

I met this girl online a couple years ago and she seems cool asf and i definitely want her in my life forever , maybe a lil more than friends but i'm scared she's going to judge me once i tell her i'm intersex . I was born with men parts but years later started developing boobs and became more feminine.

I had got a text from her asking when we was going to meet and i panicked and left her on read . Maybe if i distance my self she will forget about me .

Once i woke up from my sleep the next day i had got an invite to go down to Miami for a beach party and i was totally going . I got up and got dressed in my sports bra and swimming trunks and got into my jeep to head to Miami.

I finally arrived to the beach after finding a parking stop and let me tell you .... there was so many bitches throwing ass , girls spiting alcohol in each other mouth and everyone making out.

"Hey sexy , wanna drink?" some drunk girl asked as she pulled me over to the drinks

"Yes please I want a amoretto sour please." I said to the girl as I noticed a girl not to far from me throwing her ass on her friend who was behind her .

I was memorized by the way her ass was moving , by her long straight blonde hair blowing in the wind and the perfect shaped body she had . She looked familiar but I would know if I had met a girl like that .

"HEY! are you even listening to me?" the girl asked which snapped me out of my thoughts

"Yes , sorry . what's up baby?" I said as the girl pulled me to the center and started grinding on me. I couldn't focus , the blonde was so close to me and I just wanted to see her face , I wanted to talk to her , I wanted to take her home. My dick was so hard right now and it wasn't from the girl grinding on me.

Amora's Pov:

Destiny finally dragged me out the bed of being in my feelings about CJ leaving me on read about meeting. She dragged me to the beach only to find out there was a party there , so we started to get some drinks into our systems and my mf song came on so you know me I had to shake some !

I could feel eyes on me but I didn't care , I was drunk . I was celebrating and letting go of my life in Tennessee and loving the freedom I had in Miami ! Once the song was over I turned around to talk to destiny when someone caught my eye.

"Fuckkkkkk no.... uhh come one des , lets go get drinks." I said as I pulled her over to the drink station

"WHAT , why are you pulling me . why did you say fuck no?" Destiny asked looking around trying to figure out what I was tripping about

"Her . She's here , she fucking left me on read and is at the same party we are at , with some girl grinding on her . " I said pointing

"WHAAAA, you mean to tell me that's CJ ! the girl you met on bumble ? she said shock

"yes bitch , she look so much better in person . I mean look at her ... she's got abs , long dark hair, tall asf and look at her fucking smile. she's perfect . No stop I'm mad , she left me on read when I asked when we were going meet." I said staring at her up and down

"Fuck her , if she doesn't wanna meet my best friend ,then she doesn't get to be in your life . We came to have a good time so more drinks please and lets fuck some shit up cause that's what we are good at !" Destiny said pouring drinks back to back until we was drunk asf slurring our words

We went back to the center and fucked shit up like we always do . Our fav song ( throw that ass in a circle) came on and we went all out , destiny stood behind me and I shook my ass while everyone started to gather around and hype us up . I was going crazy until I seen her starting to walk towards us, I stood up so fast and destiny seen her too . We all made eye contact and her eyes got big , destiny pulled me away and started to walk away to her car

"Amoura? , Wait is that you?" CJ asked trying to catch up

"Don't , you left her on read so you don't get to try and talk now." destiny told her as she put me in the car

"Bu-" she started to say but destiny slammed the door and drove away

Once we got back to the house I went to take a shower and laid in bed when I checked my phone to see I had a bunch of messages from CJ


please talk to me

when did you move down here ?

i thought you lived in tennessee!

look i didn't mean to leave you on read i was scared

Amora please

let me explain love

mamas please

i don't wanna lose you

i know you're probably drunk asf , mad and confused i'll let you be for tonight but please let me explain