
LTU's Diary of Incessant Ramblings

The Diary Of a deity who has long gone insane burdened by the weight of his infinite power he had lost the ability to think rationally whence this dairy is a precursor to the events that transpired before and after his decent into madness. It also holds ideas and half completed worlds and concept the all powerful God was working on before his leash on his sanity slowly eroded so be warned. The contents of this book are not for the light hearted Universe shaking secrets are held within this diary, secrets that threaten the fabric of reality if released to others.

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31 Chs

Child Of Sin And Virtue-Start.

12 Years Ago

= Ahaan POV =

"Ahaan come here look at what I found!, food!!! it's food yayyy we can finally eat again" a boy with pitch black hair and a very skinny body so skinny you could see his bones being pressed against his skin he said as he looked in the direction of another boy who was the same age as him and equally as malnourished as him.

"Seth, did you really find food? How big is it?" the boy asked with an evident look of joy on his face and he turned to look at his best friend… No brother they had relied on each other to survive thus far.

Their tale was a tragic one which would make even the stone hearted of people weep for them in pity

They had both been abandoned from birth and left for dead in the darkest place of the world [The Slums] a place where all laws and morals are discarded and thrown away this was a place where the rejects of society and the most sinister of people lurked,this was a cruel place the operated on the logic of Survival of the fittest.

They had been forced to learn the hard way how cruel and unfair the world was but even after all that they still managed to survive through all of it by sticking together their bond was no one to be laughed at as they were both willing to sacrifice their lives for each other if the need for it arose.

Coming back to their story.

"Ahaan I found a loaf of bread a big one too" the boy said with a grin that went from ear to ear

This would be their first meal in days so their excitement was quite visible

"Yay, we finally get some food, how long has it been since our last 3 or 4 days" he said as he looked towards the loaf with gleaming eyes

But unbeknownst to them a presence lurked in the shadow watching their every move, the presence watched as they were about to eat the bread. As the presence lurked waiting for the most opportune time to strike.

Just as Seth gave the loaf of bread to Ahaan the figure suddenly struck out and grabbed Seth by the neck as he exerted strength that threatened to crush his throat.

"Brat hand over the loaf of bread right now or else your buddy's head gets crushed."

He said in a loud tone that was meant for to strike fear into their hearts but unknown to him these were no ordinary kids and both parties were in for a surprise

"Come on hand it over or his life is forfeit" the man said once again But this was not the first time they had faced a situation like this.

"Sir I will give you the loaf of bread, But please let my brother go first" Ahhan said as he hesitantly stretched out his as he the loaf of bread was about to come into the man's hands Ahaan suddenly struck out with a kick to the man's head despite his lanky body he could still deliver a heavy blow.

Seeing the man fall to the ground and Seth getting free of his grasp he grabbed the bread but suddenly the air felt heavy as the man on the floor called out

"[Authority Of Minor Fire Generation and Slight Manipulation]"

[Fire Blades]


"Ahaan,watch out!!" Seth called out

Ahaan hearing the shout quickly turns back but he was too late as he took the full brunt of the conjured attack. Ahaans body quickly became ridiled in cuts and burns.

"Ahaan are you ok!!" Seth called out exasperatedly

But Ahaan did not respond as his bloodied figure just lay motionless as though dead

"Ahaan come on, Answer me please answer me, no you can't be dead not like this you promised we would leave here together remember. Don't you"

Seth screamed out with tears flowing out of his eyes like a stream

Rising up from the ground the man with a shit-eating grin plastered on his face said

"HAHAHA,the boy died obviously he did that's what you get for daring to mess with me and my newfound powers"

"Y-You can use an Authority!!" Seth said with fear evident on his face

Seth knew that people with Authority were basically Gods amongst men as he had resigned to his fate.It wasn't all bad as he got to die with his brother.

"Don't worry Ahaan I'm sure you will see me soon"

Expecting the pain to come soon, both feeling Nothing Seth turns back to see the Man looking at him with a mocking grin on his face.

"You think I will let you go like that" kicking away Seth from Ahaans body The man conjured a little fire ball and he shot it towards Ahaans leg

"AHHHHH" Ahaan screamed in pain

"Ahaan your alive" His momentary happiness was quickly crushed when he saw the situation of Ahaans leg

"Noo Ahaan are you alright"

"Se-th run away" Ahaan said in while coughing large amounts of blood

"No I won't leave you to die Ahaan" Seth shouts with his hoarse voice as he left on the brink of death.

"I have had my fun time for you to die now, You eyesores"the man said with a cruel laugh.

"Some-body help!! Anyone!!!" Seth cried out one more time.

"Time for you to go to hell"

"[Authority of minor fire generation and Slight Manipulation]:[Firestorm]"

As he uttered those words a flash of light seemed to cover the place as the temperature rose up by several degrees.

Seth looked upwards and seeing the huge flame the spiraled upwards he knew this was the end he slowly felt his control of his body slipping away from him as he wandered what was going on

"Am I Already dead"

"YES!! Yes you are" the man emphasized

All of a sudden Seth rose up to his feet wondering where the newfound energy came from, In his head he was currently hearing a single word only


The voice kept saying it over and over again and no response seemed to satisfy it as he willingly gave his body to the Voices

"Boy you still have the energy to stand up, It seems I underestimated you,But now it is time for you to die!!"

"MORTAL KNOW YOUR PLACE" Seth's voice seemed to boom out causing the mana to take a few steps back as Seth angrily eyed the man in front of him as he recognized him as his enemy.

Leaping towards the man Seth managed to get in front of him as the man had a look of shock written all over his face Seth managed to touch him and all the man heard was "Devour" when a blackish and malicious energy left Seth's palm and covered the man and his attack.

"AHHHHH!!,what the hell,What the fuck did you do to me you little twerp,I'm going to kill you you bastard" he screamed as he felt ungodly amounts of pain.

"Shut up and become my meal,Prey has no need to speak"

The man's voice quickly quietness down as he