
LTU's Diary of Incessant Ramblings

The Diary Of a deity who has long gone insane burdened by the weight of his infinite power he had lost the ability to think rationally whence this dairy is a precursor to the events that transpired before and after his decent into madness. It also holds ideas and half completed worlds and concept the all powerful God was working on before his leash on his sanity slowly eroded so be warned. The contents of this book are not for the light hearted Universe shaking secrets are held within this diary, secrets that threaten the fabric of reality if released to others.

Lieu · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
31 Chs

Child Of Sin-Pt1.

Rattle Rustle

The rattling of leaves on the floor could be heard in a large forest with oddly shaped 20 foot trees as a boy that looked to be no more than 17 years of age stirred and awoke as he looked down at his jagged appearance with Dark Black hair, that covered over his forehead in bangs and his dark blue eyes reminiscent of a lapis lazuli coupled with his pale skin made him look oddly charming and cute his torn clothes seemed to add on more to his allure.

"W-Where am I?" He looked around in pure shock and utter disbelief as he was unable to process what was going on.

"Am I in a forest?" The boy quickly inferred after looking around for a while.

'But that wouldn't make sense I was at home just now' he said as thoughts and questions rapidly began to fire into his mind at quick paces.

'How did I get here' 'Is someone responsible for this' 'whats going on' he thought but his thought process was halted by the singular translucent screen in front of him that said


Excitement raced across his heart as a grin that displayed his pearly whit teeth began to take shape upon his face, He could feel his heart pounding in his chest as various ideas began to pop up in his head some he wished were true. Turning his focus back to the screen he quickly clicked on the tab which read

[Welcome Traveller you among many others have been chosen to entirely reside within a new universe, You have been brought here from your previous universe abruptly but do not worry granted you survive and have sufficient strength to do so you may return to your previous universe. You have no special missions assigned to you. Do be careful Traveller as this universe works on different rules than you may have been used to at your old universe]

[New Denizen Discovered]

[Accessing Akashic Records]

[Inputting data... Data Recorded]

[Accessing Universal Origin Records]

[Registering In the Universal Origin Records]

[User Registered]

[Analyzing State Of Being]

[Analysis done]

[New individual recorded]

[Opening records]

[Name:######## ||Age: 17 (Biological years)||Species:Homo Sapien(Pure)|| Faction:None||Alignment:True Neutral]

State Of Being:[Mortal]

Attributes: [STR:1 || AGI:1 || STA:1 || E:10]


Remarks:Absolute trash, A random alien from a nameless star system could flip you on your behind and absolutely obliterate you. Also did I mention this Alien is crippled has 5 disabilities and only has one functioning organ. There is absolutely no hope for you. You are going to die if you don't get stronger fast, Although you do seem to have a special talent other than that you're as mundane as they come.

Utter Shock overtook him as he continuously stared as the screen with a blank look of shock spread across his face, Thousands of thoughts crossed his head at near light speeds formulating plans upon plans with the new information gathered.

Although he found the snarky remarks of the system funny he wondered who wrote it.

It also put into perspective how weak he truly was in the grand scheme of things but he solemnly vowed to change that.

He had already guessed what most of the terms meant as an avid gamer and media consumer in his previous universe. He browsed over the screen multiple times analyzing the information over and over again and he clicked on the 'E' icon hoping it would shed more light on it.

[E: This stat represents your energy levels at any given time all beings have a constant untapped energy pool. This untouched energy can be expended by the usage of abilities and special skill]

Nodding his head to confirm what he already knew he was still curious about the ability sub section so he tapped on it again.

[Devour(Grade:???): The user of this ability has the power to effectively 'eat' the State of Existence of any being the ability is used on, The user gains all abilities, skills, knowledge and intrinsic existence of the devoured.

Note: The user cannot devour beings not with their State of Being, This ability is currently at (Stage:F) thus the user can only devour the stats and abilities of the intended target, The user has to be making physical contact with the intended target for the ability to manifest, Once something is devoured it is nigh impossible to bring back as the user as essentially become 'one with that being']

Studying the screen and the information once again the boy calmly suppressed all his emotions as his heart was beating furiously inside his chest as possibilities ran abundant, It was a new world.. Nay a new universe there were so many possibilities that he wanted to explore especially with his ability so many questions.

'Who brought him here' 'what's my purpose' 'what were the question marks behind my ability' 'why was my name not shown' although he could more or less guess why as to why he name was not shown he was experiencing a surge of never before experienced emotions he was filled and bursting with excitement he was glad to have escaped his previous universe which was his hell a bleak world for him without any hopes of ever making it out.

Quickly gathering up his thoughts he decided to quickly find some sort of civilization before he was being chased by 'God knows what' in the forest. Thus he began to move along the forest as quietly as he could so as to not draw the attention of any nearby predators.

Thus begins the first steps in a long journey of a man in a new universe filled with wonder, excitement and opportunity


As he did that he was unaware of the unfathomable and incomprehensible entities currently watching him as he fiddled around with the information he had just received like a child.

"So were we successful?" asked an astute young man looking to be around 20-21 with his

glowing and enchanting scarlet eyes reminiscent of rubies and his overflowing luscious jet black hair that seemed to encapsulate any viewer.

"Yes we have #@%$%*He's been successfully integrated into the universal records. Thus our plans are already in motion." Responded another man who graced an apathetic look on his face and if one looked closely they would notice they were similarities between him and the previous speaker.

"I'm curious? What iteration of us is he" Asked the young man

"It took me years of scouring through a lot of universes before I found him but I can confidently say he is the worst one" the apathetic man said with a grin on his face that seemed to hold numerous untold sinister secrets. He suddenly swung his arm down ward and walked into it with anyone knowing where he was going.

"HAHAHA, I expect nothing less from you, Your plans are as sinister as your goals Mahald Emrys. Your schemes and plans are truly nothing short of incomprehensible and divine, I cannot wait to see what this yields, The worst iteration throughout infinite timelines and the universe of us with the power to assimilate a being's very State of Existence, HAHAHA I am curious to see where this story goes, The lines of fate tremble at the very thought of your existence Casualty and entropy are fearful all because of one being" the man said as he released a bellowing laugh into the vast expanse of space and if one looked closely they would notice the mysterious being that had been chained down there as the chains had mysterious encryptions which themselves held untold power to be able to chain a being like him down.


Wow my first novel is truly a sight for sore eyes, I am a horrible author my god, I hope you can read the incomprehensible piece of garbage I have put in front of you. There is more to come. I hope I stay consistent and don't back out like I usually do.

Lot of plot points here guys Mwah

See you next time Lieu the undying

Word count:1292

Day 1 of writing.