
Lovingly In Love

"Why do you always create stories that end happily? Are you blind, hypocritical, or a woman living in a high-walled palace who can't see the suffering around you? Don't you think you've exaggerated the meaning of the word 'love'?" - Aron Henderson ***** "Do you know what your problem is? You lack patience. Be patient! Let love come to you and bring you happiness." - Juliet

violetpayne · perkotaan
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20 Chs

Chapter 5

He was in pain but tried hard to conceal it. After all, the servant had been carrying him when moved him. It was different from yesterday when Aleeza had helped him move. He shouldn't have felt any pain.

As soon as the servant left, Aleeza hurriedly locked the bedroom door and sat beside Aron, who was about to read a book while leaning on the bed's headrest. With a casual demeanor, Aleeza touched Aron's calf and suddenly squeezed it.

"Argh, what are you doing?" Aron reflexively snapped at Aleeza while pushing her hand away. A sharp pain suddenly surged from where Aleeza had squeezed his calf and spread throughout his body. It was as if his entire body had been filled with an electric shock.

"Is it painful?" Aleeza asked with wide eyes.

Aron didn't answer and chose to focus his attention on the book in his hands.

For Aleeza, Aron's silence mean yes. Panic suddenly filled her mind. "What's really happening? As far as I know, paralyzed body parts shouldn't feel pain because they're numb."

"It's nighttime. Go to sleep!" Aron ordered calmly without taking his eyes off his book.

Annoyed, Aleeza snatched Aron's book away and grabbed both of his hands, forcing their gazes to meet. "Tell me what's happening. Does this mean there's still hope for you to recover? If you can still feel pain, perhaps you're not completely paralyzed." Uncontrollably, tears welled up in Aleeza's eyes.

Aron furrowed his brow at Aleeza's tears. "You're really strange. I'm the one in pain, why are you crying?"

Actually, Aron felt uncomfortable with the attention Aleeza was giving him. He still believed that Aleeza was his stepfamily's servant.

"Have you seen a doctor?" Aleeza ignored Aron's previous statement.

"No need to act like this. I only gave you permission to perform the duties of a wife. I don't need your fake concern. And if you intend to tell them about this, go ahead. I'll pretend not to know." Aleeza couldn't reply to Aron's words as her tears continued to flow. Then she wrapped her arms around Aron's waist and cried into his chest. When Aron tried to break free, Aleeza tightened her embrace even more.

Finally, Aron gave in. He allowed Aleeza, who was still crying, to continue hugging him without attempting to push her away.

Aron grasped Aleeza's jaw to stop her movements. "In three counts, if you don't call my servant, I will ask you to sleep on the floor starting tonight. One... two..."

"Alright, alright," Aleeza said irritably, releasing Aron's grip on her jaw. It didn't hurt at all, but Aleeza genuinely couldn't move her face closer to Aron. "I should have just kissed you earlier."

Aron bit his inner lip to suppress a smile. Aleeza's complaints sounded funny to him.

Just as he got off the bed, Aleeza suddenly sat down in front of Aron again. This time, her face was filled with enthusiasm.

"What's going on now?"

"As a substitue for the morning kiss, allow me to help you with your bath," Aleeza folded her hands in front of her chest.

Unconsciouly, Aron tapped his forehead in frustration at Aleeza's behavior. This was the first time he displayed an expression other than being flat, cold, and angry after all this time.

"Is there nothing on your mind other than these intimate matters?" Aron commented.

Aleeza pouted and playfully squeezed her fingers together like an upset child. "We're still in our honeymoon period, but I haven't had our first night yet. So, it's only natural for me to want to do intimate things with you."

Aleeza's straightforward responce made Aron's face turn red, and his desires awakened. After all, Aron was still a man, and being faced with a woman who seemed to be offering herself naturally aroused his masculinity.

"Talking to you gives me a headache. Get out and call my servant!" Aron issued another order, perhaps for the umpteenth time.

"I won't move until you say yes," Aleeza folded her arms stubbornly in front of her chest.

