

About a couple months later

⚠️⚠️ Read at your own risk , there will be some triggers in this chapter ⚠️⚠️

I rolled out of bed and took a shower getting ready for work . Destiny no longer works at the strip club cause drew doesn't like that men harass her there . Cameron is okay with it since she is there every night watching my every move , tonight she wasn't going to be there she cause she had plans

"Bye baby, have a good night." i said as i kissed cameron's forehead

"Bye mamas , text me when you get there please and thank you ." She said and i ran downstairs to get into the uber , i didn't feel like driving today .

Once i got to work i went to the back and get my makeup and my hair after about 30 mins my name was called to go on the dance floor and i did my dance and then someone wanted a private dance .

I started to walk to the private room with the man following close behind me , once we got to the room he sat down a pour two glasses of drinks as I turned around to shut the door . Once I came back towards him he offered me a drink and of course I didn't decline since he was paying over 5 grand for this private dance. I took the drink in one gulp and started to dance to the song playing .

About 5 mins into the dance I started to feel funny , I was getting dizzy and felt like I was going to pass out but I did't stop dancing . I pushed the feeling away and continued to give him the show he was paying for until everything went black I don't remember anything.

I could barely keep my eyes open , I don't know what was happening my vision was blurred and all I could see was a big figure on top of me . My body was so stiff but I was able to slowly lift my hands to feel that I didn't have any clothes on , I started to panic . I was trying so hard to fight him off but I didn't have the energy .

"You are mines tonight baby. I'm going to take good care of you love." The figure said

"Please, get off of me , please stop. I don't want this." I managed to let out , he didn't get off. I let the tears run down my face as I felt lifeless as he continued to let his has roam my body and I felt pressure inside of me. Im use to dick being inside of me cause of Cameron but this was different, I felt disgusting , it hurt , It felt like my insides was being ripped open. I continued to to try to fight but whatever was in that drink made me so weak. I sat there and cried and was hoping he was done but he kept going and it felt like forever until I heard a big bang as the door swung open and there was security grabbing him off of me and 2 other girl dancers rushed by my side and helped me out.

"Amora, are you okay? I heard cries from the door as I walked by so I had to get someone cause the door was locked." the dancer said

"I wanna go home , I want Cameron." I said softly still crying as I went into the back room and change into sweatpants and hoodie . I looked into the mirror as I wiped the make-up off , I still felt out of it , I felt numb.

"I called destiny , I didn't have Camerons number." the girl said as destiny slammed the door open which caused me to jump

"Come her baby , lets go home." she said as she picked me up and we headed to the door I placed over the parking lot and seen drew beating the mans ass , I seen her kicking him in the stomach

"IF I EVER SEE YOU EVER AGAIN I WILL END YOUR LIFE. " She yelled as she spit in his face and took his wallet out of his pocket

"You owe her your fucking life , just wait till my homegirl hear about his you bastard." she said as walking back to the car with us. Neither of them said anything they stayed silent the whole car ride until we got to the house. Drew sat on the couch as destiny took my upstairs and gave me a bath as I cried. She washed my body , my hair , my face and just let me sit in the bath all bottled up crying as drew started walking up stairs to sit in the bathroom with us

"We love you , its not your fault. I haven't been able to get a hold of Cameron but I left a voicemail. You're not alone at all." Drew said holding my hands

"I - I just wanna sleep." I managed to let out. Drew stepped out the bathroom , while destiny got me dressed in my pjs and bushed my hair and led me to my bed where we all laid and watched tv until I fell asleep. They never left my side even when I woke up from my nightmares they was there to comfort me and let me know they was still here.

I ended up being able to sleep for the rest of the night and slept for most of the next day until I got woken up to a conversation happening outside of my door

"Dude , where tf you been? We been calling you all night." Drew said

"I went to see my family and I ended up drinking and tried to sleep it off . My mom woke me up and said you called her, that's when I listened to the voicemail and got here as soon as I could ." Cameron said

"She hasn't said much just been asleep , she had a couple nightmares last night but not talking yet," destiny said as she opened the door slightly and seen me awake. Cameron slowly started walking towards the bed and just laid behind me and spooned me

"Amora , im so sorry baby. im so sorry I wasn't there , I should have went with you. " she said

"It's not your fault CJ. I just feel so nasty. "I said turning to look at her

"I'm never leaving you again, cmon we going out bae." she said grabbing me and running out to her jeep

"Baeeeeeeee, im in the pj." I said laughing as I buckled up

"it's fineeee . who cares . you only live once." she said as she started driving.

We held hands the entire time and drove for about 30 mins until we pulled up to some spa place. and she got out and opened the door for me and leaded me into the front door

"Hi , can you place take good care of her and give the the full experience ! You can put it all under my account, name is Cameron J . Also no men only girls please. ." she said handed her card over

"Yes Ms. Cameron , we will take very good care of her. " the lady said as she pulled me into another room and had me change into a robe. Cameron said she was going to be across the street as I spend most of the day relaxing , getting facials , and body scrubbed. I never felt cleaner in my life , this was well needed today and I'm so thankful for Cameron . After of couple hours of having a spa day I finally went out to the lobby where I was greeted with Cameron as she led me to the car which was filled with shopping bags and there was a couple of things wrapped.

