
Loving My Mates In The Beast World

Sheea who was so immersed in the sorrow of the untimely end of her favourite novel with the premature deaths of her favourite characters, blamed the author for the lack of story setting, when suddenly a message popped on her screen: "If you don't like how it is, why don't you yourself remake it the way you want to?" With that there was a smiley emoji. And then again, when she reopened her eyes she was in her favourite novel. But unfortunately, she was a cannon fodder over there whose existence was never mentioned in the book. So guys, let's see how Sheea is going to change her fate along with the ones she love. The cover page is solely designed by me and no one else. All Rights deserved. __________________ Spoiler:~ "At last, I have a neat and clean place to stay! Ahh! I can't wait anymore to lie comfortably on my dear bed," Sheea exclaimed happily while yawning and stretching her bones and muscles. But her actions came to a sudden halt when she saw that her bed was already occupied by her mates and they all were giving her bone-chilling grins. "Wha-what's up with you all? Go to your respective rooms. I-I wanna sleep!" Sheea stammered a little as she tried her best to remain calm in that situation which could be dangerous to her any moment. "Baby, we all want to sleep...," said Kyle, her first mate with an extremely evil grin as he continued his sentence after walking towards her with small steps, "But before that we all want to have some heart to heart talk with you." "He-hey, listen to me.... Heyyyy!" And before Sheea could finish her sentence she was directly shoved on the bed by Kyle and soon she was in the arms of her mates who weren't only one or two or three in number but... but eight! "Is my kidney going to retire from work soon?" That was the last conscious thought of Sheea on that beautiful starry night as after that.... _____________________ To know what happens next, please support the book with lots of comments & votes.... :-)

GalaxyStars833 · Fantasi
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76 Chs

Chapter 16: She Came For You

(This chapter is dedicated to @AfterTheDawnOfTheSun for your constant support and love for this book.)


(Kevi's POV)

It had been years since I've come of my age and this year, I officially turned 30, along with my other wolf brothers.

I had often seen from my childhood how my father and my mom's other mates would foolishly and awfully behave all the time to gain her attention and love, for which I automatically turned to reverse when the word love or mates popped up.

I had even taken a vow not to get entangle with any Shashas ever. The only thing that I ever truly wanted to do was to be a good leader just like my father and other leaders of the tribe.

Even so no one can overrule the nature, as the opposite things will keep on attracting each other!

So many Shashas started to throw themselves at me just from the day I came of my age. They would either try to act pitiful to gain my sympathy or set traps to get my attention. And the worst of all is when they would confuse me with those Poppy flowers or Chamomile flowers or excessive sunflower seeds. Only God knows, how much it takes me to control my s*xual urges and stop sneezing.

As time went by, all Shashas started to appear annoying to my eyes (except my sweet mom obviously). They would always smile sweetly in front of me but their minds all the time run corrupting ideas.

And I also know the main reason for them to do those lewd things. It's just for my title as the next leader of my father.

But all my reserveness and vows became null when SHE silently yet slowly entered my life.

She didn't behave like those power-hungry Shashas. She never looked to me with those eyes.

She's so different from others. I had never seen any Shasha to cook before, even my mom had never cooked before. But she can. She can even turn the strange or wasted things into food which are enjoyed by all.

Moreover, She's kind to all, especially to her mates. Her eyes only hold them, which made me slightly jealous of them, even knowing why...!

I had taken the initiative to talk with her many times, but her mates would always stood guard up against me and sometimes would also chase me away. And that snake who was abamdoned by her, he would me the first one to hiss at me. The worst was, once when he had circled me with his tail and threw me at a good distance. Luckily, I could still bear to land on my limbs from that incredible heights, without breaking any bones. Just had got few bruises and scratches.

That incident had occurred just two days before today. And now, when I was all healed and was ready to leave to avenge myself, when Ahru, a beast guard of my father came and informed me that I was summoned by him.

So I immediately followed to the meeting place of my father, the Wolf King. And I was shocked to find there were many of my brothers too, all of them were the ones who had yet to choose a mate for themselves. I found Kel standing there to, so I walked to him.

My father was talking with the other leaders of the tribe. My mom was also there with her other mates. And surprisingly all of her mates were present too.

And then only my eyes shifted at the central from where a sweet smell was coming. It wasn't fully sweet but it was addictive. I was getting that smell from the moment I had entered but now that I saw the 'thing' from which it was coming, I just couldn't stop myself from furrowing my eye-brows.

I mean the smell that was driving me crazy was actually a muddy and dirt covered, unconscious Shasha who was dressed strangely. And all the parts which was uncovered, were all black with dirt and mud.

"What's going on?" I subconsciously asked Kel who was standing beside me and looking at the 'thing' at the centre too.

"I don't know!" I heard him answered as my roam around the cave and caught the entering figure of my younder brother, Kyle. And I felt my body got a chill when I saw him.

Everyone looks at him as if he is a waste but I know it clearly, He's just the opposite. He maybe physically weak, but he's stronger in mind than any of the beasts present here.

