
Low-skill Techno-Wizard in the Harry Potter's Universe

Author: My MC is not OP. My book is not about fights, explosions and (Dear God, forgive me) harems...but it's about a day-to-day life of my character. The older brother of Luna Lovegood. P.S. This fanfic contents strong language. P.P.S. And if you are a native English Speaker - don't throw rocks at me. English is my Second. So I have issues with it. You were warned.

Shaldov · Derivasi dari karya
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6 Chs

A Boring Chapter 2. Father's Lectures.

After shopping and further chill at the famous ice cream-cafe, we returned home.

Bayun 1went to explore the territory of the interior and exterior, what was new to him. And we (Pandora, Luna and I) went to have a dinner.

Lecture 1.

After dinner I sat down with my father. Every weekend (Friday, Saturday and Sunday) in the evening there is a time for "Lectures from Father".

- Father, tell me, is there such a thing as prana?

- Are you talking about vitality?

- Yes

- Hmm... in general there is, but here, in Britain and Europe no one really does know this. There are only Indian and Chinese techniques for developing this very prana. Well, these are the most famous schools.

- What is prana anyway?

- Well, this is the most accessible type of energy for all people.

- Even for Muggles?

- Yup.

- But what does it even look like?

- Hmm... well, listen. Let's imagine that I am a Muggle from an office selling construction tools and equipment. Well, there are axes, hammers, drills... I don't move much on my own. As a result, with a height of one meter ninety-eight, I am fat. Well, not much, but there is overweight. About a hundred and twenty kilograms. I use an analogue of pass-through mirrors for sale, Muggles call it a "telephone". And this way I earn money five days a week from nine to six. That is, my whole lifestyle is work, and then spending the weekend on the couch with my family. And if at the age of 20 it is not very noticeable, then after 30 years... you begin to notice how, due to a sedentary lifestyle, many efforts emerge... weakness, shortness of breath, high blood pressure, problems with... ahem... many problems in short. That's why Muggles have recently started going jogging and doing a light form of yoga. They started signing up children for boxing or something else. You see...with prana it's the same story as with mana. The more you use it, the greater your reserves. Conventionally, you cannot run twenty kilometers at once. But gradually, time after time, even if you are a 120 kg idiot, one day you will run these 20 km. And subsequently - they will not become an obstacle for you even at 60 years old. Weakness will disappear from your life. And the most interesting thing is that your mental strength will increase. In other words, your will become stronger. Have you noticed, in the Muggle part of our village, that fit kids mock the fat ones? Why do such fat people try to avert their eyes to the side when communicating? That fat people have less control over their emotions? What makes it harder for them to concentrate? It's all connected. You spend your body's energy on training - your body gets less tired from the everyday routine. You spend mental energy on going to training and doing this or that exercise, running an extra kilometer - it grows, your character becomes stronger, your emotions are easier to control, and you have less stress, as result. And concluding your question about prana in general - yes, it exists. And we, magicians, can feel it and control it. But the real masters in our world are the followers of the Chinese and Indian schools.2

Lecture 2.

In addition, my father lectured me about the types "magicians".

In our world there are:

Muggles, squibs, warlocks, spell-casters3 and mages.

What is the main difference between them?

Spell-casters are "operators of magic." It, mana, magic is spilled around us. It can rarely be observed by anyone without artifacts and potions. What happens when, for example, a child spell-caster experiences a surge? Something like a muscle spasm or when the same leg cramps... in other words, the child is stressed, subconsciously desires something, and so on, that is, the "initiation of the magic operator" occurs, scientifically speaking. It is believed that the more such "convulsions", the higher the strength will be, but magical science is silent. Mana in the body of a spell-caster and in the world as a whole is a "discharged gas," and therefore it is difficult for that "wizard" to create and structure magic into spells. That is, we do magic by passing magic through the soul. This is where that "magical exhaustion" comes from. The soul may not be able to withstand the load and that's all - fainting or death. And for the reason we need 'equipment'. Wands, rings, staves, and so on - this is what allows a 'Mr. Smith' not to release Lumos and scare people, but to launch 'Fiendfyre'.

A warlock is like any category, but on the condition that his powers are borrowed. Such...can be found. For example - after the division of the soul, Thomas Riddle - was supposed to be a weakling and crazy. But he didn't. And why? Yes, because Riddle "sold out." To whom and for what is unclear. But there are no main differences from a spell-caster, to summarize. Except for actual slavery. Whether it is voluntary or not is another matter. This is the position of the Department of Mysteries that can be told to the father.

