

The moon some bright. The silent lake reflected it's light. It was calm. So calm that one would be scared. However, at the same time, it felt peaceful there. A beautiful woman stood there. Her long, wavy hair was still. The dress she wore was so beautiful. It was captivating. But what is that? Lying near her feet? Upon a closer look, it appeared to be a human.

"My... looks like someone saw me."

There was no anger, fear or surprise in her words. Or was almost as if she knew she would come.

She turned around. A swift blow of wind swept away her silky long hair away from her face, revealing to me.

A pair of deep set eyes, glistening in the dark. A red colour that would scare anyone but not her.

"You are a pretty fine lady aren't you?"

She let out a smile letting her fangs show.

She wasn't the least afraid of what stood before her. The Queen of Vampires... or the progenitor of all vampires to be more precise.

"You're too young to be a Vampire Hunter."

She lowered her eyes for a moment and tilted her head to one side.

"All the Vampire Hunters were grown up men... I wonder what made them decide this..."

She stood there calmly. It wasn't the time to be scared. She smiled, mustered here courage and held her dagger tightly, hoping to kill her in one shot.

She dashed towards her with the dagger.

And that's where their story started.

A forbidden love story.