
Weak knees

Billie's Pov :

It's been about a year since i met Amora , she's told her her life story and everything that has happened when she moved up her . She told me about her last relationship and her miscarriage, and it breaks my heart knowing someone hurt her like that and to find out your fiancé is cheating on you the day you are having a miscarriage as well . She deserves the world and i'm going to make sure she gets it .

I went back into her room to wake her up with breakfast in bed only to find out she's not even in the bed

"Aw , how sweet but you know i'm a early riser ." she said kissing my cheek

"Well damn , i was trying to be all cute and shit . You asshole." I said placing the tray down in the desk and pulling her in from the hips

We stared at each other for 2 minutes, you could tell there was sexual tension but no i'm e wanted to make a move

"I want you." i whispered

"you have me . " she said

"No like i want you to be mine , all mines ." i said

"Fuck it let's just go with the flow ." she said wrapping her hands around my neck.

"i just don't wanna be let down and i know you don't either ." i said

"Well let's do this . you mine and i'm yours . we can be girlfriends , i don't want no big romantic shit cause you already know how that ended ." she said looking down

"I'm not going to hurt you . If anything g i'm going to protect you and make sure you get everything that you never did." i said

"But how will it work , your famous . you go in tours." she said looking sad.

"Uhm yea so about that . i told your boss i would like to book you as my person photographer from now on . So everywhere i go , you go." i told her

"Billie whatttt , wait what." she said in shock

"I don't like random people in the green room , i do through a lot of emotions and the green room is where i express them. i would rather it be you to see all of it then someone else who could go to the press about it . Only if you accept , i was going to ask you later at a meeting we have in an 4 hours."i told her

"Oh of course baby . Oh my god , that means i get to travel the world with you ?" she asked

"Duhhh." i said

We both laid on the bed and eventually Amora went to sleep but i couldn't cause i had a lot of my mind so i went to the movie room and destiny and drew was already in there

"Sorry didn't know anyone was in here." i said backing away

"No you're good , everything okay ?" Destiny asked

"Yea just a lot on my mind." I said

"Come talk to us, we give great advice." they said

"well it's just i think we and girlfriends now . she didn't want an all out kind of gesture cause of her ex but like i'm not fully out . and me being around her a lot i'd going to eventually get out ." i said

"Billie , you do what's best for you . If you think your fans are going to hate you cause your gay , you are definitely wring . everyone has been waiting for you to come out , we want you to be fucking gay . But either way if they are your real friends and fans they will fucking support you through anything . No one is saying make it public now cause that's something you have to discuss with Amora cause it's not just your career it's hers to since she's always in the eye of everything fucking body . She's open about her sexuality, everyone knows . But when it comes to a relationship that's something y'all have to come together about . Amora is all about the "private not a secret" kind of relationships so think about that cause i know you don't like to hide anything from your fans either." Destiny said

"Holy shit , you should be a therapist. No for real like you could be my personal therapist. i would pay you." I said laughing

"Well i went to school for it just haven't gotten out in the world to find a job to be a therapist cause you know we live in freaking Miami." she said

"Well everytime we talk i'll pay you . La definitely needs some therapist, if you're looking at moving ." i said as i walked back into the room with amora

She was still sleeping so i quietly got into the bed with her and cuddled her . And I soon then drifted off .

I woke up to Amora kissing me on my neck

"We got 2 hours until the meeting. Let's use it wisely."She whispered

As soon as she did i flipped her over so i was on top , we started making out and i started to kiss her neck down to her chest as she moaned with every kiss i placed .

"Can i take this off?" i asked

"Yes" she said

I reached down and untied the silk robe she had on and took it off . I went back to places kissed on her neck

"Please , fuck me." She said

I grinned from ear to ear , hearing those words made me weak . As i started to kiss down her stomach her phone rang and i groaned.

"Hello... yea ....I'll be there in 20." she said

"Manager wants me there early for the meeting. see you there baby. She said kissing me as she went to get ready to leave.

While i sat there waiting for my driver to come i decided to post on instagram

I smile at the comments people were leaving and closed my phone and went downstairs to get into the car . My driver took me to the meeting and i was waiting in the lobby for my managers to get out of his previous meeting . I haven't seen amora since she left before me , i wonder where she is .

"Billie , let me go ." my manager snapped me out of my thoughts and i followed him to the conference room

when i got there there she was sitting with her boss having a conversation . She looked and me and smiled then went back talking .