Mage - any 'magician' has not only the ability to use the World's magic, let's say. And also your own attention! Exactly. A spell-caster who has reached a certain level has the opportunity to move to a new stage by creating their own source of mana. How? This knowledge has been lost! What to do to create your own mana source? Flamel was hunted not because of the stone itself, but because of what the stone is. This is an autonomous source of mana! And as I understand it, this is precisely the reason for Riddle's hunt for the "Stone." After all, with its help, you can gain autonomy from the world at all. And this is my goal either. Because if I get it... then it doesn't matter what kind of Universe I am in – I can always remain a magician. Even if this is my past, non-magical world.

About Muggles and Squibs is clear, so I hope.

Lecture 3.

Magical Britain is a backward country compared to the average person's Britain, but that depends on how you look at it.

Yes, much has not changed here since the approval of the Statute of Secrecy (hereinafter referred to as SoS).

For example, until 1606 there were no universities for magicians in the world. It remains that way. There's a guild culture going on here. You can say - "why doesn't anyone 'build', 'teach'" and so on. "After all, it is much better for the state to have a large number of educated people". And that's true. However, from ancient times to the present day, education, improving skills, the pursuit of knowledge and personal power/wealth are the work of the magician himself. In addition, every 'magical country', be it: Britain, France, Spain, Germany, Switzerland, Rus', Qing, USA, Japan and so on, does not produce anything itself. This means from the government. Except for port-keys.

Let's take, for example, Britain and Great Britain:

Great Britain has an army, a navy, a huge intelligence staff, and everything requires a huge number of scientists. After all, one word "army" means weapons, ammunition, armored vehicles, aviation, logistics services, food, medicine, and so on and so forth. After all, the world does not stand still. The Alan Turing, for example, the codebreaker of England. And to get this kind of people, you need a higher education. Massive education.

And now, returning to magical Britain (just Britain further) - here, the Ministry, there are only officials who can be trained on the spot, right from the school. Production of port keys only. The remaining departments merely regulate the issued laws of the Wizengamot, the equivalent of the House of Lords. There is no army, no navy, no intelligence. International politics - mainly customs deals and organizing public events. Oh, and collecting taxes. 

So, it turns out that the average person haven't any desire for progress in such conditions, because everything that is necessary for life is solved by a spell, potion or anything else.

And this is where the hostility towards Muggle-borns comes from. Eg:

You are one of Nott family, an aristocrat who has been taught etiquette, languages, fencing since childhood, you know for sure that you will take a place in the "House of Lords", which you will inherit from your father. You are trained, you are prepared, your social circle is strictly controlled. And looking at everything that you had to do since you was born, you understand that you are truly the chosen one. Ordinary magical families rarely put so much effort into their children.

So you go to Hogwarts in about the 12th to 17th centuries and who do you see? Uneducated, dirty and smelly, ignorant, for whose education your father pays money. And this schmuck also blathers something about the fact that all the rituals that you perform to cleanse your body and soul - demon worship, heresy and in general - you need to call the holy father. And if before the 14th century this caused laughter, then from the 14th century until the adoption of the SoS - it only caused a desire to pamper Crucio and Avada with an arrogant pig who has come into your house, doesn't 'read the room' and also threatens to hand you over to your enemies!

And this is the main reason for the dislike of Muggle-borns.

Then, after the adoption of the SoS, until the end of the 18th century, nothing really changed, and parents told their children, and they told their children about the reasons for their dislike for Muggle-borns. And then the end of the 18th century, the Great French Revolution... and Muggle-borns...began to talk about equality, freedom, brotherhood... democracy... right up to the future like Granger with her 'Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare'(SPEW).

Lecture 4

- So, shall we continue our evening lectures? What does my little serious fidget want to know today? – my father asked me while I was holding baby Luna on my lap, who this time decided to join us

- Father, can you tell me - what is the fundamental difference between purebloods and Muggleborns?

- Hm. Good lecture topic. So:

Back in the old days, when our ancestors had not yet learned how to make fire, they began to believe in gods. In different. In one tribe there is a conditional ruler of the winds, in another there is the patron of hunting. And by the will of the elders of certain tribes, some were given gusts of wind, and some made the game slip or something else to make the hunt easier. Thus they became 'priests'.

