
LTU's Diary of Incessant Ramblings

The Diary Of a deity who has long gone insane burdened by the weight of his infinite power he had lost the ability to think rationally whence this dairy is a precursor to the events that transpired before and after his decent into madness. It also holds ideas and half completed worlds and concept the all powerful God was working on before his leash on his sanity slowly eroded so be warned. The contents of this book are not for the light hearted Universe shaking secrets are held within this diary, secrets that threaten the fabric of reality if released to others.

Lieu · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
31 Chs

Child Of Sin-Pt2.

Chapter 2

Walking through the forest really enlightened the boy on how different this place is fro his original world he had seen plants that seemed to sparkle and leave trails of glowing dust but he currently had no time to enjoy the scenery as he was being fervently chased by what he would call a pack of wolf/Shark hybrid.

'Oh Shit,Shit!! Just my luck,how do I escape this forest with these monsters on my tail? I am gonna be caught soon, What can I do!? What can I do!?' The boy thought to himself and complained as silently as he could, afraid to draw the attention of more predators.

"NOOO!!" he shouted as the monsters had finally caught up to him due to his mental fatigue of constantly running for the past 10 minutes.

"AHHHHH" he shouts as the monster swiped his claws at his back landing a successful hit onto his back as he rolled onto the floor with intense amounts of pain coursing through his mind and threatened to corrode his thinking process.

"No No No!!" He screamed at the monsters as they surrounded him and began to tear into his limbs one by one as he could feel his organs and bones tear apart and rupture in pain as he desperately tried to do something to ensure his survival, as he desperately tried devouring the beasts that surrounded him.

Pain eroded his mind and body as the desperate attempts to keep himself alive were met with unnerving failure.

'Pain, It's so painful, I want to live' He thought to himself as the hope for survival got bleaker and bleaker as the light faded from his eyes with him constantly being eaten alive by the rabid animals.

'Why did this happen? This was meant to be an exciting and fun new adventure for me. So why am I being eaten alive right now, God, Buddha, anyone, even Satan please save me!!' He screamed in terror as death seemed to encroach upon him and his visage.

He looked up above with a blank and apathetic stare across his face seemingly in some form of enlightenment as he began to question reality and the purpose of life.

'Why do we exist? To suffer? To continue on our legacy? To leave a mark onto this wide universe? one unperturbed by the annals of time? What are the Gods? What is my purpose?What is the purpose of power?' That very moment seemed to be the tipping point as every emotion he had in emotion was quickly snuffed out akin to a dying candle flame as they were replaced by Rage, Frustration , Anger, Self Loathing and mostly disgust.

Rage at his powerlessness.

Frustration at his incompetence.

Anger towards the cruel and indifferent universe.

Self Loathing at his pathetic and disgraceful visage.

Disgust at the realization of how weak and feeble minded he truly was. He was weak in all facets Emotionally, Spiritually And many more, But that changes now.

This enlightenment provided him with a tranquil mind while also awakening something deep within him, something repressed, something primal, It was an urge.

The urge to kill.

The urge to desecrate.

The urge to destroy.

The urge to plunder.

The urge to be everlasting.

The urge to live.

The urge to be unaffected by the laws of the universe

The urge to devour.

It was at that moment that everything he had experienced culminated together.

His enlightenment.

His awakening.

His experiences.

They all came together to form the message that saved his fleeting life.

[High Soul Instability Detected]

[Soul Fluctuation Interference]

[All conditions have been met]

[Awakening….. In progress]

[Devour has been awakened]

[New Ability Gained!]


[Interference Detected]

[Protocol Initiated]

[Resolved…. Protocol Resolved]

[High Sovereign's Intellect]

With one last push from his soul with his body already given out due to blood loss he shouted

"Devour" in a completely apathetic and robotic voice that would send shivers down any listener's spine.

At the utterance of those words the beasts surrounding his already mangled up body suddenly and abruptly had their bodies degraded into a black mass which was then soon absorbed by his body.

As the black mass enveloped and seeped into his body, His body was slowly being restored and coincidentally being strengthened but that was not only the boons he gained as he felt memories foreign to his original ones suddenly began to invade his mind.

As knowledge of how to efficiently hunt and communicate and lead a pack of beasts, He also

gained another piece of important information. The existence of Humans and Civilization.

Other than that he felt two other things in his mind, He realised he possessed some sort of animalistic instinct that threatened to go wild any minute if not held tightly onto a leash.

The other one was related to something more deep seated, something on a fundamental level as he felt different on an intrinsic level. Throwing that into the back of his mind he had decided to revisit the matter and investigate the matter at a later date.

After an unknown amount of time the boy regained his bearings as he stirred awake with memories of all that transpired quickly slammed into him as his face began to turn cold seemingly with the ability to affect its surroundings.

'That was perhaps the best and worst experience of my life, But I am grateful for it nonetheless it has helped me realize how powerless and naive I truly was. Unaware to the forces in the wide universe and idiotic as to belive I was worth something. But now I finally have a purpose… Something to dedicate my entire existence to. And that is to be Everlasting, Infinite, Ever growing and Perfect in every faucet of ability. To never let an incident like this happen again and thus I will grow. Grow past the limit placed upon me, Grow past the confines of the laws of reality. I shall grow past infinity and become Everlasting. I swear by my name.' The boy made a vow to himself and the universe with a determined gaze staring into the vast expanse of the sky. He swore to a promise, A promise that turns over reality itself and one that will shake all of existence to its very core. A promise to find out what lies beyond infinity and beyond!

"To commemorate my transcendence and to fully shed my former self and identify myself as a new existence, My new name is Mahald Emrys. The one who is infinite, Everlasting and Immortal. The one who shall find out what lies beyond eternity." the boy uttered solemnly under the stars.

[New Name Detected]

[Registering Name]

[New Name Registered]

[Existence:Mahald Emrys Recorded]

[Multiple Unopened Notifications Detected]

"Time to check out what all those notifications were about"



Who is our Mc?

Where is he from?

What are his origins?

Why does he share the same name as the Mad GoD?

What is going onnnnn?

WOW this was an interesting chapter to write my favorite one by far, It's really setting up a story for us here. Also i know this chapter kinda seems like an asspull but trust me its setting us up for a much larger story here.

Love you guys Mwah

Later nerds Lieu The Undying

Word count:1141

Day 2 of writing