
Low profile knight

In the aftermath of his best and sole confidant's departure, Sun Jing resolved to heed his companion's counsel and maintain a discreet presence. For half a decade, he led an unassuming life, his mother having left for foreign shores in search of gainful employment to alleviate their financial troubles. Despite the distance, Sun Jing's love for his mother remained steadfast. However, Sun Jing's mundane existence is abruptly disrupted by the unannounced appearance of a young woman ,dressed in a maid's uniform, who promises to unravel the mysteries shrouding his mother's departure.

TheBlackestHand · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
34 Chs

Familiar Stranger

"Is this your daily routine?" Huang Fu Yu inquired, his voice strained with effort as he vigorously scrubbed the cave wall. The massive teeth of the serpent that had sunk into his flesh wriggled him around like a rag doll. "I've been at it for a week now," Zhang Min replied, her tone steady despite the excruciating pain caused by the serpent's venomous bite. "You seem quite composed for your first time. How are you managing this?" "It's fascinating," Huang Fu Yu declared, his eyes gleaming with excitement, even as he felt his strength waning from the loss of blood and the toxic effects of the serpent's venom. "I'm a little dizzy, but I'm enjoying the experience nonetheless." He continued to scrub with fervor, his determination unshaken. As the two bloodthirsty serpents finally had their fill of their human prey, Huang Fu Yu and Zhang Min were left to tend to their wounds and have their dinner.

A flicker of anticipation shone in Huang Fu Yu's eyes as he watched Zhang Min's expression light up with excitement. He could hardly wait to see what delicacy awaited them for dinner. "This is what I look forward to every day!" Zhang Min exclaimed as they entered the hut and were greeted by a table adorned with an array of delectable sweet pastries. But their joy was short-lived when the witch's voice suddenly boomed through the kitchen. "Tomorrow, you two shall battle each other. The winner will be allowed to leave this place," the witch declared.

"I thought you wanted me to be your slave forever? If I win, will I be able to go back to my world?" Zhang Min inquired, her voice laced with suspicion.

Huang Fu Yu's interest was piqued when he heard that Zhang Min hailed from another world. "No, but fear not. If you win, I shall teach you skills to aid your survival in this realm. You may also opt to stay here even if you emerge victorious," the witch responded, her voice echoing once more.

Huang Fu Yu couldn't help but ask the witch about Jiang Wen Hao in a playful manner. "And what of my companion?" he inquired. The witch's response was dismissive. "He has his own battle to attend to. It's better to focus on your own." Without warning, the witch suddenly appeared in front of Huang Fu Yu and swiftly knocked him out with a swift chop to his neck.

As Zhang Min watched in shock, the witch approached her with a smile. "I only have one skill, and this guy is on the same level as me. How am I supposed to beat him? Are you even planning on letting me go?" Zhang Min demanded, taking a bite of her donut. The witch, unfazed, replied with an air of amusement. "Your chances of defeating him are only ten percent. However, if you truly desire to leave or become stronger, you will find a way to defeat him." With that, the witch vanished into thin air, leaving Zhang Min to finish her donut before succumbing to the floor and fall asleep.

Huang Fu Yu's stomach growled with hunger as he regained consciousness, still feeling dizzy from yesterday's blood loss. He found himself outside the hut, where the witch and Zhang Min were looking at him with a malicious grin. Huang Fu Yu amusedly walked towards Zhang Min, and said, "I'll give you a handicap, as I feel like trash now. I'm counting on you to make it fun for me." With that, he prepared himself for the battle. But he noticed that his hand was empty and glared at the witch. "Are you forgetting something?" The witch slapped her forehead and hurried back into the hut. After a while, she returned carrying a large cross, which she threw at Huang Fu Yu. He caught the cross, and his level return back to 10.

Huang Fu Yu used his cross to signal Zhang Min to make the first move. The grin on Zhang Min's face broadened, but it quickly vanished, replaced by anger at being underestimated. Huang Fu Yu noticed Zhang Min's unusual behavior as she approached him. Instinctively, he hurled his cross at Zhang Min, but she grasped her broom like a baseball bat and swung it with all her might. "Sweep!" A powerful gust blew the cross back at Huang Fu Yu, sending them both flying into a tree and leaving a path of destruction in their wake.

