was torn on whether to make this two separate chapters or just one considering my usual amount is 1.5k words. I feel you guys deserve this though.

I won't be updating on tuesday like I usually do expect an update on wednesday as I have less time on my hands now and I need to stock up on chapters. It's looking like it's gonna be one chapter a week for a while soon. Two If I feel up to it.