"Yes, what?" Aron asked, growing increasingly embarassed.

"Yes, I can help you with your bath."

"I'm not so pitiful that I can't bathe on my own."

"Then why did your ask for the servant's help?"

"Just to assist me in moving to the chair in the bathroom. Do you think my servant should be the one soaping my entire body?" Aron asked bluntly.

Aleeza grinned without denying, confirming Aron's suspicion. "Now I understand the purpose of the chair in the bathroom."

"Your mind is truly scary," Aron commented.

"But I didn't think you two would do something in the bathroom," Aleeza still tried to defend herself.

"Heh! Why is your conversation getting more off track?" Aron's voice raised. "Get out right now, or I'll bite your lip!"

Aleeza smirked. Aron probably didn't realize what he said. "Since I don't want to leave, go ahead and bite my lip."

Aron was startled. His face turned red as he realized his mistake. He meant to silence Aleeza's chattering, but why did he choose to say that?

"Aleeza get out quickly!" Now Aron shouted in front of Aleeza, not out of anger but out of embarassment.

Hastily, Aleeza got off the bed and rushed to the door with a suppressed smile. She took a deep breath to control her laughter, then left the room and closed the door behind her. When she turned around, Aleeza was stunned to see many people outside the room.

"What's going on?" Aleeza asked, confused.

Keiran, who was standing next to Ines, approached Aleeza. "What happened inside? Why did Aron sound like he was shouting?"

Oh dear, what did they hear?

Aleeza concealed her surprise by stealing a glance at the servant and Carter, who were also present, as if she didn't dare to say anything in front of the two.

Keiran understood the meaning of Aleeza's glance. She immediately instructed the servant to help Aron bathe. Then Keiran turned to Carter. "Carter, from now on, let Aleeza help Aron take his medicine." Keiran said.

Carter remained silent for a while, observing Aleeza, then nodded as she handed a tray with a glass of water and medications for Aron to Aleeza. Afterward, without a word, she left Keiran, Ines, and Aleeza in front of Aron's room.

"What's that about? What did Aron say inside? This is the first time he overslept, and I hear him yelling," Keiran asked impatiently.

"Did you only hear him yelling?" Aleeza inquired to confirm.

"Yes, his words weren't clear," Keiran explained.

Aleeza sighed. "If only you had heard what he said. He's really good at using foul language. If it weren't for the sake of my family, I would have given up."

"What exactly did you do to make Aron so angry?" Ines wanted to know.

"He's angry because he found me sleeping next to him on the bed. Just imagine, even though I had covered the floor with a thick blanket, the coldness still pierced through my body. So, I climbed onto the bed as soon as he fell asleep. Besides, if it weren't for necessity, I wouldn't want to sleep next to him," Aleeza's lips thinned with anger.

"Ah, I see. I forgot to ask if Aron allowed you to sleep on the bed or not," Ines replied apologetically.

Aleeza still wore an annoyed expression. "If there was a sofa in this room, I wouldn't have crawled onto his bed."

"Before Aron had the accident, his room was on the second floor. This room used to be his workspace. But due to his physical condition, he could no longer go up and down the stairs, so his room was moved here," Keiran explained. "His old room was more spacious and had a sofa too."

"Oh, I see."

"You can't give up now. It's only been two days since you got married, and you're already like this. We've been here for years and still managed. So why can't you?" Ines tried to boost Aleeza's morale.

"Well, you don't have to be locked in a room with him," Aleeza was retorted.

"Stop complaining," Keiran scolded her. "If we succeed, you will benefit too. Just think about that."

Before Aleeza could reply, Aron's servant came out of the room.

"Mr. Aron has requested Mr. Carter to come to his room," the servant explained.

"Alright, you may go," Keiran dismissed the servant. After the servant left, she turned to Aleeza. "Now, give him the medicine. Treat him well, no matter how much you dislike him. Don't show your resentment."