After sometime, when my father finished talking with the leaders, they left with their respective beastguards as he sat on his throne and asked us who wanted to take that Shasha with us.

I could even feel that he, himself was looking down on the 'thing' at the centre as he forced himself to change his words to refer her as a thing. And as his very own son, how could I not tell, he was also repulsed by the thing there.

Still, when he asked if anyone wants to take her with us, a part of mine strangely wanted to take her with me.

'Take her! Take her with you! She's yours. She came for you. She belongs to you. Take her before anyone takes her!'

Still, I controlled myself to suppress those unknown desire of my body as I fired back to myself with the most convincing words I could shoot at that moment.

'No! She's so dirty and frail. I must not take her in. What if she's like those Shashas there? All greedy and lazy.. then what? And again, I love Sofia. How could I desire someone else?'

So I stepped back a little as if it would create a large distance between me and that strangely dressed 'thing'. Bit as if my consciousness was suddenly divided into two, a part of me answered back to my earlier self-control.

'You'll regret this for sure in future.'

I was shocked when that thought crossed to my mind as I shook my head sidewise, hard enough as if doing that would stop those words being repeated in my mind.

And just when I stopped shaking my head, I heard Kyle requesting if he could take the opportunity to take that Shasha away which was gladly agreed by the Wolf King.

Subconsciously, I felt my body stiffening as a certain part of my chest hardened. And I seriously didn't like it.

I felt as if something precious of mine was taken away by me. And when he scooped down to take her in his arms, I found myself clenching my hands into fists.

I saw him securing her face in his embrace as he carefully took her away with her attractive scent. I felt as if my chest was hollowed as they dusappeared from my sight.

'Why? Why is this happening to me?'

I asked myself but this time I got no answer from my otherself. I bet it also doesn't know why this was happening to me.

I immediately moved in a swift speed as I went back to my den. I didn't want to go out to avenge myself to that stinky snake that day. I felt as if it didn't matter anymore.

I lied on my bed as I placed my hands on my forehead. But as soon as I closed my eyes, the images of the unconscious and dirty Shasha lying on the ground started to pop in my mind.

I opened my eyes as I sat up with a shudder.

'What the h*ck was that?' I thought as I rubbed my face and then facepalmed.

'I'm at last going crazy for not having a Shasha for so long!' That was the only thought that could convince my idea at that time.

So I decided to roam around the wolf territory for a while or visit Sofia. With that thought, I set out. But never in the world had I ever thought, I would end up near Kyle's cave that was slightly smaller than me.

Just with few more steps, I could see all the happenings going in the den. And I felt my blood started to boil as a strange feeling inside me started to dominate me, when I saw them kissing each other.

A part of me wanted to rush in and throw that stupid wolf away from her, as another part wanted to beat that b*stard to his last breathe. Yet, I forced myself to control my unstable, inner emotions.

I immediately turned around and started to run off, not knowing where. I just ran and ran until I reached the dead end of the tribe and stood near the river bank.

I sat there and looked into the scenery around me. But each time, I tried to forget about the scene from earlier, of them being so close, my rage would start to come out in surface.

So, I directly jumped into the river and crossed it to get other side of it where there was nothing but forests and wild animals.

I spend the rest of my time there, fighting with the wild animals. I even killed a few by mistake but I decided to bring them back to cook, so that the 'sacrifices' of the deceased may be valued.

So, I decided to take some rest now and stop fighting. I took all of the food back with me to the river side of my tribe. And then only, I realized that the sun had long risen and I was all out for a night.

Still I didn't mind it at all as I got my food for the upcoming days. And since, Sofia had already taught me how to preserve my hunt with water wash to get rid of the blood and cover it with salt, I can keep my food intact now.

So, I hurriedly washed all the blood from the dead animals' bodies as I buried the wasted things from inside their bodies in the ground at a little distance away from the river.

I was dragging the pale looking food in my arms when suddenly a thought popped up in my mind.

'How will she react if I can cook food for her? I bet Kyle can never satisfy her with his poor cooking skills!'

But then again.... I stood there horrified as my movement of dragging my food and walking stopped and wondered, 'What did I just think? Cook for her? Have I successfully gone crazy or this is the after effect of suppressing my body heat for so long?'

I felt a shiver ran down through my bones as I lifted all the food and dumped them on my arms as I started to go to my cave with a quicker pace, scolding myself all the way that I've finally gone mad!

But as soon as I reached my cave, I found my father roaming in my cave with a hand on his chin and the other one supporting it.

"Father?" I called him when he looked at me and said, "So you finally came back? I thought you run away from home!"

I just rolled my eyes at him as I dumped my food at the corner and started to add salt on them.

I heard him sighed as he said in a very serious tone in the next second, "Your mother has called for you. Go and visit her now!"

I turned around and asked, "What? Mom called for me? Now?"

"Yes! So you better go right at this moment and see what she has to say to you. Or rather give to you, "My father said as his lips curled up into a sly smile, sending tones of shivers in my spines.

'Why do I have a feeling that if I don't go now I might regret it?'