
Loving you turned POINTLESS

Some of us have loved and had it returned back in the same love, while some of us lost the ones we loved and some of us had to bare the bitter Truth that they never loved us back. Either way, love isn't meant for all. Heather Scott was a very shy high school girl who had perfect grades and had just two friends. She barely spoke and was very happy with her life. Growing up, she had met many guys who sort of stole her interest. She had always admired them from afar, had wet dreams about them but never spoke to one of them. She could figure out their names, last names, their birthday, their hometown but she never once approached any because of how shy she was and whenever some other guy steps in the picture, the previous guy becomes a story of yesterday and the present guy becomes Heather's new love interest. It had been going on like that till she met this new kid at school. He was the butterfly of so many girls and Heather wasn't left out but there was just something about this guy. In all the guys she had ever loved, not one of them payed her attention, not one of them dared to look her way but this guy seemingly gave Heather attention, the first day she stole a glance at him, he held her gaze like he wasn't willing to let go and then Heather knew she was in trouble. Her heart knew instantly that the boy had something for her when he kept on holding her gaze all the time and then it turns out... During Middle school, Heather had a friend, a friend who she called best friend but had betrayed because of something very childish. Now she and that friend had separated and they were no longer a thing but who knew that that friend she had betrayed almost three years ago was the little sister to the guy who now held her gaze, who noticed her. How was she supposed to confirm her feelings for him if she was also scared that the only reason he held her gaze was because she had betrayed his sister and he wants revenge? Follow Heather as she finds love in the strangest way ever...

Tessa_Osi_Udotor · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
7 Chs

First day of senior year

" Oh my God I can't believe we made it", Screamed Kendra Boyd, Heather's closest buddy. Heather smiled at her childishness and couldn't help but comment as well.

" Yeah we made it, girls we are in senior year and this is probably going to be the best year of our lives look at all these people", Heather exclaimed studying everyone of them

" I bet Kendra knows each and everyone of the boys here, it's her speciality after all", commented the last of them all, Christina Miller.

They were standing in the middle of the hallway watching as the hallway buzzed with senior students moving up and down getting to one thing or the other, they were literally the only ones who had everything prepared.

" I was so scared you were not going to make it in time, I even had my mom call you just to remind you that there was school today", Christina said staring at her wrist watch through her square shaped medicated glasses

Christina was at average height as well as the other two. She had dark brown hair and pale white skin. Her orbs were brown in color and she had cute dimples on her cheeks that whenever she smiled you couldn't help but ogle at them. Her shape was perfect and she could even pass for a female model.

" Yeah well your mom called my phone. How could you think, me of all people would forget that there was school today and senior year as well, I might have been busy during the holidays but I made a mental note of school resumption date", Heather said as they walked into the biology class room searching for a seat.

" We should seat at the front", came Christina's quick suggestion. " No no no", scowled Kendra, now they knew what she was going to say.

" Front is boring, the people who seat at the front are all nerdy and goofy, obviously we should sit at the middle or back, that way we get to participate in the fun", Kendra said sheepishly and started dragging them away from the front seat and towards the back.

Kendra had always been like that. Impulsive, always wanting to do crazy things, she believes in having fun and has a great sarcastic nature. Each of them had one but the most wild one in the three of them was Kendra.

Kendra had average height, emerald green eyes, dark brown hair and nice cute figure. She knows how to get down with a guy and really doesn't take no for an answer.

In the three of them, she was the only one who had dated multiple guys, both Christina and Heather were the goody two shoes who believed in completing their education safely and came from a good family.

" Guys I have got to use the bathroom could you keep my seat safe please?", Heather asked quickly for Christina to nod while Kendra just continued to enjoy the view of guys and girls pooling into the biology class.

Heather quickly walked out of the class and headed straight to the girl's bathroom in other to get there quickly, she was experiencing her monthly flow and had to make sure her sanitary pad was in the right order so that she wouldn't stain herself on her first day of senior year.

After making sure she was good to go. She quickly stepped out of the cubicle, watched her hands and got out of the ladies bathroom.

The hallway was still crowded with people moving up and down as it wasn't yet time for students to start heading to class.

Heather made sure to look down as she headed back to biology class, she wasn't very good with interactions and hated being the center of attention.

As she walked ahead, she could feel someone's intense gaze on her but she didn't put much thought into it. It continued like that and she got a little annoyed.

Forget her calm and innocent facade because she could really be feisty at times. She angrily turned her neck to the side but didn't find anyone, the gaze was still on her though.

She turned around completely and looked amidst the crowd for the person who couldn't understand that they were already becoming a nuisance.

She finally spotted the person very very far from her but she could make out that from his posture he was guy. She frowned very hard at him but then his face came into view and hit her memory like a scoop of chocolate ice cream's after taste.

[ Flashback]

" Urgh could you move the line already you cutie, how can you just stay stiff like that?", Heather had complained when she realized two guys with one of them exceptionally cute had first of all cut the line and then was taking so long to move ahead.

Christina and her had gone to get tickets for a movie they badly wanted to see and had been waiting in the line for hours. First this boy and his friend were giving special treatment by being allowed to cut the line and now he was not moving along, just standing.

" What do you mean cute, he's not even cute", complained Christina. " He's good looking alright", Heather had said boldly like she was very sure he was and she was only getting a glimpse of his side profile.

He finally turned his head sideways to stare at her and her breath hitched that the boy bothered to pay attention. What was she thinking going all bold like that? Were the first thoughts that came to her mind.

He only stared at her with his calm brown eyes which was as a matter of fact what no cute guy had ever done to Heather respectively and then he turned to the front fully.

[ Flashback ends]

After that one look, Heather couldn't stay calm, she couldn't stop admiring him but like a once in a lifetime thing, she never met him again.

After that day, she never thought she would be seeing this familiar figure up until today, she had even forgotten him and had moved on like every other human being but who knew he was attending her school?


Dear readers, this is your dear author Tessa here and I hope you guys love my story. I really need your love and your support on this book as we explore the lives of our Main C's and I hope that each one of us get to experience love and get to keep that love forever.