Aleeza sighed in frustration but nodded. She then went back into the room. After locking the door, Aleeza quickly approaced Aron, who appeared to be reading some papers on his desk.

Aron looked up as Aleeza placed the tray on his desk. "Why are you smiling like that?"

Aleeza was momentarily silent. She didn't even realize she had smiled. Indeed, Aleeza had wanted to smile after her conversation with Keiran and Ines. But she had been restraining herself. Perhaps it was because she was now facing Aron that the smile she had been holding back emerged naturally.

"I'm smiling because I'm looking at my handsome and fragrant husband," Aleeza finally replied. Then with a mischievous grin, she learned in to kiss Aron.

Seeing Aleeza's intention, Aron grabbed a book and pressed it against Aleeza's face. "You pervert! Where's Carter?"

Aleeza took the book away from her face, her lips pouting. "Today is going to be a bad day because I didn't get my morning kiss." Aleeza sighed dramatically.

Aron couldn't understand the strange feelings stirring within him. He tried to ignore the oddity and sighed in annoyance. "Stop talking nonsense. Tell me where Carter is!"

"From now on, I will be the one helping you take your medicine," Aleeza clarified.

Aron narrowed his eyes in disapproval. "Who gave you that authority?"

"I'm your wife," Aleeza whined.

"You're Keiran's servant. What if you replace my medicine with poison?"

"I'm not that foolish. If you die now, I won't get anything," Aleeza retorted.

Aron grinned sardonically. "I suspected you knew about the will."

"Of course, I do. I was promised a share," Aleeza said casually as she handed him the medicine.

Aron immediately accepted the medicine without hesitation. "Aren't you afraid to say that to me?"

Aleeza thought for a moment because suddenly an idea crossed her mind. "No. In fact, I'm thinking of offering you a choice. My loyalty can be bought. If you pay me more than they do, I'll gladly betray them and side with you."

Aron swallowed his medicine and drank the water Aleeza offered. After returning the glass to her, he said, "You're not afraid to say that to me?"

Aleeza shrugged, pushing the tray aside. Actually, there was a chair across from Aron. Perhaps it was used for Carter when they discussed work. However, Aleeza chose to stand. "It shouldn't be a problem for you. The important thing is that I can benefit you."

"Alright, how many millions do you want?" Aron asked.

"Hmm, what I want can't be valued in money," Aleeza replied.

Aron lazily looked at Aleeza and continued reading his documents. "Let me guess. Your desire is related to intimate matters, isn't it?"

"Well, my husband is getting to know me," Aleeza exclaimed happily.

"Enough, just go."

Aleeza glared at Aron. "You still don't know what I want. You should be happy because I won't be digging into your wealth."

"Well, that's why I called you cheap," Aron retorted.

"I don't care what you call me. So, are you going to buy my loyalty or not?" Aleeza asked impatiently.

Aron stared at Aleeza for a long moment, then nodded slowly. "Tell me your desire!"

Aleeza's smile widened. "I only want my first night."

Aron had already anticipated that Aleeza would ask for that. But hearing Aleeza say it so clearly sparked a hint of disappointment in Aron's heart. "That's a heavy request. Maybe I can't buy your loyalty."

"Why?" Aleeza asked.

"Isn't it funny that you're still asking? I can't even shift without feeling pain, let alone have intimate moments."

Aleeza smiled and placed both her palms on Aron's desk, much like when she kissed Aron for the first time. She lowered her head, bringing their faces just an inch apart.

"That's why you need to get better to be able to buy my loyalty. Don't worry. I'll patiently wait." Then, without warning, Aleeza kissed Aron's forehead very gently and lingered for a while. Afterward, she pulled away and carried the tray out of the room.

Aron was startled as soon as Aleeza closed the door to his room. He hadn't even realized he had been frozen in place since Aleeza kissed his forehead. His hand moved to his racing heart.

It had only been two days since they got married, and Aleeza had already managed to stir up Aron's feelings like this. He couldn't imagine what it would be like if their marriage lasted a month. Could it be that the woman had successfully filled his empty heart?

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