
Low-skill Techno-Wizard in the Harry Potter's Universe

Author: My MC is not OP. My book is not about fights, explosions and (Dear God, forgive me) harems...but it's about a day-to-day life of my character. The older brother of Luna Lovegood. P.S. This fanfic contents strong language. P.P.S. And if you are a native English Speaker - don't throw rocks at me. English is my Second. So I have issues with it. You were warned.

Shaldov · Derivasi dari karya
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6 Chs

Prologue. Part 1.

- Little sister, don't be fancy! GET UP! - I decided to pull the little leg out off the blanket

- I don't wanna go anywhere! - the little one began to kick in response...

- Luna, don't force me, otherwise... - I hung over her

- Bu-bu-bu! - she muttered and wrapped herself up tighter, pulling her leg out

- Ah, well! - I said feigningly and...

- Hee hee hee, Sol, stop it! Stop doing that! Ay-ha-ha-ha! Stop it, who am I telling to?!

Tickling has always been effective. And it never stopped being so.

- Phew, so what did you do to me?! – asked the little disheveled girl

- I don't wanna know! We need to go down to have breakfast! Get up! – I stood over her and put my hands on my hips.

- Fine~ - she said and came to the WC

In ten minutes after this morning ritual we came downstairs to our dining room, where our father, Xeno-hehe-philius is sitting. I always laughed at this name. I'm as a Warhammer 40K fan - having a dad, which name literally means "Loves Xenos" is hilarious. 

- Morning, dad!

- Hi, papa~! - said Luna

- Morning, kids.

As we sat - our house-elf, with a sheep name Dolly served us a tasty semolina's porridge (a recipe from my past life)

After five minutes, as porridge was finished - I asked Xeno

- Dad, how's mom? Any news? - I was asking in calm and quiet manner, but it took all the attention from Luna

- She's better. I was told, what we can visit her in three days. 

- Brother, shall we visit mom? - Luna asked in pale voice

- Oh, yes, we shall! And we gonna make sure, what she'll never do such dangerous experiments ever again! - said I and patted Luna's head to comfort her

After the meal - she ran away upstairs to clean her room. And Xeno left the house for service in Department of Mysteries. Meanwhile I went back to my room to continue my studies. 


Let's start from the beginning. 

The name is Sol Lovegood. I was born in March 29th 1977. My parents are Xenophilius and Pandora Lovegood. I have a little sister, named Luna. I was born and raised in a semi-magical settlement, named Ottery St Catchpole...

And I am an alcoholic.

Just kidding! I'm a reincarnator1! But let me start from the VERY beginning.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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