
Loving You Soo..

There is so much pain, I want to forget this pain. I will never return to your side neither in this or another life. Who's she? Why is her presence is so familiar? Why am I attracted to her? These are the questions He asks himself everytime he meets her.

Amira_R · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
3 Chs

Who is she?

Shylin's eyes are shut, her head enters the water just then a hand grabs her arm, Shylin has become unconscious so she isn't responding, the man pulls her closer to the floor and pulls her out of the water.

He makes her lay on her back, checks her breathing by putting his ear close to her nose and mouth. Her breathing was normal, but she was shivering, her teeth were chattering so he started to warm up her hand and feet, he carried her into the room and increased the room temperature as well he made her wear his bathrobe, he orders vegetable soup for her.

After sometimes, Shylin's body warms up because of warm clothes and room temperature, she opens her eyes and got up from sofa, the man who was holding the spoon with soup, looked at her,

"Are you fine?" He asked.

Shylin nodes her head.

After placing the spoon into the bowl, he looks at her, Shylin also looks at him both of their eyes meet.

Suddenly the silent room feels more silent to both of them. He raises his chin and points toward the soup.

Shylin doesn't understand his gesture so she raises her both brows in confusion.

The man is sitting in front of her, and between them there is glass teatable his every movement can be clearly seen by her.

He raises his hand, gestures her to have soup. She then understands his previous gesture, she wants to refuse him but her body needs it so she pulls the bowl and starts to drink it with a spoon.

Although Shylin's head is bowed and she is drinking the soup she can observe the man's every move.

"She is thankful to God that this man didn't pull her out of the door or called a hotel staff and didn't create a scene, even though she shouldn't have entered his room but he was the one who have left opened his door and.."

"Who are you?" the deep voice stops the trail of thought that was running in her mind.

"I'm a delivery person who came here to deliver the box you ordered." her hands were carrying the bowl so she made gesture through her eyes, his eyes followed hers and stopped at the box, he nodes his head in acknowledgement.

She didn't explain that how she fell into the swimming pool neither he asked her.

After a moment, she looks at him, "I know, I shouldn't have got into your room without your permission but I waited and called you and then I realized that the door was open, and when I came in, your golden retriever, went out of the door, so I followed him and came with him again." she was thankful that he saved her but she was also ready to retaliate him if he is going to blame her as he was the one who didn't pick up her calls.

He doesn't says anything and only nodes his heads as he believes in her words.

"Thank you." She smiles awkwardly.

She has finished eating the soup so she stands up from the sofa and pulls a paper from her jeans but her jeans are already soaked, and the paper also is wet, so he cannot sign it.

"What happened?" He asks her.

"The receipt you need to sign is wet, I need to bring another one, wait for a minute." She then takes off the bathrobe and strides towards the door.

In just a second, she reaches the door and runs towards the lift.

The room is silent again, the hands of the man is clutched tightly making a fist. The fist is so tight that the veins in his hands are about to burst, but the eyes of the man is looking towards the door continuously, his eyes were showing indiscernible emotions.

Shylin finally reached to her bike she opened the compartment of her bike, grabbed her wind cheater and a receipt.

When she finally reached at the hotel room, she saw that the man was looking outside the window, and didn't realised her presence since he has turned his back towards the door.

"Knock, knock, Sir?" Shylin fully opens the door.

He also turns around.

She gives him a pen and the receipt to sign.

He signs the paper, gives her paper.

"Then, I will be leaving." She pressed her lips and closed the door.