Over time... around the Sumerian era... the Devout caste split in two. Some continued to be conductors of God's will. And others believed that even without gods, their power over magic is limitless. In the 12th century, the situation developed such that almost all the priests became squibs and were extremely annoyed by the fact that wizards did not want to see them, so beautiful. Which, as I told you, are all selfish. And this, by the 13th century, resulted in full-scale attacks by the Inquisition against magical families. These were mostly squibs who had no memory of their ancestors and simply considered such "degeneration" a curse from wizards.

But let's get back to the topic.

Generation after generation...a mutation appeared in our blood, if I use the non-Mage term. Well, you know - some children have red hair color like the Weasleys because of their parents, others have blue eyes like the Blacks. And so, the mutations...accumulated in us over generations. Initially, as my colleagues suggest, this "gene" gave us the opportunity to simply use the mana that was in the air. But over time it changed and became... let's say... with additives. Moreover, the dominant is almost always a man. But there are also exceptions.

And now we come to modern times. Where the Crouchs have an excellent memory, the Weasleys are berserkers, the Blacks are good at curses and rarely have metamorphs, the Potters have excellent subtle charms and this helps them in artifacts and golem construction. By the way, golems are the distinctive ability of an almost extinct family. Although I'm not sure that the last heir, whose father shunned all traditions, has a gene with "gifts". What else? Malfoy - The Golden Hand. This is if you take it from the beginning. Now, most likely, they still have a slight, intuitive predisposition to potions and longevity.

- Sorry father, Golden Hand?

- Oh yes, well, you do know about the hero of myths, called Midas. So, the Malfoys intuitively see the most successful deals. And thanks to this they benefit. Sometimes, of course, their intuition gives them short-term profits, but in the long run it leads them to the bottom...so about 200 years later, after coming with William the Bastard, they revealed their gift and it acquired its name by analogy with the Greek king Midas, who touched anything whatever it was, everything became gold. Including his beloved daughter. It was this double-edged gift that gave rise to this name.

Returning to the topic of purebloodness.

But we chose the wrong term. The point here is that it is the continuity of generations of magicians, and not the purity of their blood, that is decisive.

Albus Dumbledore is a "half-blood", Thomas Riddle is a "half-blood". Dippet is a 'half-blood'. Can you hear the marks in my voice, Sol? The point is that they are all magicians. All with continuity of generations. Merope Gaunt, Thomas's mother, was the child of inbreeding. In simple terms – consanguineous marriages. And therefore their family fell. Because of this, a huge number of squibs arise... But thanks to the correct dilution of the blood... the descendants can be strengthened. For example, both you and Luna can marry for about three more generations with conditional relatives in the third to fifth generation. But further... further, either Muggle-borns... or look among foreigners.

And here we come to the main topic.

You've probably heard about various magical marriages, vows, rituals, and so on. Like, the wife becomes part of her husband's family, and sometimes vice versa.

Mages and spell-casters, over millennia of development of magical science with help from other worlds, yes, thanks to the same deals with demons, acquired the knowledge and tools to acquire an almost one hundred percent chance of passing on their mutation further in their offspring.

Of course, it happens that parents die, and do not have possibility to pass the knowledge to their son or daughter. And those, as adults, marry someone who is not gifted or Muggle-born. As a result, we get a simple magician without Heritage, you got it? These are the ones who become those weaklings if they are unlucky and the transfer mutation does not naturally work. Or maybe a squib will be born, since not only the so-called "gifts" by old traditionalists will not be passed on to the next generation, but also the gene for magic may not be passed on.

And just in conclusion:

Sol, all of Thomas Riddle's fuss was due to the fact that the Ministry began to ban any rituals that they did not approve of. Understand? The weaklings touched the Heritage. And most of all they put pressure on their opponents - the aristocracy of the House of Lords. Thus, the Muggle-born Nobby Leach, on the wave of "liberalism," the minister began to literally insert himself into the families of wizards who had been passing on their genes with magic for hundreds and thousands of years. And when, even if the state turns against the elite of the state, there is no winning. That is why the Walpurgis knights became "Eaters".

This is the last'boring' chapter in the story, so I hope. I cutted off many things from my original, Russian version, but it remained 'a boring one'.

Thanks for your patience. Futhermore it's not that boring. I'll do my best to upload next chapter in 2-3 days.

P.S. I've found another story about Luna's brother named Sol...Solus...the most funny part on Russian website my story is publishing from November 2023 on Author.Today (the name of website)...Yeah..there's no unique people in the world...

Who ever could imagine such thing LOL :D

Shaldovcreators' thoughts