
Lover of the Demon Lord

Nia has no magical talent. Although she is of high birth, she isn’t very important. Pushing herself to get into New Havens Academy. Although her time gets cut short after the introduction of a new threat. Although she can’t do much, she has a plan to help. (4 Chapter short story)

Stick_Figure · Fantasi
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4 Chs

Demon Lord

As Nia looked through the ranks of students, from talented commoners and prideful nobles, she noticed an almost tangible sense of tension. She wanted to ask her fellow classmates next to her about the situation. No matter how hard she tried to speak no sound would come out. The beings in front of them drowned the entire hall.

A gathering of this proportion has not been issued for a century. If not for the circumstances Nia might've been in awe of the scene in front of her. She has never been in the main hall, unlike some of the students close to her. They had brighter and better designed clothes than her. Clearly showing someone beyond her caliber.

Through hours of talking between the inner circle and the directors of the academy only one thing became clear. The Demon Lord has appeared and only one person is capable of slaying the demonic powerhouse.

She instinctively rolled her eyes. "Such an overused story," she thought. Only a world as unfair as this one could create such a bland adventure. Almost copy and pasted from the fantasy stories she would avidly read whilst being young. "Blah blah blah Chosen One Blah Blah Blah," said the Directors from Nia's perspective. She almost laughed.

Nia had not come of age yet and had one of the lowest affinities towards mana in her class. Understanding this she felt absolutely terrible. Beyond any feeling of loss she had experienced before. The fact she wasn't chosen didn't make her sad, that role would be anxiety ridden and full of disappointment. It was in that moment that she realized she was one of the most pitiful students in the entire academy. She would only live to watch others succeed. Stuck walking behind the geniuses ahead of her with a seemingly infinite gap between them.

Through her self pity she heard a Director say, "Dismissed!"