"Okay Hello , Miss Amora . Today i wanted to you come because we loved your work and would like to hire you full time as billies photographer and we are needing someone to be with her 24/7 she hates the body guards and would like someone normal looking so since you would be at every show we thought you could also keep an eye on her as well . If that's something you would agreed to . You would still work under your boss so there wouldn't be no breach of contract." he said raising his eyebrows at her and she looked confused and lost in thought.

Amora and her manager sat there talking back and fourth for about 30 mins before she looked up and began taking .

"That would be fine with me , i'll go through the contact and get it to you by monday morning,. If i need changed made i will contact you. She said before getting up and walking to her car

I ran out the room to catch up to her

"Baby , where you going ?" I said

"I'm going home ." she said

"What's wrong?" I asked

"Nothing . i'm being professional. you're not out yet and i don't want people to catch us." She said getting in the car

I got into the car with her and she drove home .

"I told my manager . that's why he said breech of contract." i said looking down

"I know , and it's fine but you could have told me hun." she said pulling into the drive way

"I know i'm sorry i was going to but there was a lot going on and i forgot ." i said looking at her

"It's okay . i seen your instagram post , cute ." she said kissing my forehead and getting out the car . i followed behind her up into her room

She started to undress and i couldn't stop staring , her body was so perfect . She was a definition of a hour glass . i went closer to her and grabbed her from behind

"let's finish what you started." i whispered in her ear as i flipped her around to look and me and pinned her to the wall

I started to kiss her and started to trail down kisses to her neck , chest and went lower with every moan that escaped her lips . Her knees went weak and i lifted her up and onto the bed where i laid her down gently . I took one hand and grabbed her throat and the other one trailed her body down to her core , i inserted one finger and she moaned softly . I inserted another one and pushed fast which made her moan louder , i took my mouth and kissed down her stomach and then her inner thighs , i hovered my mouth over her core and and gently took my tongue over her opened which made her arch her back . I placed my mouth on her clit and did figure 8's around it , i went faster with my tongue and deeper with my fingers and she got louder and louder making me want more . I flipped her over to her stomach and started eating it from the back i placed 3 fingers in side of her which made her scream louder

"F-FUCK BILLIE." she screamed

With my open hand i reached around and grabbed her neck which caused her to throw her head back , with every thrust she got wetter and wetter . I took my open hand away from her neck and slapped her ass

" Say my name." I said

"Billie." She moaned and i slapped her ass again say my name correctly or you will be in trouble baby

"BILLIEEE." She screamed i flipped her over to her back and looked at her in her eyes while still inside her

"You going to regret not saying my name mamas." I whispered

"Oh , and what are you - going to do about it . she said while trying to hold back her moans and i took my fingers out and put them in her mouth as i watched her suck them clean . I went to my bad and got out some ropes and my strap on

"this is what happens when you don't say my name baby." i said tying her up and putting my strap on

I got in the bed and licked my fingers before putting them inside of her and pushing them deeper inside of her as she moaned so loud . i slowly and gently slid my strap on in and she arched her back

"What's my name."

"Billie." she said and i pounded deeper in her a couple of times while she screamed louder

"I said what's my name baby. "

"F-FUCK ME AHHH DADDY FUCKKK." She screamed and i went deeper and deeper with ever stroke and she moaned louder and louder and just as she was cumin i untied her and her eyes with dark , full of lust and she moaned as she finished and then got on her knees and put my strap in her mouth while making eye contact . She started licking her juices off of it .

"Fuck , that's sexy asf . "i said as i felt myself getting wet

she didn't break eye contact and threw me in the bed and got on top and stuck the strap inside of her and started to ride it

"You like that daddy." she said looking at me

"Fuck , you look sexy asf mamas ." i said pushing my hips with the same movement she was doing

she started bouncing up and down and i swear i was sitting in my own puddle . She got off and took the strap in her mouth again and still not breaking eye contact , i was so wet and horny i moaned . She then started to take off the strap and then took my boxers off and started eating me out , i moaned out as she put her fingers inside of me and got deeper. She went faster with her tongue and went deeper inside of me with three fingers and within seconds i was cumin . she picked up all my juices and came back up to me kissing me

"Fuck , that was - uh sexy. you're sexy . you're mines ." i said

" there's more to me baby , stick around and find out."she said going back kissing me and we fell asleep for the rest of the night .