
All i want for christmas

Amora's pov:

Being on tour was amazing , watching billie do what she loves doing was so memorizing . I loved everything about it but now it's the time for the holidays . My favorite time of year being surrounded by all the people you love and is thankful for . I finally found my soulmate , who would have thought it would be a freaking famous person but i'm so in love and i don't want this to end . i don't wanna lose her and oh my god she's is nothing like i've had before , the sex is great (better than anyone i have been with ) the way she stares at me with those ocean eyes , the way she watching me making sure i'm okay or being safe . The way she loves and the way she makes it known that i'm the only girl she wants . Would it be weird if i asked her to marry me ? Like let's say fuck it and just go get married without telling anyone ? let's have like 10 million babies ! oh my god our babies would be freaking adorable lol i'm thinking way to fast aren't i? uhhh JOURNAL i wish you could talk and tell me what to do . Anyways g2g billies homeeeee

xoxox - Amora

"Amora ! I'm homeeee" i heard billie yelling running up the stairs

"Hey baby" i said as she opened the door

"Whatchas's doing?" she asked

"Nothing i was writing" i said closing my book

"Oh okay , i missed you . i wanna cuddle and watch christmas movies ." she said in a baby voice

"Let's do it . " i said jumping up onto the bed and getting uber the blanket as she soon walked over and joined me

We watched movies all night until destiny and drew came home and then we went downstairs for some hot coco. We all sat by the fireplace drinking our drinks and talking about what we wanted for christmas

"Baby, what do you want ." billie asked

"All i want for christmas is youuuu." i sang

"gosh you're so corny" she said pushing me

"No i'm fr , i have everything i could ever ask for ." i said kissing her cheek

"You're so cute." she said

We spent what felt like forever talking about things we wanted to do for the holidays and all i wanted was to stay in the house and be cuddled up next to my baby , we always on tour or going out and billie agreed and i can't wait i have so much planned .

Billie and I finally made it back into our room and as soon as i closed the door she pinned me against the wall with her hands around my neck

"Take it off now ." She whispered

I did as she said and took my clothings off slowly for her , finally i was standing there naked for her . I was naked and valuable in front of the love of my life .

Billie started guiding me back onto the bed and laid me down slowly . She took two fingers in her mouth and licked them as she pushed them inside of me as she had one hand on my neck. I arched my back and moaned quietly, billie grabbed my leg and put it over her shoulder and pushed deeper inside of me going faster while placing her tongue on my clit causing me to get louder .

"Mamas , i wanna hear you scream my name." she said softly

"Daddy , Fuck me please." i said

"No baby i love how my name sounds coming out your mouth , say baby . Say it for daddy." she said going deeper

"Billiee, fuck -Ahh I Love you " i screamed as i was coming off my orgasm as billie gently removed her finger and put them in my mouth and i sucked them making eye contact with her .

"Marry me ." she said not breaking eye contact

"Wait what " i asked and she grabbed my head and made me put clothes on as did she . We were both dressed and she grabbed by hand and let me to the balcony where there were sunflowers, presents and a big a ring sitting on the table .

"Marry me , i didn't wanna go big cause ya know but still wanted the diamond to be big cause a big ring needs to be shown on a beautiful ass female . You know how i feel about you and how much i love you . i can't live this life without you and i wanna start a future together . I was going to wait a few more years but destiny was telling me how your dream was to always plan a wedding together ." she said giving me the box with the ring

"YES , 1,000 TIMES YESSSS. I love you so much and give you my whole heart , just don't break it please ." i said taking a picture and posting it

I turned my phone off and jumped on billie and pushed her back into the room kissing her hard and the kids got heated and next thing we knew i was stripping her clothes off and going between her thighs

"Fuck baby" she moaned

I went fast and put 2 fingers inside of her and went deep inside of her . i did firgure 8's around her clit until she tightened her walls and felt herself release all on me

"FUCKKKK MAMAS" i screamed as i took my fingers out and put them in my mouth

"You taste good " i said smiling climbing up to her and kissing her and leaving hickeys on her neck