Zhang Min grinned victoriously and exchanged a high five with the witch. "Now I believe you wanted me to win. What sort of powerful skills do you plan on teaching me?" Her smile was infectious, even the witch couldn't help but return it as she motioned for Zhang Min to follow her back to the hut. Meanwhile, Huang Fu Yu lay unconscious on the ground, completely defeated.

The witch led Zhang Min to a familiar location, a room inhabited by a grotesque, oversized toad. The creature was seated in a corner, looking incredibly comfortable as it waited for its next meal. As Zhang Min moved to feed the toad, a sudden gust of wind knocked over a box of poison beads, which spilled directly into the toad's gaping maw.

"I brought you here for a different reason," the witch explained to Zhang Min, her voice taking on a serious tone. She walked over to the back of the toad and produced a massive green bead that was roughly the size of a human head. "This is an ugly toad's egg. It will take about a month to hatch, but it can be used as a weapon in the meantime. It contains a lethal poison and is virtually indestructible. The only thing that can destroy it is fire magic, but that would cause it to hatch prematurely. If it hatches early, it will be weaker and smaller, but still strong enough to protect you on your early journeys."

Zhang Min examined the egg with a playful curiosity, marveling at its potential as a weapon.

Huang Fu Yu's nostrils quivered as the aroma of something delectable tickled his senses, beckoning him to the source. He followed the scent trail to the kitchen, where his eyes fell upon a solitary donut resting on the table. Despite his misgivings, his hunger won out and he snatched the pastry, eagerly devouring it. The flavor exploded in his mouth, surpassing any donut he had ever tasted. But as he savored the last bite, drowsiness crept over him, and he collapsed onto the floor in a deep slumber.

"As a token of my appreciation for helping me with my chores this past week, I shall give you a bag of potions so that you do not meet an untimely death," the witch said as she handed Zhang Min a bag full of bottles labeled with different names. Zhang Min still harbored resentment towards the witch for transporting her to this unfamiliar world, despite her previous life being equally dismal. "I want to know how to return to my world." she declared, her tone firm and resolute. "Once you possess the same strength as I do." the witch replied with an air of superiority. Intrigued yet perplexed, Zhang Min complied when the witch ordered her to position the broomstick between her legs. Before she could inquire further, the witch forcefully shoved her, causing Zhang Min to soar through the air. "Consider that a reward for the service you have rendered me. But alas, our time is short," the witch muttered as Zhang Min vanished from sight. "Now, it's time for the next one," she added with a melancholic sigh as she made her way back to the hut.

After Wen Chong had treated the crew to an exotic dish of yellow beef noodle, he bid them farewell and set off with Wu Xing to embark on his journey as a tamer in the next town. Meanwhile, the crew took shelter in Wen Chong's abode, with Sun Ming graciously offering to oversee it until his return. The following day, as the sun peeped over the horizon, Sun Jing arose early and ventured out into the lush forest for a leisurely stroll. However, his tranquil morning took an unexpected turn when he stumbled upon an enigmatic figure - one whose presence had never been fathomed by him before. A surge of inquisitiveness flooded his mind, and his eyes widened in surprise.

Ze Kai? It couldn't be. Sun Jing hadn't seen his old friend in five years, not since Ze Kai had moved away to another town. As the rest of the crew continued to enjoy their meal, Sun Jing finished his noodles and set out to follow the person who looked like his friend. Ze Kai was wandering outside the town, and eventually made his way into the forest. Sun Jing kept a close distance behind him, driven by a growing sense of curiosity and unease.

"Why are you following me?" Ze Kai suddenly stopped and turned around to face Sun Jing.

"You're not Ze Kai," Sun Jing said coldly. Although the person standing in front of him looked exactly like Ze Kai, Sun Jing knew that something was different. "Who are you?"

"I am Ze Kai," the stranger replied, amusement flickering in his eyes and a wide grin spreading across his face. "And I'm guessing you know the other Ze Kai."

Sun Jing's unease deepened as he looked at the man in front of him. Something was off. He felt a shiver run down his spine as he realized there was nothing above the man's head.

As Ze Kai approached Sun Jing, a sudden cry pierced the silence, startling them both. "Ride unlocked!" the system announced as Zhang Min plummeted to the ground. Quickly picking herself up, Zhang Min assessed the condition of her potions. "Phew, lucky they're not damaged," she breathed a sigh of relief before noticing the two men staring at her.