"C, what is all that?" I asked

"It's for you baby. I got you all brand new clothes , shoes and undergarments. there's is makeup , lotions , and robes. Also some gifts from you to me and I know ho much you hate talking to people about your past but loving writing books and writing about things that effect your past so I got you a MacBook , a desk , and lots of journals to write ! I love you and I know you don't want to talk about it but I know what happen , the girls from the club pulled the tape from the club and I'm suing the managers for over looking and not watching the cams while you was in there. And just know you're not going to have to worry about working ever again cause you are about to get a good amount of money from them. The man is also going to have to give money as well and he will be in jail ." she said as we drove home

"BABY , I'm speechless . I can't even tell you how much you mean to me. I'm so thankful for you baby , so so so happy I found you." I said crying kissing her cheek as we got all our stuff and into the house. Once we got to my room Cameron picked me up and put me on the bed

"Now , I know things will be different but you let me know when you are ready for us to get freaky again. there is no rush at all and I can wait for you as long as you need ." she said kissing my forehead

"Cameron , it didn't change anything. Yes I'm hurt by the fact it was someone else that had to drug me but I love you , my body knows you only. It may take a couple of days or weeks for me to want anything sexual but I would never look at at you or think of us having sex as anything that man did to me." I said cupping her face

"I love you mi amor." Cj said

"AW, that's cute . I like that , I love you too baby." I said smiling at the fact she gave me a nickname other than baby.

She got up and started to throw out my old clothes and putting in the new , she built my desk and set my MacBook up on it and pulled me to sit at my desk to set it up. While I was setting it up she finished putting everything up and went downstairs to cook dinner with destiny and drew. I already knew they was talking about me so I stayed upstairs a little longer playing sims on my new computer

"AMORA , DINNER BABY!" Cameron yelled and I made my way down stairs as I scanned over the food

"My favvv , OMG baeeeee." I said as I ran over to the food . There was pinwheels , chicken Alfredo, pizza, wings, and brownies

"Well I didn't know what you was feeling so I made you everything." she said

"How in the hell are we going to eat all of this." I said

"OH, Amora! don't act like we never binge watch movies made it a challenge to see who could until we puked all over the place." destiny said grabbing food

"So its going to be one of those nights , you are all going to lose!" I said grabbing one of everything

We all ate until we was full and there was still plenty of food left so we all smoked until we got the munchies .... yes I said we I snatched the blunt from their hands.

"Since when do you smoke mamas?" cam said

"Since now , do you have a problem with it." I said sticking my tongue out at her

"No not at all just wondering." she said looking at me weirdly after taking about 10 hits of it cause I did't think it was working

"Uh , you should slow down , it's your first time and you don't know how you are going to react to it. I got paranoid my first time smoking so much." Destiny said

"HEY. I am totally fine but I do wanna go swimming, letsss goo !" I said as I started stripping and jumped into the water but they didn't follow they just laughed and finished their blunt

I was swimming for what I felt like forever before I felt it all hit me, I felt like my heart was beating out of my chest and I couldn't't breathe. I started to have a panic attack and gasping for air. My thoughts started to surface and flashbacks of that night came into my head. I felt dirty , that I wasn't worthy of anyone and that I would be better off dead.

I sat their in my thoughts for a few more mind before I finally let my panic attack win , I let my thoughts win . I just let go , I stopped fighting to lift my head above water and let myself sink to the bottom. I struggled to breathe but I stayed at the bottom of the pool and let the darkness come over me. Before I was gone I heard yelling

"Amora, baby . NO YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME!" Destiny called out as she jumped in

"What destiny , what's wrong." cam called out while coming outside


"NO , NO ,NO ,NO BABY NO!" Cam said jumping in as she did everything was dark . no more thoughts or voices , no more flashbacks.

Cameron POV

"We have to take her to the hospital." I said as we pulled her lifeless body out the pool

"No , she will hate us , she will dump you and befriend me." destiny said

"What?" I said looking at her do mouth to mouth.

"I'll tell you later, this isn't the first time okay cam. she will hate us cause they will put us in the mentally hospital and she will take her life , please trust me." she said as I seen my gf body start moving and spitting out water

"Cam, take her up to her room please. she's not going to want to talk about it right now . she's just going to want to sleep." destiny said kissing Amora's forehead

I grabbed her and took her upstairs and laid her in her bed and she just starts busting out laughing like nothing ever happened

"Baby, what funny." I said looking into her eyes

"I'm fucking stoned. Wish y'all would just let me die." she said coldheartedly

"Why would you say that amor , I would die if you left me." I said as my wyes started to watering

"I don't deserve to be here , I don't deserve you , I don't deserve destiny or drew . I don't deserve the life I have." se said

"But you do baby . Your life has been hell since the day you was born , you was brought into this world by a shitty ass mom who beat you , who used your body to make money , who let you starve and let men do whatever they wanted to with your body. You then got adopted to a family you thought you could trust , who would never hurt you , who would love you for you but they only turned out to be the complete opposite, the shamed you for loving who you want to love, they controlled every bit of your life and didn't let you live freely. But that did't stop you from going and and making sure you live your life to the fullest. You saved money , got a fucking huge as fucking house , the truck of your dreams and hopefully the love of your life . You are only getting started baby this isn't the end. Get your ass in hair school , write those books you've always wanted to and let me make your biggest dream o becoming a mother happen." I said to her tears running down both our eyes

She was speechless , she just got up and laid on top of me and help me so tight

"I love you so much. I'm sorry baby . I will never try anything like that again, I didn't realize how much you loved me." she said

" I love you more than anything in the world amor and I promise you will see it soon." I said kissing her forehead as she started to doze off to sleep.