

A year later .

Well me and destiny decided that we are moving to LA, Billie is letting us all move into her place since it's 3 story and she has it all to her self .

The move was long and very slow , but this time we got movers and they put everything up for us . I'm sleeping with billie in her room but i was able to set up my own little office area in the house , and a make up room !

Right now we was all getting ready for billies concert and of course i had to look nice cause i know there's going to be paparazzi, since my model career shy rocketed up here in L.A . I worse a black skirt and shirt that just covered my boobs. I told destiny to take a quick picture real quick so i can post it on insta

I laughed and put away my phone , Destiny and I headed out to go to billies concert.

The driver finally stopped and we got out the car and there was paparazzi taking pictures so of course for my job i smiled and waved at everyone a posed a few times . We finally got back stage and a guard came up and said billie wanted me in the green room , we followed him and he told us we was good to come in and billie was talking to her family .

"So i've been dating someone for a year and half now , and i want you to met them . I don't want to hide them anymore and just know i'm happy , i'm in love and plan on spending the rest of my life with . If she lets me ." she said walking towards the door

"She ?" her family said at the same time

"This is Amora , this is my girlfriend. Amora , this is fin , mom , dad, and claudia." she said pulling me into the room

"Oh hunny she's beautiful. We love you for you billie . you could have told us sooner . We have a lot of catching up to do . Dinner at our house after the show ." Maggie said kissing my cheek

"It's very nice to meet you finally , we knew billie was seeing someone but didn't wanna push her to tell us ." Patrick said

"Oh my god , you're Amora . As in the model Amora jones. I fucking love all of your outfits they are stunning and you need to make a clothes line you are freaking gorgeous. it's so freaking nice to meet you . i love that i'll finally have a friend to talk to when they work in music." claudia said jumping up and down

"It's nice to met you , i kinda knew y'all were a thing , billie tells me everything ." fin said giving me a hug

"Well , it's show time ! We will see you at dinner." maggie said

"Bye babe . i love you, make sure you're up front." billie said

Once everyone exited the room i followed behind to find destiny and find our spots upfront. The show finally started and billie came out taking to her fans who was screaming and shouting

"Hey babeeeeess, how are y'all tonight . I have a big surprise for you and i want you to meet someone before we start getting crazy ." billie said

"Oh my god , she's about to tell them." destiny said covering her mouth

"oh my god . i'm nervous , how do i look ." i asked

"you look great girl . don't be nervous be you baby." she said

"well , you all know i'm in a relationship . I haven't told y'all who but y'all are going find out tonight . We been dating for a year and half now and i'm very much in love and very happy so i wanna share my happiness with you guys ! Amora , come here please." she said looking at me and the crowd went wild. The guards led me up the stage and billie grabbed my hand and brought me in for a kiss .

"I love you." she whispered

"I love you more." i said back

"Well , now that you know let's get this party started." she yelled as she jumped up and down starting to sing bad guy as i went back down to the front row

We sat there for hours watching billie do her thing , destiny and i headed to the front to the driver when i was stopped by an arm pulling me

"So you moved on?" the girl said as i turned around to see cam right there

"Uh yea dumb ass you cheated tf ." destiny said before i could get my words out

"I was scared . i was so use to being a hoe and partying , settling down scared me . I should have talked to you instead of cheating i'm sorry , i'm also sorry about the baby." she said

"Well i'm use to being loyal , ima a hopeless romantic and i will never change that . I will never give seconds chances out to people who do me dirty. I was scared to but i didn't cheat . I'm happier than i have ever been with billie . not cause the fame or fortune but for the love she gives me , the time and affection. As for the baby she is in a better place , she's surrounded by love and she needed that more than i needed her here with me in pain." i said

"it was a girl? oh my goodness, she would have been beautiful. i'm glad your happy , i really am . But i can give you something that billie can't and that's kids . " she snapped

"Well i actually can give her kids , it's called a donor dumb ass . And i would spend millions of dollars just for her to have as many kids as she wants . I don't need a dick to give her that . But i give her everything you couldn't . I'm loyal and don't look at other bitches the way i would look at my future wife , i can give her a family full of love , and a lifetime of pleasure and happiness. Now if you would excuse us we got dinner with our family." Billie said walking up and grabbing my hand to go out the door .

Once we reached outside cameras clicked everywhere, questions being asked at the same time and fans reaching out to touch us and telling us they love us and that we are a cute couple. Destiny , billie and i finally reached the car and headed to her family for dinner . the car ride was quiet cause we was all tired from the show but billie kept starting at me .

We finally made it to her family and we all got out and went to sit at the table

"So , how did y'all meet ." Maggie's asked and me and billie looked at each other and laughed

"uh. well she was the photographer at one of my shows and she was in the green room the day i got mad cause you wouldn't let me eat tanks during sound check. And we just talked and stuff before the show cause i thought she was just a rando." billie said

"What billie means to say is that she stormed off in the green room and her photographer that she didn't know at the time was in there and billie needed to let out some anger." Fin said raising his eyebrows

"BILLIE , in the green room ."maggie said shaking her head

"You didn't have to blast me fin , dam." billie said slapping him

Dinner was pretty great . We all got to know each other and we laughed so much i could barely breathe . Dinner sadly came to an end and the three of us headed back home .