"Maybe i should tell you my feelings every day if that's what the outcome is going to be." she said

"Maybe so but just wait for the surprise i have for you ." i said grabbing my robe and putting it on while i throw hers at her

"What did you do" she said as i grabbed her hand leading her down the hall to the next room beside my office . I opened the door and she gasped

"HOLY FUCKING SHIT !"BABY A SEX ROOM?"she said going over and looking at every item

"You like it ." i asked

"My baby is a fucking freak . Oh i'm going to have so much fun ." she said looking at me with a mischievous smile

"What's the look for ." i asked walking closer

"You sleepy baby ?" she said coming face to face with me

"Not at all." i whispered as she grabbed my throat

"We need a safe word baby , i need to know my dos and don't and what you don't like." she said kissing me

"Safe word can me peaches . And as for dos and don't so like it rough , hit and steamy . i want you to do anything and everything your heart desires billie." i said in a whisper

And with that she dragged me over to the chains and dropped my robe off and locked my hands up as a hung from the ceiling .

"You ready baby ." she asked sliding a whip up and down my thigh

"Yes daddy." i said making eye contact

She took the whip and hit me and i groaned in pleasure, She took the whip and dragged it in the inside of my thigh making my core get hot and wet . She walked over to the bench and grabbed a blind fold and sex swing and placed me in it with my hands tied to it . She put the blind fold on my face and there i was just spread out naked . She walked away again for sometime and i didn't know what she was doing cause i couldn't see until something touch my lips , realizing it was her strap on i opened my mouth as she grabbed a handful of my hair and pushed it deeper in my throat

"Suck it baby" she said pushing it in and out of my mouth

I opened my throat wider and sucked it until i started gagging and she took it out and then i felt her finger tease the entrance of my center making me moan

"Fuck me baby " i said as i felt the whip hit me across the leg

"Patience baby ." she said and then i felt it , i felt the strap starting to enter my body and she pushed it inside of me making me yell .

She fucked me up my legs started to shake and she took it out and took the blind fold off and whipped me

"Did i say cum baby , go to the bed now ." she said unchaining me

I went to the bed and laid there until she came over and followed me over on my stomach and grabbed both sides of my hips, she hurried and put the strap back in me and this time deeper , i felt myself shaking again and she took it out again and flipped my over to my back . i was frustrated so i licked my fingers and started to playing with myself , she smacked me away and grabbed a paddled and spanked my ass

"I didn't say cum nor did i say play with yourself ."she said grabbing my neck very tight

She got tighter around my neck and went to my clit and started to eat me out

"Fuck . baby please i need to come i'm so fucking horny." i said moaning

she went faster with her tongue and then i steered her fingers inside of me going in and out deeper and her hand around my throat went tighter i started to shake

and she stopped , she untied me and flipped me to sit on her face

"cum on my face baby" she said going back to eating me out . I was so horny so my hips started bringing on her face and my head went back and she picked up the pace then i felt her tongue went inside my opening . I started to shake and scream so loud , i felt my walls start to tighten and all my juices went all on her face but she didn't stop . She flipped me over put my legs over her shoulder and put her fingers inside of me going fast , and i just felt like i was about to squirt.

"Baby AHH BABY IM BOUT TO SQUIRT!" i screamed

and she went faster and deeper until i squirted all over her fingers and she took her fingers out and put them in her mouth , she went down to my core and licked up all my juices and came up to me and kissed me.

She walked over to the bath and ran the water putting bubble in it . She grabbed 2 champagne glasses and poured us both drinks and then came and carried me to the bath .

"I fucking love you ." i said

"I love you more baby . i fucking love this room" she said giving me a kiss

"Me too . good way to let out your anger " i said winking

"Oh god don't bring that up haha but did i hurt you or anything." i said

"No baby , you just made me very sexually frustrated . and that was the first time i ever squirted" i said looking down

"Don't be shy baby , i loved every bit of it ." she said grabbing me and pulling me into her chest .

We sat in the bath for about another hours before we both got tired and went back into our bedroom and fell asleep